Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 61: Memories.

Chapter 61: Memories.

The sky in Smiley was starting to get slightly darker.

The lights illuminated the beautiful town, and there were still families happily walking in the streets.

The river which separated the town was glowing slightly in the color of blue, which made the sight mesmerizing.

There were dozens of couples flirting with each other while standing on top of the bridge and looking at the majestic sight.

There were also people watching from windows with their own families.

This sight of the river glowing is called the Starry River. It is the most beautiful sight in Smiley and might be the most beautiful sight in Kindland.

The darker sky got, brighter the river became.

In a random household in Smiley.

Two naked figures were seen hugging each other tightly.

The woman had beautiful violet-colored hair and eyes. She also had a face rarely seen in the world calling it beautiful would be an understatement. Her naked body looked delicate and soft, while her huge breasts were pressed against the man's chest.

The man had beautiful crimson hair with red eyes. He had a delicate-looking face with soft-looking lips. His body was quite muscular, with slight scars on his back but almost transparent.

''Ugh...'' Jack opened his eyes slowly.

With his hazy vision, he saw a naked woman in front of him.

He rubbed his eyes and recognized the woman.

She was Ariane, and her naked body hugged Jack's body tightly.

''Ah right...'' Jack remembered the things they did.

He looked at their bodies and saw the bed underneath being wet.

Soaked by their sweat and other liquids.

''Mmm...'' Ariane moved around and opened her eyes.

''Jacky...'' She said quietly her vision started getting clearer, and she saw the situation they were in.

She blushed and quickly hid her breasts and her lower half.

Jack chuckled and stood up.

His body was soaked in sweat, and it felt slightly uncomfortable.

Ariane looked at his body with a hungry gaze.

Jack went to the wardrobe and saw few towels.

He grabbed one and put it on the waist, covering his manhood, ''I will go take a shower.''

Ariane nodded and stood up after Jack left the room.

Her body was also soaked in sweat, and her legs were shaking.

She didn't feel pain in her lower half which she should feel after getting rid of her virginity, but because of her great physique, she didn't feel pain. She felt pain when she lost her virginity, but it only lasted a few seconds.

She covered her naked body with towel and left her room.

She took a quick glance towards downstairs and didn't hear any noise.

'They must be out...' She thought and entered the bathroom, where naked Jack was standing.

She blushed.

Jack entered a bathtub that was already filled.

Ariane took off her towel and approached the bathtub she sat down in front of Jack and faced him.

She shyly tried to hide her breasts underwater, but her breasts kept floating.

She then used her arms, but it looked even more erotic.

Jack chuckled, ''I have already seen every part of you.''

Ariane pouted, ''I-It is still embarrassing.''

Jack chuckled.

Shortly afterward, they finished bathing and started showering.

''Kyaa...'' Ariane let out a cute squeal after feeling Jack's hands touching her.

''I will be washing you,'' Jack said and took a shampoo.

He covered his hands on shampoo and started moving his hands around Ariane's soft body.

''Mm...'' Ariane moaned out of satisfaction and felt Jack's firm hands touching her legs, stomach, arms, neck, breasts.

Jack played around with her breasts.

''Jacky...'' She said with rough breathing.

''Mm...'' Jack smiled and started washing Ariane's body.

The shampoo left her body, and her soft skin looked even more delicate.


''My turn.'' Ariane smiled and started moving her hands around Jack's body.

She covered his whole body in shampoo, but then she started washing his manhood.

She started rubbing it back and forth.


Ariane giggled and stopped rubbing it, but Jack's manhood was already hard as rock.

''Oopsie.'' Ariane innocently smiled and started washing Jack's body.

Shortly afterward, she was done.

Jack looked at his manhood and sighed, ''Is this revenge?''

''Yup.'' Ariane innocently said and left the bathroom.

Jack chuckled and followed behind her.

They returned to Ariane's room.

Jack controlled the crimson cloud which was hidden in the sky.

The crimson cloud appeared outside the window.

Jack grabbed pair of men's and women's clothing.

The crimson cloud returned to the sky.

They started wearing their clothes.

Then Ariane saw the state of her bed.

There were also signs of scratching marks on the floor because the bed moved back and forth quite a lot.

Ariane anxiously went to look for new bedsheets and blankets.

Jack returned to the downstairs and sat down on the couch.

News talked about the Death Continent war.

Apparently, the first clash between Heroes and Sins happened.

Neither side went all out, so there weren't any casualties, but Jack knew that many soldiers must have died, but News Stations didn't seem to care about it.

''Not important enough, huh...'' He narrowed his eyes.

He doesn't have good memories of News Stations.

They are greedy, power-hungry individuals.

News Stations are the best way to control citizens' thoughts.

That's why Government and Heroes Association are controlling them.

They can hide the things they don't want anyone to find out, and they can also control citizens easier this way.

''No wonder there are so many villains...'' Jack chuckled.

In Jack's opinion, there are so many villains because of Government and Heroes Association.

They should reduce the number of villains, but they keep increasing it instead.

'I wonder how different the world would be if the Government wasn't so corrupt...'


Jack turned his head and saw Arya and Andrew opening the door.

''Oh, Jack.'' Arya smiled and put the shopping bags on the ground.

Jack nodded and stood up.

''We decided to have a celebration for your engagement,'' Andrew said.

Jack smiled, ''Very thoughtful of you.''

He grabbed the shopping bags and started putting groceries on the refrigerator.

Arya and Andrew smiled and started opening the cabinets and took every item they needed to cook the celebration dinner.

While Jack was putting the foods in the refrigerator, memories of him doing the same thing while Sophia gently smiled next to him appeared on his mind.

''...'' Jack stopped moving, but then he shook his head.

'She is dead... She can rest in peace after I finished my revenge... She wouldn't want me to keep grieving...'

Jack took a deep breath and continued putting the groceries on the refrigerator.

But then, memories of Sophia's rotting arm being on the refrigerator appeared.

Jack quickly closed the refrigerator with a slam, and his forehead was drenched in sweat.

''Jack, is everything alright?'' Arya asked with worry.

Jack wiped his sweat and nodded, ''Yes... I am done putting the groceries on the refrigerator.''

Arya nodded, ''Where is Ariane?''

''Here!'' Ariane came from upstairs and appeared next to Jack with a wide smile.

''Hmm... You seem different.'' Arya thought aloud.

Ariane giggled innocently, ''I took a shower.''

''Hmm...'' Arya was still wondering what was different about her.

Ariane then saw Jack's slightly pale face.

''Is everything alright?'' Ariane asked with worry.

''Yes...'' Jack replied he kissed her cheek and returned to the couch.

Ariane followed behind him with a frown.

Jack sat down and looked at the News.

But then, Ariane appeared in front of him, covering the screen.

''Umm?'' Jack looked at her with a questioning face.

''What is wrong?'' Ariane asked with narrowed eyes.

''Nothing... I am perfectly fine.'' Jack replied.

Ariane sat down on his lap and put her face in front of him, ''What is wrong?''

Jack sighed, ''Sorry...''

''Sophia?'' Ariane asked.

Jack nodded.

''No need to be sorry... I was aware that you wouldn't forget about her instantly.'' Ariane said with a sad face.

Jack rubbed her cheek gently, ''She is dead... I have you now.''

Ariane smiled and hugged him.

''I will go help my parents with the food.'' She said and kissed his cheek.

Jack nodded and watched as Ariane went towards the kitchen.

The memories of Sophia cooking in the kitchen while humming gently appeared on his mind.

'I will always remember these memories... It will always be one of my fondest memories... But Sophia... Please... I need to let you go...'

He saw the memory changing.

Sophia turned around and smiled, ''Jack... The last four years have been more painful than dying... Seeing you grieving stopped me from reaching heaven... But I am glad... That Ariane appeared... You need to let go of me... I will be happy in heaven... With Jasmine.''

Jack's eyes started moistening, but he nodded, ''Sophia... I will come to meet you one day...''

Sophia smiled, and her figure became more transparent, ''I will be waiting for that day... Jasmine wants to meet her daddy after all.''

''Tell her... Hi from me.'' Jack smiled.

Sophia smiled and disappeared completely.

Finally, after four years.

Jack's grieving.... Is over.


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