Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 93: Heavenly Bridge.

Chapter 93: Heavenly Bridge.

''This is it?'' Hades said while looking at the black-colored portal not far from him.

Jack nodded simply.

They were currently standing in front of the portal.

Millions of soldiers were standing behind them, while Lust, Lilith, and Black Death stood behind Jack.

Jack turned his head towards Black Death and said, ''Do it.''

Black Death nodded and went towards the portal.

Everyone's gazes were locked at him.

He went pale and prayed that it would work.

The war would end before it even started if he can't open this portal!

His death energy covered the portal, and they waited for another 10 seconds.

Hades was becoming restless, but then he saw Jack's relaxed expression.

His muscles loosened seeing Jack so relaxed, and soon the portal started.

Black Death smiled and took a breath of relief.

He stepped aside and bowed.

Jack patted his shoulder and looked at Hades, ''It's time.''

Hades grinned and nodded.

He and Jack entered the portal at the same time.

Lilith, Lust, and Black Death followed behind.

Then the millions of soldiers did a line and started entering the portal.

The giants had difficulties, but even one part of their body touches the portal, they will be sucked in.

Everyone in Elysium and Asphodel Fields watched as a long line of soldiers was walking towards the portal.

People from Elysium bowed and hoped that Hades would be victorious.


Jack and Hades exited the portal, and a familiar crimson force field appeared in front of him and destroyed the door.

He could also see the long corridor.

Soon more and more started leaving the portal and the room became quickly crowded.

Jack and Hades started walking down the long corridor.

Jack took a glance at the broken wall and saw that a tired-looking man was still sleeping there!

His eyebrow twitched he turned his head and started walking away.

Hades took a deep breath of the air of Paradise.

It wasn't as good as he expected it was very filthy.


He coughed and grimaced.

He was amazed that the air in Paradise was even worse than in Underworld!

Jack shrugged and started ascending the stairs all the way to the first floor.

People kept popping out of the portal, and they all kept walking behind others.

It looked mesmerizing.

But once the giants came, it became very crowded they could barely walk in the corridors.

Jack and Hades soon entered the lounge of the black castle, and one man was waiting for them.

It was a beautiful red-haired figure with a pale complexion, and he was sitting in a wheelchair.

It was Lucifer.

''I see... You succeeded.'' Lucifer said with a hoarse tone. He looked towards Hades and did a small bow.

But that alone made his back ache in pain.

He grimaced and stopped bowing.

Even though he is a Demon-Moon-level individual, Jack used his crimson energy when he broke his back.

That alone will take years to be healed.

Lust was quite surprised to see Lucifer's condition.

Lucifer has always been a majestic king, but now he looks very frail.

Lucifer watched as creatures he had never seen before exited the basement area.

Jack didn't look at Lucifer any longer he exited the castle with Hades.

Lucifer used his wheelchair and started rolling away.

He could feel that even one of those giants could stomp him like he was an ant.

'Humans are so weak... I guess Jack is the only one who can stand next to them.' Lucifer thought with sadness.

His proud demeanor crumbled apart.

He thought that he could lead humans to a new era. An era where they didn't need someone to look after them like they were helpless children.

An era without Gods.

But he now knew why the bridge was important.

Even one of those Giants could conquer Paradise with ease, and no one could do anything to stop it.

Jack, Hades, and their army started marching through the busy streets.

Their army instantly caused panic.

Everyone hid inside their houses, while curious individuals were fascinated by the races they had never seen before.

''Woof.'' A three-headed dog appeared next to Lust and did a simple woof.

''Cer!'' Lust exclaimed, a sweet smile appeared on her beautiful face.

Cerberus lowered his head, signaling for Lust to sit on his back.

Lust sat down on his massive back and was carried by Cerebus like she was a Queen.

Lilith smiled while looking at the scene.

It was like worlds apart how Lust was treated by Sins.

Thanatos led the army in an ordinary fashion. None of the soldiers of the army caused havoc instead, they followed behind them like they were supposed to.

After the hundred million soldiers left the portal, it was time for 9 large individuals...

After they entered the black castle, their large bodies destroyed the ceiling and half of the castle with ease.

With annoyance, they climbed out of the debris and started walking in the streets.

Their steps caused the earth to shake, and their breathing caused massive wind pressures to appear, which almost destroyed the buildings around them.

The first titan was around 50 meters in height. He had long aqua-colored hair, sharp facial features, and a muscular body. His name is Oceanus, The Titan God of Ocean-Streams.

The second titan was a man with curly hair and wise facial features. He had a small messy beard and black eyes which almost shone. His name is Coeus, The Titan God of the North.

The third titan was a man with long grey hair and well-defined facial features. He looked battle-hardened warrior, and he was the most excited about this war! His name is Krios, God of Constellations!

The fourth titan was a man with long blond hair and a long blond beard. He had a stoic-looking face with bright golden eyes. His name is Hyperion, The Titan God of Heavenly Light!

The fifth titan was an old-looking man with long black hair and a face filled with wrinkles. His face was solemn, and he had a very tired look in his eyes. His name is Iapetus, The Titan God of Mortality!

The sixth titan was a very beautiful woman with ample breasts, robes that barely covered her private places, and beautiful chestnut hair. Her name is Theia, The Titan Goddess of Sight!

The seventh titan was another beautiful woman. She was also around 50 meters in height like other Titans, but she still looked quite innocent with her gentle smile. She had short black pixie hair with delicate eyebrows. Her name is Mnemosyne, The Titan Goddess of Memory and remembrance.

Mnemosyne also invented the languages and words the humans and Gods are using.

The eighth titan was another beautiful woman with brunette hair and pair of flowers stuck on her hair, giving her a look of youthfulness and beauty. Her name is Phoebe, The Titan Goddess of Bright Intellect! She was around 50 meters, but the attention she got from the mortals didn't lessen.

The ninth titan was another woman she was also quite attractive with long black hair and a slim build. She looked down on the ground and saw pair of babies left alone in the streets she gently smiled and snapped her fingers. Soon the pair of babies appeared in front of their parents, who quickly grabbed them and ran away. Her name is Tethys, The Titan Goddess of Fresh Water and Nursing.

Hades was many kilometers away from the titans, but he could still feel the strength the titans possessed.

He turned his head towards Jack and said, ''We cannot trust them.''

Jack smiled, ''I know.''

They had already exited the Capital City Hope and started marching towards where the bridge to the Heavenly Realm is.

Hades said that it's not far, and they will reach it tomorrow.

Their army's steps caused the earth to shake, which was felt everywhere in Death Continent.

The tremors were also heard in other Continents!

That caused mass panic.

Everyone tried to find out what caused it, but they would need to enter Death Continent to find out that would be suicide.

World of Paradise trembled for another day.

Everyone thought that the world was ending.

But soon... The trembling stopped.

The army reached the Heavenly Bridge!

Jack looked at the scene with dead-looking eyes.

In front of him was an ordinary bridge, and on the other side was an ordinary forest.

The bridge was only 5 meters in length.

''Are you kidding me?'' Jack asked.

Hades mysteriously smiled.

He took his bident and touched a small crack on the bridge with it.

And out of nowhere, the bridge transformed!

The bridge turned golden in color, and the bridge started transforming into stairways!

The stairways went all the way to the sky, and in the sky pair of majestic gates was seen!

The length of the stairways was around 100km! It is a long way up.

Jack smirked and took the first step on the golden stairways.

Hades smiled and followed behind him.

The stairways were around 1km wide.

This means that soldiers can walk side by side, and the Titans can actually walk on the stairs.

Many hours later, Hades and Jack took the final step and reached the top.

A massive 1km long gate not too far from them.

''I have returned...'' Hades growled.

Soon more and more soldiers reached the top.

They started marching towards the Gates.

And now...

The Heavens found out that an army was outside the Gates, and they were completely unprepared!

Zeus was interrupted when he was about to enjoy another round of pleasure of the flesh.

With anger, he left the Heavenly Temple, and the first thing he heard was that Hades was here with an army!

Zeus arrogantly stormed towards the Heavenly Gates.

Hundreds of Gods followed behind him.

Zeus arrogantly thought that Hades won't have the balls to attack once he saw his army.

But soon, he will find out.... That Hades is very serious about this war.


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