Villain's Rising

Chapter 50 50. I Accept

It’s already 11:36 PM. Midnight was about to arrive and Lucas was anything but calm.

He had eaten dinner and was now walking around in circles inside his dorm bedroom while chewing on the strings on his hoodie tee shirt.

In all honesty, he wanted to refuse the boy’s offer. He thought about it hard and long.

However, no matter how much he thought about it, if he were to accept the boy’s offer, he couldn’t see himself surviving.

Why? Because if the boy really was the kin of Progenitor as he claims himself to be and he’s really going to make him one of the 7 Generals then it’s a no-brainer that he’s raising an army.

An army much likes how the Progenitor himself raised to conquer the world.

However, Progenitor was killed along with his 7 Generals by Starsuper.

He was sure that if this boy were to raise an army then he’ll have to fight Starsuper and there’s no chance for him to be able to defeat Starsuper.

Lucas knew that if the boy really was the Progenitor then he would be killed and as his General, Lucas would be executed along with him!

Lucas didn’t want to die such a pathetic death.

No, such fate is what Lucas will never accept! But what choice does he have? If he refuses, the boy will kill him! If he accepts, then Starsuper will kill him!

In stress, Lucas sat at his desk and opened his laptop. He quickly unlocked it and clicked on the browser.

-Click -Click -Click -Click.

The sound of fingers tapping on the laptop’s keyboard rang out in the atmosphere as he typed in his question.

He was researching the Progenitor and his army.

He found many articles and web pages and slowly scrolling through he decided to check them all thoroughly.

After 10 minutes or so of continuous scrolling, the only real information he found about this topic was the information on Demons.

There was much research done on Demons made by the Progenitor. Although the procedure was different the end result was the same in all of them.

The end result was that the Demons were completely loyal to the Progenitor. They could kill themselves without the slightest bit of hesitation if it means contributing to the will of their master.

They couldn’t think for themselves. Although the Demon Generals were recorded to be smarter than normal Demons, at the core they were the same.

Leaning back on his char, Lucas took a deep gulp. “Will I become like them? Thoughtlessly pursuing a goal that isn’t mine? Unable to think for myself?”

Lucas was finally grasping what the boy meant by “Giving up humanity”. If he were to accept Sam’s offer then he will have no free will.

He didn’t want to give up his freedom but he also didn’t want to die. After all, a slave is far better than a deadman is it not?

Biting his lips as the feeling of helplessness sunk in, Lucas leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes.

According to what he had read on the internet and what he had studied in the history classes, Starsuper killed the Progenitor and all of his bloodline.

How… Then how on earth is one of his kin still alive?! Did Starsuper make a mistake? The greatest hero in the history of mankind made a mistake?! A mistake this big no less?!

However, no matter how much Lucas may curse Starsuper or the Heroes of that era, the fact of the matter is that there is a new Progenitor walking on the face of this planet.

And that new Progenitor is about to raise an army of Demons. And he wanted Lucas to be the first Demon General…

‘Wait… After thinking about it a little bit, the deal doesn’t sound that bad…’ chewing on his fingernail, the light red-haired boy thought in his mind.

“I mean sure, I wouldn’t have much of a free will but I will be strong… strong enough to defeat Anthony Willburn maybe…” scratching his chin, Lucas thought out loud.

“Maybe I could kill him if I accept this deal!” As he said that, a smile crept up on Lucas’ face.

Now from a third-person perspective, his hate about Anthony may seem a little unjustified but Lucas had a valid reason for his grudge.

However, in the next moment, he quickly came back to his senses.

“What am I even thinking?! It’s absurd!” He slammed his hands on the desk. “I’m not a killer! And I can’t ally with the kin of the most sinful Villian in all history!” He voiced his determination out loud.

“Is that your answer then?”

However, at that moment a voice resounded in his ears from the back. There was someone behind him. Standing there, watching him.

Slowly with shaky movements, Lucas turned his neck around only to find a black-headed boy standing there with an amused smile.

The boy was dressed in a casual dark blue open shirt over a white tee and black jeans. He had a handsome face but not dead drop gorgeous. He had a lean build, not too muscular, not too skinny.

Yes, no matter how one may look at him, the black-headed boy was just your normal good-looking teenager. That’s it.

But Lucas knew him for who he really was. Drops of sweat formed on Lucas’ forehead and his eyes widened in alertness.

His mind was ready to use his ability but his instincts were telling him to not make any sudden moves.

It’s as if he knew in his gut that if he disobeys the black-haired boy in any way, he would die. He would die like all the other people who have been dying in Academy City.

People will talk about him for a few days and Heroes will use his death as an agenda to hype up the crowd and strengthen their beliefs in them.

He knew that his existence would be rendered to the morning news the next day if he were to do anything reckless now.

So he did what his instincts told him to. He submitted. He raised his hands and mustered up the calmest tone possible to speak in.

“How did you come inside?”

Hearing him asking a question, Sam’s lips curled up into a smirk.

“Quite the brave one aren’t you?” Sam said before answering the boy’s question. “I’ve got a phasing ability and a stealth ability.”

After that reply, there was no doubt in Lucas’ mind. If anyone could be the Progenitor then it’s him!

One of the many abilities of the Progenitor that he read about on the internet was the power to let him steal others’ abilities.

Seeing him fall into silence, Sam asked with a smirk plastered on his face.

“So? What have you decided?” He asked. “Will you accept my offer and become powerful or deny it and… die?”

Sam wasn’t hiding anything, he was quite blunt from the start but this last sentence from him was not only a question but a threat. Not a warning, but a threat!

Sam wasn’t forcing him. He was giving Lucas a free choice. But even if one choice is to become a slave and the other is to die, then it couldn’t be called a choice.

It is as Lucas stated, it’s far better to be a slave than to become a deadman.

However, Lucas was still hesitating. The prize of free will in return for power was too much. And what’s use is power when he couldn’t use it for himself?!

As if reading his mind, Sam spoke up.

“I won’t completely take away your free will. You can still act for yourself but be ready to sacrifice yourself for me and my goal. And of course, you wouldn’t be able to harm me in any way.”

A nerve twitched on Lucas’ forehead. ‘If that isn’t taking away freedom then what is?’ he wanted to ask but he kept quiet.

“Also, if you refuse my offer, I would find another candidate,” said Sam, his smirk slowly turning into a grin. “Your sister would be a nice choice.”

At the mention of his sister, Lucas immediately looked up. Sam was wearing a wide grin from his ear to ear. As if… he was enjoying it.

If it was anyone else, he would’ve already killed the person mentioning his sister with such a cruel grin. But against Sam, his whole body felt weak.

Clenching his fists and gritting his teeth, Lucas looked back down.

Seeing his obedient demeanor, Sam’s grin only grew wider.

“Good boy,” he uttered. “I was just kidding. I wouldn’t hurt a child… unless you give me a reason to.”

Lucas’ hands were trembling– No, his whole body was trembling. He wasn’t angry. He was frustrated.

He thought he had grown strong. He thought no one could hurt him now. He thought even though he couldn’t overcome Starboy, he was still strong enough to defend himself and his little sister now.

But… nothing has changed. He was still a child. He couldn’t protect himself let alone his sick sister.

“Besides, don’t you want to take revenge on the one who rendered your precious little sister in that state?” Sam narrowed his eyes and looked at the trembling boy sitting on his chair in front of him.

-Tak -Tak -Tak

He took slow steps and circled behind him. He lowered his body and whispered into his ears.

“To answer your question, yes. I can give you the power to kill Anthony Willburn. Not now, not today, but if you accept my offer, I give you my word that you will get your revenge.”

Those words were the last thing that Lucas needed to concrete his decision. He was ready. Even though he won’t have his freedom, he will at least be strong enough to protect his sister.

“One condition,” Lucas said, his head still down. “No harm will fall on my sister.”

“I promise,” straightening his back, Sam promised. “Your sister will be safe even if the moon falls.”

After a short pause, Lucas finally gave his answer.

“I accept.”


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