Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 84: Elysium.

Chapter 84: Elysium.

The City of Elysium was beautiful with architecture way above what humans are capable of doing.

Beautiful white marbles and golden pillars surrounded the place. Every house, no matter who's is it, was huge mansions with a clear lake in the backyard and a large frontyard.

There were easily over millions of mansions, but the City itself didn't look that huge.

It wasn't even crowded people could walk in the streets without being suffocated.

The citizens of the City of Elysium all wore white robes, which made them look elegant, beautiful, and handsome.

The women's private places could barely be hidden underneath that delicate robes, and few of the citizens obviously had lustful looks when they looked at them.

''You, me, today!'' One man lustfully shouted.

''Ugh.'' A certain beautiful woman with ample breasts and curvaceous body grimaced.

Most of the men in the Elysium has three things on their mind.

Food, because they can't gain weight here.

Second, Having fun.

Third, sex.

Some lonely women would be willing, but there were more who weren't willing to be dirtied by these dirty animals.

They had learned in the hard way that the Elysium wasn't paradise they thought it was.

God Zeus has chosen over half of the citizens in Elysium, and most of them should have been in Tartarus.

There were still good people in Elysium.

Many Heroes who did heroic deeds in their lives.

Some of them have got corrupted by their luxurious lives, but there were still true Heroes who could resist temptations.

Elysium is also a place where Gods can visit without Hades' permission because he doesn't really have any control over Elysium.

It is all Zeus' territory, like Heavens.

This is a place where Hades met his wife Persephone first time.

She was picking flowers, and Hades was instantly lovestruck.

He proposed instantly, which caught Persephone off guard.

What was her answer?

Well, she refused.

Who would accept someone's proposal who they don't know?

Hades didn't mind and spent hundreds of centuries trying to court her.

In the end, Persephone was impressed by Hades' patience.

Gods would never accept rejections, let alone court someone for millenniums without stopping.

Persephone accepted Hades' proposal, and they lived in happiness in the Castle of Hades for hundreds of millenniums.

Their love became stronger every year, and it was like wildfire in the end.

They could barely stay separated, but then Zeus happened.

He kidnapped Persephone while Hades wasn't in the Castle, and he had her prisoned in Heavens.

Waiting for the Heavenly Ceremony to start.

No one could imagine Hades' rage currently.

Some Gods thought that Hades wouldn't care after all, they have spent hundreds of millenniums together, that is a long time and can lower feelings by a great amount.

They are wrong!

Hades is preparing his army, and soon the Heavens will be a battlefield!

The first place he will start his war will be on Elysium!

He will capture Zeus' ''friends'' and throw them to Tartarus, and start their eternal torture.

He will innocents be alone, and only remove the evil people from the Elysium, and make it ''real'' paradise.

But before doing that... He received news of Jack and others entering Underworld, and apparently, they are approaching Elysium.

In Tartarus.

If Asphodel Fields were grey and black, and Elysium green and blue.

Tartarus was... RED!

It was inhumanly hot, and everyone was sweating heavily.

Millions of figures were in chains and working tirelessly, while millions of screams of agony were heard.

There were hundreds of rivers filled with magma, and smoke left the ground.

The figures had their skin ripped off because the ground was scorching.

They could do nothing except scream in agony.

But once their bones became visible, they healed, and they had to suffer it again.

But they had to keep working otherwise, a much worse fate was in store for them.

In the middle of Tartarus.

A massive black castle was seen.

The castle reached all the way to the ceiling of the Tartarus.

That's right.

There wasn't a sky in Tartarus.

It was like Tartarus was located in a giant cave, and that's what made everyone more depressed.

It was like they were living in darkness.

The black castle was the Castle of Hades.

It was the home of Hades and Persephone.

In a throne room of the magnificent castle.

A black-haired figure was sitting on the throne.

He had handsome facial features with sharp eyebrows, cheekbones, and jawline. His figure was muscular and stern.

His facial expression was morphed into rage, and he kept clenching his fist.

He is Hades, The King of Underworld!

At this moment, he would like to storm to the Heavens and kill Zeus with his bare hands.

But... He would never reach Zeus' palace before he will be stopped.


The door to the throne room was slammed open, and a giant figure around 10m in height entered with a small smile.

''Thanatos, what is it?'' Hades said with a tired tone.

''They are here!'' Thanatos said with excitement.

''Who?'' Hades raised an eyebrow.

''Lilith and Jack!''

Hades stood up in a hurry, ''Really?!''

Thanatos nodded.

Hades clenched his fist, ''Yes!''

''Gather the troops, we will march to Elysium!'' Hades said with a powerful tone.

But then Thanatos interrupted him, ''Actually... We don't need to.''

''What do you mean?''

''They have entered Elysium!'' Thanatos said with a grin.

Hades looked surprised, ''They passed Asphodel Fields? I thought it would take a few days at least.''

Thanatos shrugged, ''Jack only passed through the Asphodel Fields, and he didn't get affected by the illusions he also removed the effects of illusion from others.''

Hades sat down and nodded, ''Good... His strength is important for the war... He wants to meet his deceased wife, Sophia, right?''

Thanatos nodded.

Hades nodded, ''That can be arranged.''

Thanatos bowed and left the throne room to gather the troops.

They need to do it silently so that Zeus won't find out and won't have time to gather his own troops.

God Zeus is an arrogant God who thinks he can get everything he wishes.

That's why he doesn't expect anyone to interrupt with the Heavenly Ceremony because it is a sacred Ceremony for Gods.

Only on that day, new Gods can be born.

No one would be crazy enough to intervene with the Ceremony!

After all, the Heavenly Ceremony is very rare! This is only the sixth time in history that it has appeared!

Hades closed his eyes, 'Persephone.... I am coming!'


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