Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 52: Red Lightning.

Chapter 52: Red Lightning.

The Kindland was in chaos.

The News is already spreading to nearby countries, and it is only a matter of time before everyone finds out that Jack has returned.

It has already been a day since Chris' death.

But no one is mourning after him.

People thought that he was a great Chairman.

4 Years ago, Charity was on the brink of destruction, but Chris, with the help of Ariane and others, managed to make Charity greater than ever before.

But then Ariane's words of Chris forcing her to be his wife.

Many got disgusted by Chris' actions, but some people didn't believe because Ariane is now a villain.

But then Heroes' words of Chris' actions made Ariane's words more trustworthy.

Chris was apparently very obsessed with Ariane and didn't even help in the evacuation.

Some people couldn't believe that their kind Saintess became a villain and that Jack was controlling her.

People are wondering what kind of terrible things he is doing to her.


In Charity.

A beautiful mansion was located in the Eastern Part of Charity.

The mansion was covered by a large fence, and the yard of the mansion had beautiful grassland and a pure green garden.

There was also a large mountain in the middle of the yard.

The place was like from some fairytale, but it is reality.

This is the home of Ariane Violetheart.

It is also a place where Jack and Ariane currently were.

But what were they doing currently?


''Is it good?'' Ariane asked with hope. Her bright violet eyes were piercing through Jack's heart.

''I-It is great!'' Jack said powerfully and took another piece from the steak.

Jack was currently eating Ariane's food, and his skinny body was starting to get more muscular.

His face didn't look as fatigued as before, and his beautiful skin was already shown.

He had to shower for a few hours to clean his body entirely.

Ariane also cut his hair and beard.

Jack now looked slightly malnourished handsome man. His crimson-colored hair and bright red eyes gave him an exotic look.

'This is actually great... She is way too perfect.' Jack thought after taking another piece of steak.

''Yay!'' Ariane cheered with a broad smile.

Jack has already eaten a lot of her food, but she wants to be praised after every plate.

He was still wearing his dirty rags as clothes, which showed his skin from many places.

Ariane pondered, ''There is more food in the kitchen; I will go get you new clothes!'' She stood up in a hurry.

''I can come with you.'' Jack was about to stand up, but then Ariane pushed him back down.

''It's fine~.'' Ariane said and tenderly touched his cheek, ''There is no one who can hurt me.''

Jack sighed and nodded, ''Sorry...''

''Hehe.'' Ariane giggled and kissed his cheek, ''I like when you worry about me~.''

She started walking towards the door while shaking her hips, making the scene breathtaking.

Jack chuckled and emptied his plate.

''I will be back soon,'' Ariane said and left the mansion.

Jack took another few plates from the kitchen and emptied them all to his stomach.

His fatigued and skinny body has completely disappeared now.

His handsome face has returned, and his athletic figure almost ripped his clothes.

Jack lied down on the couch and felt like he was lying on marshmallows.

He has spent the last 4 Years sitting on hard ground without moving a muscle.

But because of his physique, he didn't feel pain or cold.

He felt only hunger.

Now his hunger has been satisfied.

Jack's eyelids started getting heavier, and he slowly drifted to sleep.

First time since Sophia's death... He could sleep without worry.

A few hours later, Ariane returned.

She entered the mansion while carrying 10 bags effortlessly; all were filled with men's clothes.

''Dear?'' Ariane said after entering the mansion, but she didn't hear any voices.

She put the bags down on the floor.

''Jack?'' Ariane said louder this time.

She felt her heart sinking, ''JACK!'' Ariane shouted loudly.

She started running through the mansion with incredible speed, but she couldn't find him after 1 minute of searching.

''N-No... J-Jack...'' Tiny teardrops started appearing on the corner of her eyes.

She went towards the dining hall and saw the plates on the table but didn't see the red-haired man.

''N-No...'' Her heart sunk deeper than ever before.

But then... With her great hearing, she heard small breathing noises.

Ariane quickly arrived at the couch and saw a handsome red-haired man sleeping peacefully.

''Haahhh...'' Ariane took a deep breath of relief, she wiped her tears, ''I am so stupid... Of course he won't leave me.''

She had a broad smile; she sat down next to the couch and looked at Jack's peaceful sleeping face.

5 Hours Later.

Jack opened his eyes slowly, and with his hazy vision, he saw pair of violet eyes looking at him lovingly.


Ariane nodded with a smile, ''I didn't want to wake you up; you were so cute when you were sleeping~.''

Jack chuckled and sat down on the couch.

Ariane sat next to him and hugged his arm.

Her soft body was in contact with Jack's, and her breasts trapped his arm.

Jack grabbed a TV Remoter and opened the TV.

The first thing they saw was their pictures on the TV.

The News Anchor opened his mouth, ''There are speculations that the Disaster of Charity, The Jack has taken Saintess Ariane as his hostage. There have also been speculations that Jack is using mind-controlling powers to make her kill Chris...''


The TV exploded into thousand pieces.

Ariane's hands were glowing in violet color.

Jack chuckled, ''I don't care what they say...''

''I do!'' Ariane pouted.

Jack chuckled and patted her head.

Ariane closed her eyes out of satisfaction.

After a few minutes, Ariane asked, ''Dear, what will we be doing next? I wish we would stay here forever... But I know that you don't want that...''

Jack looked at her and kissed her head, ''After our journey is over... We can always return here.''

Ariane smiled sweetly, ''That sounds nice...''

Jack looked outside of the window; the sky was still crimson without any signs of disappearing.

''First... I will take down the Main Government.''

Ariane looked at him and hugged even tighter, ''C-Can you do it?''

Jack smiled and looked at the screen in front of him.

[Rage Meter: 100%]

[Directed At: Heroes and Villains]

[Rage Directed Towards Ariane: 0%]

''I can...'' Jack's eyes glowed in bright red.

The crimson sky became even brighter, illuminating the dark city in bright red light.

The crimson sky slowly started spreading to nearby countries, which caused mass chaos.


A slight crackling of lightning appeared in the crimson sky, making a booming sound that scared everyone.



The red lightning started descending from the sky.


The first red lightning hit a mountain and completely destroyed it!

The mountain disappeared, and only a red sea of lightning replaced it.

The same thing happened in Kindland and nearby countries.

The red lightning struck the ground and destroyed everything nearby.

But the red lightning didn't hit any of the cities; instead, it destroyed the nature surrounding the cities.

That phenomenon lasted for 10 minutes until the red lightning disappeared and the crimson sky disappeared.

But the crimson sky above Kindland didn't disappear.

Jack's eyes stopped glowing.

''They don't deserve the beautiful nature...'' Jack muttered.

''Did you say something?'' Ariane asked sweetly.

Jack shook his head, ''Nothing.'' He lied down on the couch while still holding Ariane's soft body.

''Kyaa!'' Ariane let out a cute squeal and then was trapped by Jack's arms.

Ariane melted like chocolate; she snuggled closer to Jack's warm chest.

Jack inhaled her sweet scent and closed his eyes.

Ariane pouted and kissed his lips; she snuggled even closer and closed her eyes.

Slowly both of them drifted asleep.


''RAAAAAAA!'' A man flew through the sky and crashed on the massive mountain.


The man destroyed everything around him.

His body started glowing fiery red, the ground below him began to crack apart, and magma began flowing from the ground, coloring the beautiful nature in destruction.

He glared angrily towards the man in the distance.

The man had short black hair, grey eyes, and handsome features. He was wearing a superhero outfit which consisted of red and blue colors and a white cape.

He was Champion-Star Hero, Infinity!

''Infinity, what the fuck do you want?!'' The man who was being attacked angrily roared.

''Hehe.'' The man turned his head in panic and saw an old-looking man.

''B-Bara? What do you want!''

Bara innocently smiled, ''If you give your power to Infinity, we will let you live.''

The man had veins popping on his forehead, ''WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I DO THAT?!''

Infinity appeared behind him and grabbed his neck, ''Is death better opinion?''

The man gritted his teeth hatefully, ''FUUUCK!'' He shouted angrily.


Red energy slowly left his body and went straight to Infinity.

''Ahhh...'' Infinity moaned out of satisfaction; he felt immense strength filling him.

''HAHAHA!'' Bara madly laughed.

''N-Now... Let me go.'' The man said shakily; he felt fragile.

He was like a god; now, he is mortal.

Infinity snorted and crushed his neck.

The man became lifeless instantly.

Infinity threw his body away and looked at his hands.

His other hand was fiery red, and his other hand was pure white.

''How do you feel?'' Bara asked with a grin.

Infinity grinned, ''Powerful....''


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