Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 69: Heavenly Ceremony.

Chapter 69: Heavenly Ceremony.

''Usually, people are happy to be able to talk with me,'' Lilith said with a pout.

Jack rolled his eyes and kept drinking.

''Hmph, I am very famous!''

Jack didn't react and kept drinking.

Lilith's eyebrow twitched, ''Many people would be happy to smell my scent, but you are able to talk with me, and you aren't happy?''

Jack stopped drinking he put the glass down, ''Aren't you villain? Why are people happy to talk with you?''

Lilith smiled and proudly puffed her chest, which made her breasts almost bulge out of her dress, ''I was called as Saintess of North, and I was worshipped by many.''

''What happened?''

Lilith sighed, ''Unfortunately... My looks caught the eyes of certain individuals...''

Jack sat down and kept listening.

''They wanted me to become their toy to release their stress and pent-up lust and tried to take me with force, but my worshippers fought against them... But they all died...'' She said with a sad smile.

''But then... I became so angry, and I underwent Ultimate Awakening and received Life Incarnation... I killed the attackers... And I brought my worshippers back to the realm of the living...'' She said, but then her face was morphed into anger.

''But then I was called as Villain by Heroes Association! The attackers who tried to assault me were Heroes!''

''I decided to become Villainess then... But for some reason... My worshippers decided to follow me, and they didn't care what I do.'' She said with a happy look.

''In the end, they created a church called The Church of Lilith.''

''So, they are fanatics?'' Jack asked.

Lilith giggled and nodded, ''Yes, but they are MY fanatics.''

''Then, why are you here?''

Lilith looked at his handsome face and smiled, ''I have heard great stories about you... Lord Jack, The Demon of Kindness.''

Jack crossed his arms, ''I have done nothing to receive this attention.''

Lilith rolled his eyes, ''No need to be so humble. You killed God Aerion that is a feat which not many can do.''

''God Aerion? Who?'' Jack raised an eyebrow.

Lilith started giggling, ''Y-You forgot about him? You are funny! He is a guy who likes money, women, and his looks.''

Jack now remembered one rude individual who wanted to wake up Ariane, ''Oh... I think I remember him...'

'He isn't dead though he is doing his job as world's best gardener.'

''He was the God of Golden Temple, but they are sinking ship currently. Without their God, there are many individuals who want the treasures hidden in that temple.''

''Right...'' Jack didn't really care.

''Anyway, the reason why I am here...'' Lilith stopped talking for dramatic effect.

Jack raised an eyebrow and waited.

Lilith smiled and said, ''I want your help to kill a person!''

''You need my help?'' Jack was surprised, ''Aren't you Demon-Moon level? Why do you need my help.''

Lilith pouted and sat down, ''Because I can't find that person by myself, and I am not confident in killing him either.''

''Who is it?''

Lilith leaned closer and said, ''God Zeus!''

''Hmm... What?'' Jack thought he misheard.

''God Zeus!'' Lilith repeated.

Jack rubbed his forehead, ''You want to kill a fake God?''

''No, he is real!''

Jack sighed and stood up, ''Sure, sure... Go back to your fanatics maybe they will appreciate your delusions.'' He started walking towards the exit of the bar, but then Lilith appeared in front of him.

''God Zeus is real! They live in Heavenly Realm!'' Lilith said with an enthusiastic look.

''Why should I believe you? And how do you even know?'' Jack asked with a tired look.

''God Thanatos visited me in my dreams!''

Jack rubbed his forehead and left the bar.

Lilith ran after him, ''I am not lying!''

''I don't think you are lying, but I think you are delusional.''

Jack walked in the streets while the beautiful blond-haired woman ran after him.

In the eyes of passersby, it looked like a husband who left his wife.

Some people felt emotional seeing such a beautiful woman looking so desperate.

Jack kept walking in the streets while Lilith shouted about Thanatos and Hades.

Soon, Jack reached his home. He opened the door and entered.

He was about to close the door, but then Lilith opened the door with a slam and entered his house.

''Can you leave?'' Jack asked with a frustrated look.

''No!'' Lilith said loudly.

Jack sighed and went to the kitchen.

He grabbed an apple and started eating it.

''Everything I said was true. Your wife and child are in Heaven right?''

Jack glared at her, ''How do you know about that?''

''Hades told me!'' Lilith smiled after finally getting Jack's attention, ''Apparently, God Zeus is very angry towards you, and it is only a matter of time before he finds out about Sophia and Jasmine...''

Jack grabbed her throat and threw her to the nearby wall.


Lilith was smashed through a few walls and landed on the ground, ''Oww...''

She wiped the dust off her dress and stood up, ''That was not nice!''

Jack angrily walked towards her, ''Are you threatening Sophia?''

Lilith innocently waved her hand, ''You are mistaken Hades is warning you.''

''Warning for what?'' Jack growled.

''Zeus is a terrible person. He might use Sophia to vent his anger.''

''Why would Hades care?'' Jack was getting angrier and angrier.

Lilith's face turned sad, ''Hades needs our help...''

''Help for what?''

''Zeus... Took away Hades' wife Persephone, and he can't leave Underworld to rescue her.''

''Persephone... Isn't she Zeus' daughter?'' Jack asked he remembers a little bit about ancient mythology from his school days.

Lilith nodded, ''Zeus wants to have a strong son, and that's why he needed Persephone!''

''W-Wait, you are saying?''

Lilith nodded quickly, ''That's why he is a terrible person! But luckily, Zeus can't lay his hands on her before the Heavenly Ceremony!''

''What is that?''

''It is the only day when Gods can have children! Persephone isn't the only one Zeus kidnapped. He has kidnapped dozens of them! For sole purpose to get a strong son.''

''So... Hades wants us to stop it?'' Jack sat down on the ground he was filled with disbelief.

Lilith nodded and sat next to him, ''Not only us... We need one more ally.''

''Who?'' Jack looked at her and asked.

''Have you heard about Black Death?'' Lilith asked.

Jack nodded he has done a lot of research about the Death Continent.

''He is the Champion of God Hades, and he is needed to get Hades out of the Underworld!''

Lilith then pointed at herself, ''I am the Champion of God Thanatos, and you are Champion of God Ares!''

Jack rubbed his eyes and asked, ''And... How can we enter the Heavenly Realm...''

Lilith scratched her head, ''Well... We can't, not without the help of God, That's why we are going to Underworld first.''

''That's why we need Black Death... He is the only one who can open the gates of Underworld...''

''That's right!'' Lilith clapped her hands with a sweet smile.

Jack took his phone and looked at the picture on his phone.

It was a picture of Ariane having a beautiful smile on her face while touching her belly.

Lilith looked at the screen and gasped, ''She is beautiful... Isn't she Ariane, The Saintess of Destruction?''

Jack nodded.

''So... The rumor of you being married was real... And she seems to be pregnant!'' Lilith gasped and covered her mouth, ''Congratulations!''

''Thanks...'' Jack looked at the picture with a loving look.

''Fine... I will help you and Hades... But I want to visit Heaven where Sophia is.''

Lilith pondered for a moment before she nodded, ''That seems like an easy request.''

Jack closed the phone and put it in his pocket, ''When are we leaving?''

''Well, the war is still ongoing... And Black Death is loyal towards Lucifer, and I doubt he will leave the battlefield before their side has won or lost...'' Lilith pondered for a moment.

But then she grinned, ''It is good that we have someone here who has gathered a lot of research for the sole purpose of ending the war.'' She looked teasingly towards Jack.

Jack rolled his eyes, ''So, we will end the war, but that might take some time. When is the Heavenly Ceremony?''

''In 6 months! So we better hurry!'' Lilith grinned and stood up she offered her hand, ''Let's do this, comrade!''

Jack scoffed and grabbed her soft hand.

Lilith pulled him up.

''How should we do it?'' Lilith asked with an innocent smile.

''Follow me...'' Jack said and went to his room.

Lilith followed behind him with a curious look.

Jack entered his room and opened the wardrobe.

He threw the outfits away and looked at the hundred pictures on the wall.

''The core problem of the war is that Alliance Force's have nothing to lose, while Death Continent can lose everything.''

''That's right... Alliance Force's are keeping their strongest individuals hidden, and try to weaken Death Continent so that they can deal finishing blow easier.''

''Yes... But what if Alliance Force's lose too much? They know that Death Continent isn't interested in conquering the world. They want to stay in their Continent and live in peace.''

Lilith nodded thoughtfully.

Jack grinned and took a picture he gave it to Lilith.

Lilith looked at the picture and grinned, ''I see... You are a sneaky one.''

Jack smiled and closed the wardrobe.

''It is time to end this pointless war....'' Jack murmured.


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