Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 79: Second Fortress Part 10.

Chapter 79: Second Fortress Part 10.

''Ray!'' Lust shouted with a shocked look.

Pride and Greed smirked.

''Indeed mortal, so fragile.'' Pride said and threw his bow away.

Lust glared at him, ''We weren't allowed to intervene!''

Pride snorted, ''I only killed one mortal who gives a shit?''

Ray was on the ground, spitting mouthfuls of blood.

The morale of the Alliance Forces became an all-time low.

The Heroes grimaced.

''Fucking weaklings,'' Killian growled.

Greed smirked and looked towards Lust, ''Go on, cheer for his survival.''

Lust's beautiful eyes started glowing on pink!

She glared at Pride and said, ''Heal him!''

Greed widened his eyes in shock, ''Bitch, what the hell did you do?!''

Pride's eyes glowed in pink, his body started glowing red he pointed his finger towards Ray and said, ''You are not allowed to die in my presence!''

The arrow disappeared from Ray's body, and his body healed himself.

Pride shook his head and then remembered what he had done.

One red circle disappeared from his arm.

Only 11 remained.

''Y-Y-YOU BITCH!'' He screamed with mad-looking eyes.

Every Sin and Black Death looked towards Lust with visible anger.

Lust gritted her teeth but didn't look scared.

Her ability is Lust Incarnation. More people feel lust towards her, more she can control them to do whatever she orders.

Pride looked towards the air in front of him, ''Lucifer, can I have your permission to kill this bitch? Send Envy to replace him.''

They waited for his answer with calm faces.

Lust's face went pale.

''Alright.'' One clear sound echoed in their ears.

Pride and Greed grinned and looked towards Lust with bloodlust.

A portal flashed inside the Fortress, and a figure became visible.

A woman with a smirk appeared. Her ordinary brown hair wasn't anything special, but her facial features were very exquisite, but still not on the level of Lust, but she has her own kind of charm. It would be charming to look at, but her smirk ruined her look. She was wearing a black-colored dress, which perfectly outlined her curvaceous body. She is Envy - Calamity-Moon Villain.

She left the building and appeared on top of the Fortress.

She saw Pride and Greed about to attack Lust.

''Let me do it.'' Envy said calmly.

Pride glared at her, ''We can kill her in an instant.''

Envy rolled her eyes, ''You guys will be affected by her powers, I won't.''

Pride and Greed felt that her words made sense.

They backed off and let Envy have this battle.

She grinned and looked towards Lust, ''So, a bitch has shown her true colors?''

Killian looked at the scene he smirked, ''They are fighting between themselves let's attack!''

Zoe, Kid Adult, Vulcan, and Garvangel nodded they leaped towards the air and started approaching the Fortress with blinding speed.

''THEY ARE COMING!'' Pride shouted and put his red-coated arms in front of him.

Greed unsheathed his dagger.

Gluttony rubbed his stomach and was salivating.

Black Death's body started to emit black smoke.

Envy snorted and attacked Lust!

Lust put her soft-looking arms as a block, but Envy's kick sent her flying towards broken trees.

''Ahh!'' Lust screamed and crashed on the ground.

The soldiers of both sides saw that the battle between Gods had started!

They started running away, and a few Alliance Forces soldiers started carrying Ray.

They quickly started running towards their base, while Death Continent's soldiers had nowhere to run to!

The Second Fortress was the battlefield of Gods!

The leading figures of their army quickly decided to chase after Alliance Forces soldiers!

Pride clashed with Killian and Kid Adult.

Greed with Vulcan.

Black Death with Garvangel.

Gluttony with Zoe.

Envy was using her fists and kept pushing Lust backward.

Lust already had her arms filled with bruises, and her beautiful blond hair was disheveled.

Envy's superpower is Envy Incarnation. She gets power from others' envy and jealousy.

She also becomes stronger from her own Envy.

And currently, she was feeling very Envious!

She is envious of Lust's beautiful face, beautiful blond hair, beautiful body, and her charming voice.

She can also feel the envy of the soldiers who were envious of their strength they can't do anything except sit on the sidelines.

She also felt envious of anger directed towards her while she was attacking Lust.

Soldiers felt pity towards Lust because she is a very liked individual among Death Continents soldiers.

She wanted people to feel angry if someone attacked her!

Her Envy was getting out of control, and her beautiful face morphed it almost looked like the face of a demon.

''You bitch! Dieee!'' She screamed and slammed her leg deep into Lust's torso.

''UGH!'' Lust widened her eyes and spat a mouthful of blood.

She was sent flying and crashed onto the hard ground.

Pride was barely able to fight against Killian and Kid Adult.

Kid Adult transformed into hundreds of bats, and all bats started shooting lasers from their mouths.

Pride quickly moved and appeared in front of Killian.

Killian crossed his arms and did a cross slash with his claws.

Once the claws touched Pride's body, it became plastic once again.

Pride reeled in his fist and punched Killian's Lion face.

''RAAA!'' Killian was sent flying towards the horizon.

Kid Adult appeared behind Pride and pushed his arm forwards.

He planned to crush Pride's heart with bare hands!


Once Kid Adult's hand contacted with Pride's body... His tiny arm broke!

''AARGHH!'' Kid Adult roared in agony his bones were popping from his tiny arm.

The moment he attacked, suddenly Pride's body became metal!

Pride slammed his feet deep into the Kid Adult's stomach, which sent him flying towards the Second Fortress' walls.

Two red circles disappeared from Pride's arm.

Only 9 remaining.

Pride grimaced he knows that he can't win if he has to use his Reality warping powers this much.

''ENVY, HURRY UP!'' His furious roar echoed on the battlefield.

Envy snorted and kept walking towards Lust, ''Shut the fuck up... I have been dreaming of this day for years... Don't fucking disturb me.''

Lust crawled from the hole she was buried in.

She lied flat on her stomach on the dirty ground she saw with her hazy vision a flower not far from her.

A single flower was budding.

''Flower...'' She had a sweet smile she took the flower and held it close to her chest.


But then feet was slammed on top of her back.

''Ugh!'' Lust cried in agony.

Envy was stomping her back ruthlessly.

She had a sickening grin on her face.

Lust protected the flower while she heard cracking noises coming from her back.

''A-Ahh...'' She gritted her teeth, trying not to let out any voices.

Envy snorted and raised her leg even higher this time, she is planning to crush Lust's spinal cord.

''Maybe we can still earn money from you I am sure some brothel wants you!'' She said with a grin and stomped towards Lust's spinal cord.

Lust closer her eyes and waited for the pain to kick in.

But even a second later, the pain didn't come.

''U-U-UGH!'' She heard the sound of someone choking.

She turned her hazy figure towards and saw Envy's face being purple she can't breathe, but usually, Calamity-Moon Villains can survive without breathing for months, but she looks like she is dying.

Lust saw a beautiful blond-haired woman with pointy ears grabbing Envy's throat with dead-looking eyes.

''W-Who...'' She murmured with hazy vision.

Lilith turned her gaze towards her and had a sweet smile on her face.

That smile made Lust's heartbeat increase by miles.

No one has ever smiled that way towards her.


Lilith cracked Envy's neck, instantly killing her.

Envy's face became blank, Lilith threw her away like she was nothing but trash.

The battlefield went silent.

Everyone stopped fighting.

Pride landed on top of the Fortress building with a pale face.

''W-What is she doing here?'' Pride's hand trembled.

Greed landed next to him with a pale face.

Lust put her hand forwards, which had the single flower, ''F-Flower?''

Lilith had a huge smile she grabbed the flower.

Lust smiled, but then Lilith put the flower on her ear.

''That's better flower suits you much more, you cutie.'' Lilith pinched Lust's soft cheek and said with a blush.

''R-Really?'' Lust said with a blushing face.

Lilith smiled and helped Lust to stand up.


Two incredibly powerful individuals appeared on top of the battlefield.

They were Infinity and Lucifer!

''Lilith, why are you here?'' Lucifer asked with a calm tone.

Everyone became quiet.

The soldiers paled they now understood the seriousness of this battle.

This might be the final battle to decide the winner!

Infinity was quiet he kept looking at Lucifer with pure calmness.

Lilith giggled and put her hand on Lust's waist, making her blush.

''Am I not allowed to be here?''

''This doesn't concern you please leave,'' Lucifer said with a stern tone.

''And if I don't?''

''Then we will kill you.'' Infinity said with a cold tone.

''This battle is between us two, and we can't allow anyone to intervene,'' Lucifer said after him.

Lust went pale and looked at her.

Lilith giggled, ''That's funny!''

''What is so funny?'' Infinity asked with a bone-chilling tone.

''It is funny that you guys think you are the predators.'' A cold voice came behind Infinity.

Infinity with hurry turned his head, but then a powerful fist contacted with his face, which sent him flying towards Second Fortress.

Everyone turned their heads towards the newcomer.

They saw an inhumanly beautiful man with crimson hair.

''T-That's Jack!'' Pride exclaimed.

''Oh my god... Four Demon-Level Individuals are here?!'' Greed was shocked.

Lust looked at Jack with a curious expression.

''That's Jack he is my friend,'' Lilith said proudly.

Lust smiled and nodded.

''Jack... What a surprise.'' Lucifer narrowed his eyes.

Infinity appeared with lightning speed next to Lucifer he crossed his arms with an angry-looking face.

''Sorry, cutie. I have a battle to win.'' Lilith said and appeared next to Jack.

''T-Take care!'' Lust said with worry and retreated a few kilometers away.

''This didn't go according to plan, but it doesn't matter, I guess.'' Jack said.

Lilith grinned, ''I am sorry, but I couldn't watch my cutie get beaten up.''

Jack sighed and rubbed his forehead, ''Right.... Well then, time to end this war.''


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