Villain's Rising

Chapter 7 7. A Fun Night

(Well that was fun.)

“Indeed! We should do this more often!” Sam spoke in a happy tone, comparable to that of a child who just had a good time after playing with his friends in the park.

“Although I don’t like disposing the bodies I personally took time to torture. It’s like I’m throwing away one of my masterpiece. It’s the only thing I don’t like about fun nights.”

(Yeah lol I dint think a pool of blood and balls of flesh is what you can call a masterpiece.)

“Shut up you. Anyway I think I should resurrect one of them, if both the persons who supervised the assessment test dies on the same day then it would be obvious that someone from the test was involved.”

(Yeah, they suppressed the news about murder of Tanya for some reason too.)

“Not just for some reason, I think they don’t want to jeopardize the reputation of academy city coz they don’t have a clue on who the killer is lol, and she was a SS rank hero too.”

(Yeah lol maybe. So anyway, who will you revive?)

“Well of course the one who hadn’t killed me. It’s a shame I have to let the one with black hair die though.” Sam spoke in a regretful tone.

He then walked towards the dead body of the blue haired woman and dramatically raised his right hand up high.

“I, Samael Gracefell, gives you back your life. Aren’t I generous?” he spoke narcissistically, as a bright violet light enveloped Rose’s dead body.

The bright violet light surrounding her dead body hardened like a cocoon, after a second or two, the cocoon shattered like a glass and dissipated into the thin air, revealing the body it was enveloping earlier.


A loud gasp escaped Rose’s mouth as she tried to breathe in the air to her lungs..

“Wha-What’s happening?!”

Confused, she spoke up while trying to get back up on her feet and looking around the familiar appartment that she’s been living in since the day she came to this city.

Her eyes quickly landed on a black haired guy, who was looking at her like an artist looking at his masterpiece.

“Yo-You! GET AWAY!”

Rose screamed in fear as she remembered his face.

It’s the same face that she saw after falling to the ground and loosing her consciousness into the darkness. It was scary to say the least.

“Calm your titties down love. I know you’re scared, trust me I know the feeling of getting back from the dead more than anyone. Even the people with immortality have never experienced the ‘true’ death.”

Rose however didn’t care what the guy in front him had to say, all she knew was that, she has to protect herself, she doesn’t want to go into that darkness ever again.

Thinking this she activated her ability… or atleast she tried to but couldn’t.

“Wh-What… What is happening… I-I couldn’t feel my ability in me anymore…” spoke Rose with a pale face.

Everyone at some point in their life experiences a phase where they couldn’t use their ability for a short period of time, it was named as [User’s Block]. But what Rose was feeling right now was different. She couldn’t feel her ability at all!

“What did you do to me! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!” Rose yelled in confusion but not daring to take one step towards the black haired boy though.

“I said, Calm. Down.” Sam spoke in a calm yet frustratingly slow tone. His eyes emitted the same violet hue from earlier as he spoke again; “Kneel.”

Surprisingly enough, Rose complied without resistence. Even she didn’t knew why she was listening to her but she did.

Just the mere presence of the boy in front of her gave her warmth, the kind you could only feel from your mother, no, this was even better.

“Good. Now listen Rose, I killed you.” Sam spoke calmly as he took a few steps towards her.

“But then, out of the generosity in my heart, I gave you second chance at life by reviving you.”

Sam stood right in front of Rose, who was kneeling in front of him and stroked her head like a pet before speaking;

“Now I possess the power of biokinesis. Which mean I can control all biology. Actually that was misleading, I can control all the biology that I know of. So of course I can control humans and lesser species like all plant and animals.

“That also means that I can take what they have and make it mine” Sam smirked arrogantly.

Rose’s eyes widened after hearing that statement. ‘It’s impossible! That means he can steal abilities!’ she thought.

“GODS DON’T STEAL! THEY TAKE!” Sam yelled furiously before regaining his composure in a split second. “Thieves steal, do you think of me as a thief?”

“N-No I don’t, I’m sorry!” Rose replied with her head down while desperately trying to not tremble with fear.

“Anyway, no I cannot take abilities per se, I can recreate them and enhance them if needed too, if I’m capable of doing that, which I mostly am. Some abilities however, are best to be left as it is.”

Rose frowned her eyes in confusion.

“You see Rose, according to textbooks, abilities are supernatural powers that have been granted to us by the Gods for whatever reasons. Some believes that the God is dead and left his powers with us, some belives he has deemed us worthy and graced us with the fraction of his powers.

“To be totally honest, I don’t think any of that is true, but then again it’s not the point. The point is, abilities are codes. Codes hidden somewhere inside one’s DNA, and only I, who has the ability to tamper, alter or manipulate biology can see or read them.

“That also means only I can recreate them. But the thing is, those codes disappear as soon as you die, so not only I have to be quick to find that code whenever I kill someone, I also have to memorize the whole thing to recreate it later.

“Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, because you’ve died once and come back, your code is gone; your ability is gone.”

“Wha-What?! Bu-But I’m nothing without my powers! I’m noth-“

“Calm. Down.” Sam spoke, again in the same deadly cold tone. “I said I can recreate them, what I meant by that is, not only I can take that ability and have it to myself but also-“

“You can also give it to others.” Rose completed Sam’s sentence. Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief. It’s as if she was looking at a God.

Starsuper is the strongest, fastest and the most durable man alive. However what gives him the God rank is two of his many abilities; Power Bestowal and Power Generation.

This boy right here claims to have a version of both of them! Weaker version albeit but still!

“Please, I beg you, return me my ability.”

Rose bowed down, her head touching the ground, she was submitting to the boy who had possibly- no, to the boy who had definitely killed her.

But for some reason she wasn’t feeling embarrassed or ashamed, it was as if she was made to be submitting to this guy. It was as if all her existence has become something trivial just by his presence.

“Raise your head Rose. You don’t have to be so dramatic about it, I’ll return you your powers, besides it’s not as if you can turn against me now anyway.”

Rose raised her head up, however what she saw was not something she was expecting.

“Yo-You are-“

“This is my real form. Nice to formally meet you, Rose Bluespring. I am Samael Gracefell.” said Sam as he reverted back to his original form.

“I- You-” Rose didn’t even know what to speak!

She wanted to tell her bestfriend Jannah, that she was right about Sam being someone dangerous, but right now and forever, all she wanted to do was to admire the face she was looking at right now.

That chiseled face with sharp manly features, those deep black eyes and wavey black hair. It’s as if he was a holy existence far out of her reach.

‘What is happening to me!’ she screamed in her mind as her face turned blushing red.

“What is happening to you is, I tampered a little with your brain and now you can’t ever think of harming me, for obvious reasons. Hell you’ll only be able to think about me.” said Sam with a narcissist smirk before gently holding Rose’s face by her chin.

“Time to give you your powers back.” he said while gently touching her forehead with his other hand as it emitted a familiar violet hue. “Good luck living out the rest of your life as my slave, I expect you to work hard.”





(Ohhkayyy… there was definitely some sexual tension between you two.)

“You know the best way to control a human?”

(Ughh fear?)

“No dummy, love.” Sam rolled his eyes. “You can’t win against love no matter how hard you try. Many have tried and they all failed.”

Right now Sam was walking towards his hotel with his concealment ability activated, the same one he stole- the same one he ‘took’ from Tanya.

The academy has yet to announce the result for assessment test and there will be counciling too, so all the examinees were staying at hotels or at relatives’.

Sam was using concealment because of two two reasons.

First, he doesn’t want anyone to associate him with the ‘disappearance’ of Jannah. Although he has already disposed her body and asked Rose to inform about her disappearing out of the blue after leaving some note, but a boy gotta be careful.

Secondly, he didn’t want anyone to see him with a hole in his tee-shirt. Not to mention his clothes were stained in red of his own blood, which is a clear giveaway of ‘something bad’.

“I should really pick up something like a spatial storage ability one of these days!” Sam mentally took a note while sighing.

(So if that’s that true, then you mean even you can not win against love?)

Sam inhaled a deep breath before speaking earnestly;

“You know I was born with a messed up brain right? I don’t see things the way most do. I can’t feel a lot of emotions, or maybe I just chose to turn most of them off because I’m capable of doing that. However the only thing I can feel clearly, or decided on to feel clearly was love… Afterall even the heart of the demon knows how to love.”

His eyes displayed something very similar to pain as he reminisced over his life up until at this point, that pain however was quickly disappeared and all that was left after were a pair of deep yet sharp cold eyes. He scoffed as he spoke again;

“But to answer your question, of course I can beat love whenever I want. Afterall I am a God aren’t I and Gods don’t loose.”


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