Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 998

Chapter 998

"Dear husband, there are matters I still need to attend to at the sect. Once I've finished dealing with everything, I'll proceed to the Myriad Extinction Peak for the formalities, and then we'll choose a date for our grand wedding. Of course, we also need to arrange something at Absolute Sword Sect to let our senior sisters, senior brothers, and master bless us." Su Yanxing began planning the itinerary. Old Li observed her determined expression as she spoke and realized he didn't have much room to argue. He could only nod. On the other side, Lin Liang thought to himself, Su Yanxing seems to be provoking her senior sisters intentionally. As far as I know, among her batch of Absolute Sword disciples, aside from her, only two others have found partners. Her senior sister Su Tianxing had a past with Lan'er, but Lan'er isn't someone who accepts people just because they're pleasing to his eyes, like his father. He doesn't keep people as bodyguards and warm beds. Most of his employees become his harem... Lan'er's nature is completely different from his father's. He's calm, resolute, diligent, and studious. He's cold on the outside but warm on the inside. However, there are still many similarities. He enjoys tormenting people and helping others, so he has accrued quite a few romantic debts... The sorrows of the world, its ups and downs, its loves and hatreds, separations and partings, he has seen through them all. The sword mark of the Six Desires and Seven Emotions Flower on his forehead indicates that he has attained a higher level of enlightenment. He is currently at a bottleneck, trying to undergo rebirth and attain a new level of humanity.

Lin Liang was very proud of Lin Lan. As for Lin Lan's true cultivation level, even he doesn't know how far he has progressed.

At the Heavenly Sword Sect:

Lin Lan yawned and said to Song Yin, "Song Yin, come with me for a moment."

"I understand, Master. What is it this time?"

"I want to visit Uncle. I miss him." Lin Lan said frankly. Song Yin understood the deep affection Lin Lan held for Lin Liang. They were like father and son. If there's one person in Lin Liang's heart whom he truly respects and admires, it's definitely Senior Lin Lan, and he's also his close relative.

At the Youth Martial Arts Tournament:

Old Li and Old Wang began preparing late-night snacks, assisted by Panty Uncle. The fragrance made the disciples of other sects and families itch with jealousy because they couldn't taste it. Lin Liang fanned himself with a feather fan and enjoyed the aroma of the barbecue. True delicacies don't have to be extravagant; simplicity is the essence of barbecue - just roast some mushrooms and sprinkle some salt...

Qin Yunlong advanced into the top 32, and the Flame Emperor's Li family also progressed smoothly. As for Ye Cang, he faced Ye Wushuang in the evening match. Ye Wushuang used the Black Tiger's Heart-Stealing technique against Ye Cang, who used the White Crane's Dazzling Wings technique. The two faced off on the arena.

"..." Qin San covered his head.

"Ora ora ora ora!!!" Ye Cang took the initiative, delivering a barrage of punches.

"Muda muda muda muda!!!" Ye Wushuang countered with both palms.

"Star Platinum! Za Warudo!" Ye Cang roared. Ye Wushuang was embarrassed. How can I act while time is stopped? She whispered, "Let's change it..."

"Plasma Lightning Fist!!" Ye Cang thrust his fist forward, releasing a net-like energy force.

"Plasma Lightning Fist!" Ye Wushuang duplicated Ye Cang's original move seamlessly.

Qin San sensed that something was wrong. This move was imitated from Saint Seiya's techniques. She... Could it be her ability?

"Yes, one of her abilities. It's not just simple imitation; it's true absorption. She can learn opponents' abilities and any techniques they use. If she can achieve it, even techniques not witnessed by her can be deduced and employed." Ren Long appeared at the table with Lin Liang, Liu, Sun, Cao, and the other frequent members of the Dragon Team, who take short but high-risk missions.

"But she's too formidable with that ability." Qin San thought of her Bagua Yin-Yang technique.

"It has limitations. She doesn't use this ability frequently, and she rarely employs it. It's only for special moves." Ren Long shook his head.

"Lushan Rising Dragon Overlord!" Ye Cang summoned fierce dragon-like fist power.

"Kyokugen Athena!" Ye Wushuang mimicked an attacking move while grabbing Ye Cang's fist power.

"You're quite skilled, young lady!" Ye Cang stepped back in admiration.

"Young hero, impressive skills!" Ye Wushuang saluted.

"It seems I have to use my ultimate technique. I hope you can withstand it." Ye Cang looked at the sky and sighed, "Don't blame me."

"Bring it on!" Ye Wushuang assumed a fighting stance.

Ye Cang soared high into the sky like a turn-based game, standing on the pinnacle of the Baihua Tower, his hand raised high, "Gaia Energy Cannon!!!"

A massive energy sphere formed, growing larger and larger, until it reached the size of a basketball court. Ye Wushuang broke into a sweat; this guy is really serious! She mimicked the starting stance of the Xingyiquan technique, gathering her own high-pressure energy, "Xing! Yi! Quan!!!"

"Wow, Captain Frieza fighting against Little Sister Goku... A classic battle." Bingyun's words made Qin San feel awkward. Yet, both of them have taken it up a notch. The amount of internal energy they've unleashed isn't something the young disciples here possess. Other elders should step in; if they don't intervene and a problem arises, Baihua Tower and the arena will be blown away.

"Die!!!" Ye Cang pointed downward, releasing the energy sphere. Ye Wushuang's Xingyiquan countered, a shockwave clashing with the energy sphere, creating a fierce tempest.

Though the shockwave kept pushing back the energy sphere, it was still descending. Ye Wushuang, enduring the oppressive energy sphere, used both hands to halt it. "I won't let you succeed! Fr... I mean, Young Hero Ye!!!"

Seeing the energy sphere, which seemed to be pushed back, Ye Cang dived down from the sky, his feet on the energy sphere, pushing it down.

Finally, the energy sphere exploded, and both of them were thrown back, landing on the edge of the arena. The arena's barriers had long been shattered, and the two of them were a mess as they lay on the ground.

"It's a... draw?" The referee announced, "It's a draw!!"

Su Yanxing looked at the two of them, "They..."

"Don't worry about it. If they truly fought, there's no way this arena would still be standing." Lin Liang smiled.

After coming to, Ye Wushuang declared her withdrawal from the match. She looked contentedly at the crowd and then returned to her seat beside Ye Cang, waiting for the late-night snacks.

Seeing Ren Long, Ye Cang said, "Baldy, did you see that? The Dragon Team's disgrace..."

Ren Long was beyond embarrassed. Ye Wushuang only taunted behind his back; she maintained respect face-to-face. After all, his authority surpasses theirs. Even if he rarely exercises it, Ye Cang isn't afraid. When Old Xie was around, he often teased them both for fun. "Team Leader Ye also has her reasons. Well, let's not talk about it."

Ye Cang didn't say much, watching Ye Wushuang transferring money. "You're giving her money again? You know she won't use it..."

"How do you know she won't use it? What if she needs it urgently? It's better to be prepared." Ye Wushuang was like a mother.

Ye Cang thought to himself, because she's my disciple now. You sent her money, but I told her not to accept money from uncertain sources and to let me handle it for her, so... Thank you. "Ah, Old Xie..."

"This is my debt to Old Xie, and his debt to me. He said he'd wait until I grew up, although I know it was just a joke." Ye Wushuang's words made Ye Cang stop the conversation. He patted her shoulder and went to check on the late-night snacks and lend a hand.


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