Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 59: Smiley.

Chapter 59: Smiley.

In the Golden Temple.

God Aerion was praying towards a massive statue not far from him.

The massive statue had long golden hair with a sword on his waist. He had a grin on his face like he was about to face hundreds of enemies but still felt like it was fun.

''Aerion.'' A figure appeared behind him.

God Aerion sighed, ''Say my whole title.''

His voice sounded perfect, like it was a perfect melody.

The figure rolled his eyes, ''God Aerion.''

God Aerion nodded, ''What is it, Michael?''

The figure's name is Michael, but he also has another nickname.

Michael the Archangel.

He is the user of Angel Incarnation, and he is God Aerion's direct subordinate.

''Main Government of Kindness gave an interesting proposal...''

''What is it?''

''If we hunt down two figures... We will receive 50% of their wealth.''

In a surprise, God Aerion raised an eyebrow, ''It must be important.''

Michael nodded, ''Apparently, the two figures are Peak Calamity-Moon Villains.''

''Hmm...'' God Aerion pondered.

''I feel like something is wrong with this...'' God Aerion thought aloud.

Michael nodded, ''We aren't the only one who got this proposal.''

''I see... They must be in a hurry.'' God Aerion snorted.

''Who are figures we need to hunt?''

Michael put two papers on the table.

The first figure was a handsome crimson-haired figure.

[Dead Or Alive]

[The Jack - The Calamity of Kindland]

[Bounty: 295,044,000$]

[Kindland's Wanted List Rank: 1]

[Global Wanted List Rank: 6]

[Villain Rank: Calamity-Moon]

''Hmm...'' God Aerion pondered and looked at the second paper.

And his eyes widened in pleasant surprise.

''So beautiful!'' God Aerion exclaimed.

He has never seen such a beautiful woman before.

''She is almost as beautiful as me!'' He narcissistically said.

[Dead Or Alive]

[Ariane - Saintess of Destruction]

[Bounty: 124,345,000$]

[Kindland's Wanted List Rank: 3]

[Global Wanted List Rank: 14]

[Villain Rank: Calamity-Moon]

''Are you interested in her?'' Michael asked.

God Aerion nodded, ''I want her.''

''Then... We are doing this?'' Michael asked.

''Of course... Only someone like she is worthy of being my majestic self's wife.''

Michael nodded and was about to take the papers.

''Leave her picture.''

Michael nodded and grabbed Jack's paper.

God Aerion looked at Ariane's picture and licked his lips.

''Saintess... She must be pure... We need to capture her before that ugly guy takes her precious purity.''


''This is your hometown?'' Jack asked while looking at the small town.

The town wasn't surrounded by massive walls or fences.

It was an ordinary town with a small population.

A small river separated two parts of the town, but there were bridges going over the river.

There weren't any skyscrapers either. The tallest building had 3 floors.

This town also had only one school, which had the High School department and Middle School department.

This is Ariane's hometown, Smiley.

It is located in Kindland.

''Yup, my parents live here,'' Ariane said with a nostalgic face.

Her parents have visited her many times in Charity, but she has rarely visited Smiley.

She and Jack were wearing sunglasses, which covered their features enough, but their attractive bodies couldn't be hidden.

Ariane's body made many young men drool in the cities.

Jack's athletic figure also caught a lot of attention.

They were holding hands, and because of that, those young men didn't dare to make any moves.

They walked for another half an hour until they reached a neighbor with dozens of buildings.

Ariane stopped in front of a two-floor building.

She felt emotional her parents are behind that door.

Jack grabbed her hand tightly and nodded.

Ariane smiled and walked towards the door.

Jack didn't go, he stayed in his position.

Ariane took a deep breath and started knocking.

*Knock* *Knock*

She started waiting until she heard footsteps coming closer.

The door was opened, and Ariane saw a woman in her 50s. She had brown hair, with some wrinkles on her face, but you can still tell that she was a beautiful individual when she was younger.

She is Ariane's mother, Arya.

Arya looked at the figure in front of the door with a raised eyebrow.

Ariane took off her sunglasses, and finally Arya could see her features.

''A-Ari...'' Arya gasped and put her hand on her mouth small teardrops started appearing on the corner of her eyes.

''Who is it?'' A man in his 50s appeared from the kitchen he looked at the door and gasped.

He had a muscular figure even though he was already in his 50s. His face wasn't exceptionally handsome, but it looked gentle.

He is Ariane's father, Andrew.

''Dad... Mom...'' Ariane muttered small teardrops appeared in her eyes.

Arya's body trembled, but she put her hands on Ariane's waist and hugged her tightly.

Ariane returned the hug, and tears started trickling down like a waterfall.

Andrew with a trembling body went towards Ariane and hugged her tightly.

Jack stood silently while looking at the family reunion.

A few minutes later, they stopped hugging, and Ariane's parents could finally see a crimson-haired figure standing.

''Ariane... Is he?'' Arya asked with a slight shaky tone.

Ariane smiled and nodded, ''He is Jack... No need to be afraid of him he is a softy.''

Jack rolled his eyes.

Arya and Andrew nodded and went towards the living room.

Ariane waved towards Jack.

Jack nodded and entered the house.

They entered the living room and sat down on the chairs while Ariane's parents sat on the couch.

Arya and Andrew sat stiffly, still fearful of having legendary being Jack in their house.

Ariane grabbed Jack's hand and said, ''Mom... Dad... How have you been?''

''Fine...'' Arya answered with a smile.

''How is your shop doing?'' Ariane asked.

Arya sighed, ''I-It's alright...''

Ariane didn't believe her, ''What's wrong?''

Andrew looked conflicted but opened his mouth, ''Ever since you became villain... No one visits our shop.''

''Oh...'' Ariane looked downcast.

Arya quickly waved her hand, ''It's alright... I guess it is time to retire... We have enough money saved.''

Andrew nodded.

''I am sorry...'' Ariane was feeling guilty.

''It's not your fault.'' Arya instantly said.

Andrew nodded, ''I can... Understand more how messed up this world is... Instantly after you became villain, our friends and relatives started treating us like we are the ones who became villains.''

''It isn't your fault Ariane.'' Arya grabbed Andrew's hand, ''We will support you no matter what.''

Ariane looked emotional.

Andrew finally took a look towards Jack, ''I hope... You can keep her safe... She is the only one we have left.''

Jack nodded, ''Of course.''

Andrew smiled his initial fear and nervousness are disappearing.

They talked for a few hours longer and had dinner.

''Your room is the same as before,'' Arya said gently.

Ariane smiled and went to look at her room upstairs,

Leaving Jack and her parents alone in the kitchen.

Jack was about to grab an apple.

''Jacky... Don't even think about it.'' A stern came from upstairs.

Jack sighed, ''How did she know...''

''Wife's instinct, try not to fight against it.'' Andrew chuckled and said.

Arya puffed her chest and nodded proudly.

Ariane entered her room and saw the room she had spent countless years in.

The walls were filled with posters of her favorite heroes, and the shells were filled with books.

There was also a bed, which could still fit her, and it was enough to fit two.

She sat down on her bed, and she felt nostalgic while looking at the Heroes in the wall.

She sighed, took off the heroes' posters, and threw them into the trash can.

*Knock* *Knock*

Jack knocked on the open door.

''Hey,'' Jack said and walked closer to Ariane.

Ariane smiled sweetly, ''Doing some changes to my room.''

Jack looked at the posters in the trash can.

Ariane took the trash can and put it away.

She closed the door and grabbed Jack's hand.

They sat down on her bed.

She looked at Jack with a rapid heartbeat.

''I-I want to do it.'' She said with blushing cheeks.

''Hmm, do what?'' Jack asked.

''Dummy...'' Ariane leaned closer to whisper, ''Sex...''

Jack looked surprised but also had small blush.

''Y-Your parents are here.''

Ariane smiled and said loudly, ''You don't hear anything coming from his room, and you won't be coming upstairs till I say so.''

In the downstairs.

Arya's and Andrew's eyes flashed in violet until it became normal.

''Did you hear something?'' Arya asked.

Andrew shook his head, ''No, but should we go buy something to have a proper celebration tonight for Ariane?''

Arya nodded, ''That sounds nice.''

Ariane smiled and sat down on Jack's lap.

She tenderly held her cheeks, ''You cannot escape.''

Jack smiled, ''I don't feel like escaping.''

Ariane giggled and kissed his soft lips.

''Mmm...'' Ariane moaned instantly, it was like her whole body got electrocuted, but instead of pain, she felt pleasure.

She ripped Jack's expensive shirt and touched his athletic body.

She started kissing every part of his body.

''Ahh...'' Jack groaned in pleasure, but this was only the beginning.

Ariane lied down on the bed and lustfully looked at Jack.

''Take me...'' She said with a lustful tone.

Jack smiled and kissed her lips one more time.

''Alright.... Saintess.''


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