Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 32: Happyland's Campsite.

Chapter 32: Happyland's Campsite.

-In The Villain Association-

9 Fingers sat down in the meeting hall, discussing the fight.

It has been a few hours since they stopped receiving any information, making them slightly worried.

But then.


The door was slammed wide open.

''T-The battle is over!'' The man shouted.

The 9 Fingers looked expectantly towards him.

The pressure of having all the 9 Fingers look at you is massive, and he could barely stay standing.

But he managed to utter his words. ''T-The Disaster of Evil, Karabu has died!''


The 9 Fingers gasped.

This is big news.

Rarely a Disaster-Level Threat dies, and once someone does, it always has enormous consequences.

''I see... Thank you.'' Phantom said and waved for the man to leave the room.

The man bowed deeply and closed the doors behind him.

''Can you use your ability to bring Chairman back quicker?'' Phantom asked from a woman who is sitting in front of him.

She is an ordinary-looking young woman. She had brown hair which reached her shoulders. Her face was quite average, with brown eyes and a pointed nose. She was wearing black kimono, which perfectly showed her petite figure.

She is Second Finger of Villains Association - 10-Moon Villain Serena.

She heard Phantom's question, and she shook her head. ''I can't.''

Phantom nodded; he was expecting that answer.

Raizo put him to be Deputy Chairman until he returns, and he is in charge of how Villains Association operates when he isn't around.

Phantom has a lot of pressure on his neck.

The Heroes Association's and the Main Government have been starting to hunt down Villains more often, and if they find out their base...

They will send Super-Star Hero to wipe them out; they could fight back if they had their Chairman with them. But even though Phantom is almost Disaster-Moon, he still is far weaker than the actual Disaster-Moon Villain.

Phantom leaned on his chair and started thinking about the next course of actions.

The Villains Association has business all over the Kindness, of course in the Underworld, and they need their money to run their own business.

It is easier to threaten the Underworld when Raizo is with them, but they aren't afraid of 10-Moon Villain.

''How is the Underworld?'' Phantom asked.

Ank shook his head. ''They are waiting... Probably hoping for our Chairman to die.''

''Tsk.'' Phantom clicked his tongue. ''They were working with the Evil Paradise to get most of their slaves, and they lost a lot of money.''

Ank nodded. ''Even though Karabu is dead... There is still Entity... Not sure will he let our Chairman leave that easily.''

Neal finally opened his mouth. ''We shouldn't worry about Chairman, for now; our attack on the Heroes Association brought unnecessary trouble.''

''What do you mean?'' Phantom asked curiously.

''The Main Government thinks that our base is located either in Charmland or some nearby countries; it is only a matter of time before they find us.''

Phantom thoughtfully nodded. ''Chairman probably thought of this and decided to use the chaos of Evil Paradise to move the Villains Association base somewhere else.''

The other 9 Fingers also nodded.

Sometimes Raizo's plans are unpredictable, but there is always a good reason.

''Should we pack it up?'' Neal asked.

Phantom nodded. ''Let's move.''

He turned his head towards Serena. ''We need your help with this.''

Serena nodded and stood up from her chair.

She is the reason why no one has found out about their base yet.

Because they move their bases every year, they can do it quietly because of Serena's unique ability.


-In The Charity-

The majestic city of Charity was no more.

It used to be a beautiful city with beautiful architecture and nature, but now it was all in ruins.

A vast 5-kilometer long bottomless pit was located in the Southern area of Charity.

A 5-kilometer long barren wasteland was in the Western area of Charity.

Only the Northern and Eastern area is unharmed.


The citizens finally left the bunker.

It has been 2 days since the sound of fighting disappeared.

But Chris and the rest forbade everyone to leave right away.

Who knows what their battle did to the air.

The battle between Disaster-Moon Villains can even poison the air, which makes everyone unable to breathe.

That's why Chris and some of the Heroes left the bunker to test the air before letting everyone go.

The air was fine, except it was freezing cold!

The citizens left the bunker shortly afterward, and they finally saw the destruction.

A giant bottomless pit was in the southern part of the Charity, and some of the people who lived there started tearing up.

The electricity around Charity is long gone; the power plant was destroyed in the fight.

Chris gritted his teeth; he knows that the Heroes Association failed big time, the Villains are wreaking havoc, and the Heroes Association will be too busy to rebuild Charity.

'Father... I wish you were here...' Chris thought; he believes that with Kenturion, they could easily stop the crime wave.

But it is impossible with his 7-Star Hero strength.

Most of the stronger heroes won't even listen to him.

Why would they?

They are working as a hero because of the fame and wealth they get.

They listened to Kenturion's orders because he is way stronger than them and also is the one who is holding their paychecks.

But currently, heroes know that Chris needs them, and he can't lose any heroes.

Ariane left the bunker as well and felt the cold air tickling her soft skin.

She shuddered lightly.

'They fought far away from here... but the air is still this cold... How cold it actually is if you get attacked by it?' Ariane thought this was amazing, in her opinion.

Her thoughts about Disaster-Level Threats are changing day after day.

She never imagined meeting with Disaster-Moon Villain or Super-Star Hero because they are legendary figures.

But she has met two in only a few days.

And she also had a lengthy conversation with Entity.

News always talked about how powerful the Disaster-Moon and Super-Star beings are, but they never told how strong.

Ariane is almost freezing even now, and she isn't the only one.

The citizens behind her were also trembling.

Entity's attack was about 15 kilometers from their spot, and that attack was made 2 days ago, which means most of the cold air is long gone.

If they went out right after the fighting sounds disappeared, they probably would have died.

Not even Chris would have survived the cold because even he is shuddering.

'What about him then...' Ariane thought about a certain black-haired man with black and red eyes.

'Is he alive...' Ariane thought with worry.

Seeing Entity's power makes her think that it is almost impossible for Jack to survive.

Most of the people in Kindland think that Jack is unbeatable existence.

The same thought is shared by people from Charity.

But not Ariane.

She saw his vulnerable look, and she only remembers Entity's confidence.

Even though Jack is a villain and hated by many people, she can't start hating him for some reason.

'Please be safe...'


''Haahhh!'' Jack exited the water and took a deep breath.

He lied down onshore somewhere in Kindness; he has drifted far away from Evil Paradise.

Half of his legs were getting soaked because of the water, but he didn't bother moving.

He finally felt relaxed while lying down on the sand; he doesn't want to move.

The voices he heard in Evil Paradise were long gone as well.

He doesn't know why the voices told him to destroy everything around him.

Maybe the anger in that place told him to.

He doesn't know, and he is rarely in good enough condition to think straight.

But now he is.

He is thinking deeply about the things he has done so far.

A tiny teardrops left his eyes while remembering the screams of the people he killed.

'Y-Y-You will go to hell...' He remembered Kenturion's last words.

Kenturion used to be his idol when he was a child, and those words hurt him in many ways.

He knows that there is no salvation for him anymore.

His fate has been sealed and he has one-way ticket to the Hell.

''Revenge...'' He muttered, there is only one person left who ruined his life.

Laurence could have simply spread the video clip, which would have let Jack get his revenge.

Star Warrior and Green Dream would have got arrested.

Jack could have finally start his griefing process.

But Laurence didn't let him grief in peace.

Jack breathed deeply, he pushed himself up.

His outfit was dirty and wet.

He doesn't even have shoes, those got destroyed long time ago, and his outfit was in rags.

The sand got stuck in Jack's skin, making his walk extremely annoying.

But he finally managed to exit the beach and start walking on grass.

There were few trees around him and asphalt road not far from his position.

The nature around him was very peaceful, he could only hear his gentle footsteps.

He walked few more minutes, until he heard a cheerful laughter all of a sudden.

He perked up his ears and turned his head, there was a lot of trees in his way, but he could barely see.

He saw a lot of children cheerfully playing and quite a lot of adults watched them with gentle smiles.

The area was around 1 kilometer easily and it looked like there were dozens of families.

He narrowed his eyes and saw a sign which said.

[Welcome to Happyland's Campsite!]


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