Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 88: Tartarus.

Chapter 88: Tartarus.

''GRAHH!'' Apollo crashed on the ground.

Jack's crimson spear was stuck in Apollo's shoulder.

He tried to desperately get rid of the spear, but Jack's physical strength was too much.

''PFFT!'' Apollo spat a mouthful of golden blood.

Never in his existence has he suffered so much pain.

''Not able to die is not so nice anymore, right?'' Jack said with a grinning face and pushed the spear deeper into Apollo's flesh.

''ARGHHH!'' Apollo cried in agony, ''YOU WILL SUFFER PAINFUL DEATH!''

''Perhaps... Perhaps not...'' Jack took his spear from the shoulder and stabbed it in Apollo's throat.

''UGH!'' Apollo spat a mouthful of blood, and he felt clearly how the spear's blade moved around in his throat.

The pain he felt couldn't be described with words.

First time in his long life... He regretted not being able to die.

Jack suddenly turned his head towards the entrance of the mansion and sighed, ''I guess our fun is over.''

He took his spear and put chains over Apollo's body.

From the entrance of the mansion, a black-haired giant walked in.

''Thanatos, I assume,'' Jack said without expression.

Thanatos had a small smile on his face he nodded, ''Correct.''

Apollo's wounds were healed once again he glared at Thanatos and shouted, ''RELEASE ME THIS INSTANT! ZEUS WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!''

''Shut the fuck up,'' Thanatos said with a cold voice.

Cold enough to make Apollo speechless.

''We have a special place for you in Tartarus Hades is known to be a great host for his guests, you will have a great time there,'' Thanatos said with a grinning face.

''N-NO!'' Apollo tried to rip the chains off his body, but he couldn't.

The chains only became tighter, and soon Apollo couldn't even breathe.

The chains appeared around his neck, which crushed Apollo's windpipe.

Apollo started choking on his own blood, but once again, he couldn't die.

Jack started dragging Apollo behind him.

He and Thanatos started descending the hill, and once they reached the streets of Elysium.

They noticed hundreds of thousands of citizens bowing towards them.

''I guess... This place now fits the name Elysium.'' Thanatos said.

Jack shrugged.

Apollo hatefully looked at everyone, but no one flinched they all glared back at him.

His stature as one of the 12 Heavenly Gods is ruined.

They left the City of Elysium, and Jack finally saw the 500,000 chained men.

He looked at Black Death and chuckled.

Black Death bowed, not daring to look into his eyes.

''Hades is waiting for you four,'' Thanatos said.

Jack nodded, ''Then let's go.''


Thanatos snapped his fingers, and the gates of Tartarus opened once again.

Cerberus opened his eyes in slam and stood up with his four limbs.

Hundreds of dark-cloaked figures left Tartarus and flew straight towards the chained figures.

All of them started dragging thousands of the chained men towards the gate.

The chained men cried in fear, but no one cared.

Soon, they entered Tartarus and their torture... Is about to begin.

Jack and others followed behind Thanatos and entered Tartarus.

Instantly hot weather assaulted their bodies.

Lust and Black Death started sweating heavily, but Lilith and Jack did their magic and removed the heat around them.

While they were walking towards the black castle, they noticed hundreds of people bathing in magma.

Not because they wanted to, because that is their punishment.

Their flesh melted away, and once the bones started to turn ash, their bodies were restored, and again they had to suffer the pain.

The endless cycle of pain.

''That's Purgatory. When they first enter Tartarus, they will be judged, and depending on how bad their sins are, they will have to bathe in Purgatory river.'' Thanatos explained.

''How long is it usually?'' Lust asked curiously.

''Some can be a few days, but some of the worst ones... Hundreds of years.'' Thanatos said with a small smile.

Lust paled, she looked towards the crying men, and only looking at them made her flinch in pain.

''I think soon one person will enter Tartarus, he goes by the name of Star Warrior, can you make him suffer?'' Jack said innocently.

Thanatos nodded, ''If he entered Tartarus, that means he deserves punishment.''

Jack smiled and snapped his fingers.

In Paradise.

Millions of kilometers away from Jack.

A figure was lying in an alleyway.

His figure was dirty, and he was naked.

He is Star Warrior!

His body kept squirming in pain, and he could only scream in mumbling voices.

''Ahh..Ahhh... Ahgmmmm!''

The citizens who went past him looked at him with disdain and visible disgust.

Star Warrior had nowhere to go past 4 years.

He has been living in the streets... Well... It can barely be called living.

He was like a worm...

He was cripple, impotent, mute, deaf, and blind.

Star Warrior couldn't die either.

People have tried, but no one can kill Star Warrior.

They can injure him, but he just couldn't die.

But then, out of nowhere...


His body exploded.

His blood colored the nearby walls in red.

The citizens around him screamed in horror.

But some felt relieved that the parasite had died.

Back in the Underworld.

Jack innocently smiled.

Star Warrior's pain is not over...

It is only beginning.

They walked for another half an hour until they finally reached the tall black castle.

The Castle Gates opened, and a long corridor became visible.

The walls were red, with painting on the wall.

Most of the paintings had a handsome black-haired man holding hands with stunningly beautiful long brown hair, an innocent and adorable-looking face, and flowers surrounding his hair.

The figures in the photo were Hades and Persephone.

Lust and Lilith looked at the paintings with fascination.

''They look... Like they are in so much love.'' Lust said.

Thanatos sighed and nodded, ''They are... People accuse Hades of kidnapping Persephone, but they are wrong... Persephone is in love with Hades as much as he is in love with her.''

Lust and Lilith sighed.

They are starting to understand Hades' rage.

Jack felt Hades' rage more clearer than anyone else.

His rage... Resembled his own...

Very much.


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