Villain's Rising

Chapter 32 32. Unraveling Secrets

“What if I tell you, his dead body is here?” With a calm smile plastered on her face, Rebekah stated.

She snapped and a sound barrier appeared around them, preventing the sound inside to escape.

(Neat trick, reminds me of Kiara) The voice in Sam’s mind commented.

“I’m sorry, what?” Sam frowned in half ridicule and half disbelief.

How can the body of the legendary Dragon Tamer be in a place like this? This is just a museum! Is this girl crazy?

Thoughts like that flooded Sam’s mind.

He was right in his assessment too. Why would the dead body of such a legendary figure be here?

And even if it is here, why tell him about it? What’s the point? The body would already have been decayed by now.

However, before Sam could even voice his confusion, Rebekah Spoke up

“I know what you’re thinking.” She slightly raised her hand and gestured to him to listen. “There is a reason why we are here.”

“Oh really? There is a reason for his body to be in a museum, eh?” Sam questioned mockingly. “Please then, do tell.”

Heaving a soft sigh and rolling her eyes at the obvious mockery, Rebekah continued.

“You see when Dracul died, he wished for his body to be here. Because this was the place he met his first dragon.” Rebekah said and took an intentional break to let that all set in.

After a second of silence, she spoke again.

“His body is buried here along with his first dragon.

Sam… was baffled at this point. After a few seconds of standing there in the middle of the museum, like a statue, he finally opened his mouth..

“Okay, let’s just say what you’re telling me is true, what does it matter anyway?” questioned Sam.

“I’ve seen you stealing abilities and reviving the dead,” Rebekah replied. “One of those things is something that even my father can’t do. So can’t you revive the dragon and take Dracul’s ability?”

“Sigh…” Sam knew she would say something like this.

“It’s true, I can do that. I can take abilities and revive the dead. But just like every other ability there’s a limit to it.” Sam explained.

“I can only revive the dead if it’s been dead for under an hour. The same goes with taking the ability, I can’t do that if the target has been dead for too long.” He shrugged.

“So, today’s day has been a waste of time huh? Well, nice meeting you love, let’s never meet again.” Sam said and turned around to leave.

Before he could make his dramatic exit, however, Rebekah said something that made Sam halt.

“How do you think Dragonhearts are the exception to the rule?”

As soon as he heard that, Sam stopped and turned around.

“What do you mean?” He asked with his brows knit together in confusion.

“You see Sam, abilities in this world can’t be passed down. There could be no exception.

Yet there are some families that have bloodline abilities. How?”

“Don’t riddle me, Rebekah! Tell me?” Sam asked, losing his calm.

He was certain he knew everything there is to know about abilities. He regarded the fact that some families possess bloodline abilities as an exception and nothing more.

Yet, there she was. A girl standing in front of him, hinting something about abilities that he doesn’t know?! How?!

“See, this is what I meant by you being impatient,” said Rebekah teasingly as she casually walked away to take a look at another artifact being displayed.

Sam clenched his fists to calm himself down and followed.

“Okay, tell me, what do you mean?” said Sam in the calmest possible tone he could muster.

“Ha! Never thought you would come out to be so obedient.” Rebekah said with a smirk visible on her face. “Well, I can’t tell you how, but there is a way for anyone to pass their ability.”

Those words fell like a bomb on Sam. His mind instantly went into denial.

‘It can’t be. It can’t be right?!’ He questioned in his mind.

‘There can’t be a way, there’s no way! Right? Am I right? She’s lying! If there’s a way I must be known about it!’

(Sam calm down, let’s listen to her first)

“…How?” After taking a deep breath to calm down, Sam inquired.

“As I said, I can’t tell that.”

That reply did nothing but infuriate Sam further. He was already on the end of his rope. His patience was running thin.

(Sam calm the fuck down) The voice in his mind reminded Sam to keep his cool.

He had to keep his cool. There is no other choice.

If it were someone who had said that, he would’ve squeezed the answer out of them.

But it was Rebekah. So he held that thought and did what he could, he waited for her to speak further.

“I can’t tell you that but I can tell you this, whatever that method is, Dragonhearts are using it to preserve their family’s ability.”

“…I see,” said Sam with his mind clouded in thoughts. After a moment he spoke again.

“Okay but, even if there’s a method or some shit, what do you expect me to do?” He asked with questioning eyes. “It’s not like knowing all that would change a thing.”

“Oh but it would,” said Rebekah countering Sam’s statement.

“You see, if the ability Deagonhearts possess now is the same as Dracul’s, that means they can control Dragons too just like him.”

“But then again, even if I kill a Dragonheart and take his ability to tame dragons, there are no dragons left in today’s world!” Sam replied. But soon the realization hit him.

“Unless…” Sam widened his eyes as if he understood something.

“Unless you make a dragon of your own.” Rebekah was the one who finished Sam’s sentence for him.

It is very well possible.

Samael Gracefell. The possessor of the Progenitor’s powers can manipulate the physical form of life, biology.

All he needs is to know the creature down to the cellular level and he can manipulate his biology to his heart’s content.

Not only that but he can transmute living beings too.

That means he can change their biological makeup down to the genetic level.

He can transform a man into a bird. A bird into a chicken and a chicken into a long-lost species of dinosaurs.

Although transmutation takes up quite a lot of his energy, it is still within the realm of possibilities for him to revive an extinct species.

All he needs is the knowledge of the creature he’s changing his target into and a compatible target and voila.

‘Why didn’t I think of it?!’ Placing a hand on his chin Sam fell into a deep well of thoughts.

A dragon at his disposal. Just the thought of that was exciting Sam.

Not just one dragon either, he can create a legion of dragons. He can do what his ancestor wasn’t able to accomplish.

He can defeat Starsuper!

All he needs to do is…

(Dissect the dragon’s dead body buried here, under this museum, and study it)

A grin crept up on Sam’s face as he thought that.

“Of course, a single dragon won’t be enough for you to kill my father but yeah, that’s the best chance you will have,” shaking Sam out of his thoughts was the voice of Rebekah.

“So, do you think you can do it? Create a dragon of your own?”

Sam just nodded in reply.

She doesn’t know about the secret weapon Sam has in mind to not only defeat her father but achieve his goal, and she doesn’t need to know about it either.

“Needless to say we can’t do it now,” Sam said looking around the museum hall.

The hall was devoid of any tourists or visitors but the security was still tight. Guards were situated throughout the entirety of the hall.

Even though Sam can take them all down with just a snap, it’ll alert the authorities. And that means ‘he’ would be alerted too.

“Yes, doing something right now, on a day off at that, would be stupid,” Rebekah commented.

“Mhmm, I have a plan-“

Before Sam could complete his sentence, Rebekah stopped him.

“No, you will stay low.” She said.

“You’ve gained enough attention these past few days. It’s honestly a miracle that you aren’t caught right now. I can’t risk it. If you get caught, my dream of living an ideal life with my brother will be shattered.”

(She is right you know, that’s what I’ve always been telling you)

“Mmm…” Sam wanted to retort but he knew what he was being told right.

He shouldn’t risk it. He should be more patient.

Facepalming, he took a deep breath.

“How about this,” instantly an idea came to him. “I strike during the bi-annual celebration?”

“Hmmm,” holding her chin, Rebekah pondered over his suggestion for a while. “True, it will indeed be a good time.”

As soon as he heard the reply, a wide grin crept up on Sam’s face for a moment before he went back to normal.

For only he knew what he was truly planning in his mind. But he had to hold his victory laugh for now. He can’t laugh just yet.



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