Villain's Rising

Chapter 53 53. Test Subject

“Now hold on just a minute! You mean I’m your test subject?” Worried, Lucas took a few steps back.

“No, haha! You are too valuable to lose.”

At that assuring reply, Lucas breathed a sigh of relief. But just to confirm, he asked again. “Really? So I won’t be your human trial?”

“As I said, you are too valuable to loose Lucas. What if mixing your DNA with Willburn family’s alter your biology to such extent that it would create something new? In that case, I won’t be able to revive your or retrieve your ability.”

That answer made sense. However, Lucas couldn’t understand one thing, so he decided to voice his confusion.

“Wait, you said you completed all the necessary theory part right? So if you’ve already studied their biology, why not just kill them?”

At that question, Sam couldn’t help raise an eyebrow in astonishment. He was genuinely impressed by Lucas insight.

The only reason Sam was unable to kill any of the Willburns till now was because their biology was too different from that of a normal human or any other creature that Sam knew for that matter.

And it’s a known fact that Sam, being the Progenitor, can only manipulate the beings who he knows down to the cellular level.

For Lucas to put it all together so fast was a prove that he was at least not stupid.

“Yes, you are correct. I was unable to kill those pests until now because I didn’t know what they were. And the reason I can’t kill them, even now when I’ve studied their DNA, is because I just can’t.”.

“What? How does that make sense? I know for a fact that the Progenitor was able to manipulate people whose biology he knew! Are you saying you don’t have that ability?”

“I do have that ability you dum dum, it’s just that… even if I try to manipulate the DNA strand contained in that blood, the DNA just restores itself… It’s like it knew just what to do if I try my ability on it!”

Sam was beyond frustrated when he said that. Recently he had just been facing disappointments and nothing else.

First he was revealed the truth about Kiara, then he tried to kill her but failed, then he was forced to work under Rebekah, and now this!

Even when he tried to manipulate the blood ge acquired from Rebekah, his ability just wouldn’t work!

This had never happened before! Manipulating someone’s biology is like inserting a key into a keyhole to open a lock.

Everytime he wanted to manipulate a creature, he would just put a key into the hole.

However, when for the first time he tried to manipulate Starboy, he felt like he was inserting the wrong key into the wrong lock. So he tried so hard to search for the right one! But in the end, his efforts were all for naught.

He knew it was the right key he was trying to insert this time. But for some reason, the lock just won’t open! It was the right lock and the right key! Then what the fuck was wrong?!

However, when Sam was just about to break down in frustration, he suddenly had an idea.

If he can’t open the lock with a key, then he would just break the lock!

After all, it’s as the saying goes, if brute force doesn’t work then you just aren’t using enough brute force!

Thus, he had an idea. And idea that was so brilliant that Sam had to give himself a pat in the back. No, he really did that. He created a clone and made him pat his back.

“S-So what’s your plan? You can’t win against Starsuper…” Lucas stated. He was anxious to say it but he still said that.

His anxiety amused Sam. It had just been few hours since Sam forcefully recruited him, but the guy was just asking the right questions giving Sam the chance to use his monologues that he worked so hard to prepare for.

Yes, just like every villain Sam had this habit of throwing monologues right and left. Although this situation had improved a little bit in the past few years, he still do that from time to time.

“My plan to kill those pests? I don’t have a plan for that, Lucas. What I do have is a vision of the perfect future. A future that I’ll make happen at any cost!” dramatically raising his hands in the air, Sam announced.

“And to make that vision come true I have plan. A plan that’ll hit those pests so hard, that they won’t even know what hit them!”

Sam’s monologue kept on going for the next few minutes as Lucas stood there listening to it all with a blank face.

He wanted to say “I didn’t ask for any of that bullshit I just asked for your plan” but he forcefully stopped himself from muttering those words.

After a few more minutes into his monologue, Sam finally stopped, causing Lucas to breathe a sigh of relief.

After a short pause, Sam finally got back to answering Lucas’ question.

“My plan for that is to create a Demon Army. Yes, just like my ancestor, who you call the Progenitor, did. But unlike his army, mine will be enforced with a Willburn’s DNA!”

At that, Lucas finally understood why Sam needed test subjects. What is an army if there’s a risk for it to retaliate against its own order giver? The answer is a bunch of brutes.

Sam didn’t need a bunch of brutes for his world conquering Demon Army! No, he wanted soldiers that would actually listen to him!

That’s why he will first be needing human test subjects.

Although Sam was previously against the idea of doing such things or create a Demon Army in fact, he was ready now because he actually knew who he was up against this time.

He was not up against a God, no, he was up against some extraterrestrial life forms. He was certain that Willburns weren’t humans, they were aliens.

At this moment in time he couldn’t help but remember Kiara’s words, “If an enemy has a beating heart then it can be killed.”

Although Sam didn’t know how to actually kill a Willburn, he knew his enemies bleed. And anything that bleeds can also be killed.

Understanding what Sam had meant earlier, Lucas nodded.

“Anyway, let’s continue with your transformation into my Demon General, yeah?”

“Y-Yes sure.” Lucas replied with a bit of uncertainty faintly hidden in his voice.

Grinning from ear to ear, Sam took slow yet sharp steps toward Lucas. Reaching up to him, he placed his hand on Lucas’ head and mumbled something incoherently.

Trying to listen to what the black-haired boy was muttering, Lucas perked his ear up but before he could even make out what he was mumbling, a sharp organ rendering pain invaded his forehead.


The pain was so sharp that Lucas couldn’t hold back himself from screaming on top of his lungs. His eyes rolled back and his throat dried up.

He wanted to retort! He wanted to run away! The need he was feeling to protect his little sister was slowly crumbling too.

However, before he could entertain the thought of running away anymore, the pain in his head suddenly multiplied by threefold.

Unable to withstand such torture, Lucas’ knees gave up and he fell to the ground. Tears started to course down his cheeks as the light red-haired boy began coughing violently.

He wanted to beg, he wanted to plead but no matter how much he tried not even a squeal escaped his trembling lips.

All he could see in front of him was a black-haired boy standing there smiling like he was having the time of his life.

“There’s still time, your sister can trade in for you~” amused beyond comparison, Sam teased the boy kneeling in front of him.

Although he couldn’t hear most of the things Sam said, the part about his little sister did manage to fall in his ears. Clenching his fists and gnashing his teeth, Lucas ironed his resolve.

He had to make it through. Not only for himself but also for his little sister. He can’t let anyone harm them anymore. He has to become strong… he has to become stronger.

“Very good.” seeing Lucas strengthening his resolve, Sam praised. “Good luck now. You’ll be needing it.”

As soon as Sam said that, he took his hand off from Lucas’ head and walked a few steps back.

Lucas, who expected the pain to end now, was left in his agony as his skin started burning.

-Crack -Crack -Crack

Cracking sounds resounded throughout the basement– it wouldn’t take a doctor to realise that the sounds were bones being cracked.

“Argghhhhhhhaaaa!” In more pain than ever before, Lucas screamed in a hoarse voice.

His skin was melting, his bones were cracking, and the pain in his head was killing him.

Sam, who knew this was just the beginning for his torture, heaved a sigh before leaving the basement. On his way he just instructed one of his clones.

“Keep an eye on him. If he dies, just revive him and repeat the process. If he breaks then kill him and take his ability.”


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