Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 29: The Ice Man.

Chapter 29: The Ice Man.

''RAAA!'' The Muscular Karabu roared and punched his way out of the ice pillar.

The Muscular Karabu's eyes were bloodshot; he was fuming with anger.

It was already the hundredth time for him being frozen.

''YOU ANNOYING!'' The Muscular Karabu shouted and slammed his fist towards Entity.

Entity swiftly dodged, he was floating gently on the air, and once he was in the air, he crossed his arms slowly.

[Ice Spiral]

A Spiral of ice appeared in front of him, and the spiral of ice caused ice spikes to appear, which flew straight towards The Muscular Karabu.

''HMPH!'' The Muscular Karabu snorted angrily and punched at the ice spikes, which destroyed the spikes easily.

The Muscular Karabu used his muscular body to destroy the rest of the spikes and rushed towards Entity.

[Ice Transform]

Once Entity touched the ground, the ground below The Muscular Karabu turned into ice!

''AAAHHH!'' The Muscular Karabu screamed with surprise and slipped on the ice ground, making him fall down on his butt.

''ME ANGRY!'' The Muscular Karabu cried out and stood up.

Entity sighed.

They have been fighting almost a day, and he is startled after seeing The Muscular Karabu's stamina.

He doesn't get tired.

His wounds get healed instantly.

He is like a tank.

The Muscular Karabu again punched, and Entity dodged it easily.

But the punch caused massive storms to appear in the sky.

Entity put his hand forward.

[Ice Sculpture]

The Muscular Karabu's body started turning into ice slowly.

''WEAK!'' The Muscular Karabu roared and destroyed the ice in his body.

The Muscular Karabu then swung his hand towards Entity.

But he easily dodged it.

But then another punch came from The Muscular Karabu, which sent him flying a few kilometers.


Entity's body kept bouncing, while his body's momentum slowly started decreasing until he finally was stopped.

''Grrr!'' Entity gritted his teeth and stood up.

Behind Entity, you can clearly see the Evil Paradise slowly sinking to the sea.

Around 70% of Evil Paradise was already underwater.

But Entity couldn't care.

He already knows that no one can save Evil Paradise from sinking.

Except Hero-Star or Calamity-Moon Level being.

Entity saw The Muscular Karabu stomping towards him clumsily.



Entity stumbled slightly.

The earth around him started having tremors like a massive earthquake was happening.

He turned his head and saw a battle between red-colored energy and a man who can split anything happening nearby.

The mountains and earth crumbled around them, and their fight even affected the other Disasters.

''...Jack is stronger than I imagined.'' Entity thought aloud.

He isn't that surprised seeing Karabu's strength.

He is a legendary individual, after all.

But Jack's strength was way above than he thought.

He saw videos of Jack fighting against Kenturion.

And during Kenturion's transformation, he reached a low Super-Star level, and he managed to injure Jack.

That's why Entity thought that Jack was low Disaster-Moon, and if he was only low, then Entity was confident that he could make him retreat.

But even though he is low, it wouldn't mean that Entity could capture him, even if he was stronger.

Jack's strength is now definitely around High Disaster-Moon, which makes him more dangerous.

'I need to tell my boss about him.' Entity thought.

It would be dangerous to let Jack run freely; who knows what will happen.

''RAA!'' He heard The Muscular Karabu's angry-sounding shout.

[Ice Stop]

Entity simply waved his hand towards The Muscular Karabu, making him stop because the ice started forming on his legs.

''STOP DOING THAT!'' The Muscular Karabu roared and destroyed the ice, but instantly more ice appeared.

''I WILL KILL YOU!'' The Muscular Karabu shouted and swiped his hand towards Entity, which caused a tiny crack to appear, but it was getting bigger slowly.

Entity looked at the scene with a neutral face; slowly, his body started turning ice!

First, his legs turned into ice, then his torso started slowly forming into ice, and then shortly afterward, the ice reached his neck.

[Ice Man!]

Entity was now like an ice sculpture, but he can move; others who turned into ice sculptures can't; they would be lucky if they could even breathe.

Entity rushed towards The Muscular Karabu and punched with his icy fist.

The crack in front of him is already as big as a basketball.

The Muscular Karabu seeing Entity attacking, decided to unleash his attack.

He touched the crack, and instantly the crack got destroyed like it was a piece of glass.

[Split of Belief]

A tremendous amount of energy assaulted Entity's figure!

Entity looked around him with slight panic but then felt some kind of invisible energy locking him in places.

''AAa...'' Entity shouted, but then his ice figure was destroyed in a million pieces!

''RAHAHAHA.'' The Muscular Karabu laughed. ''I killed him!''

''Time to kill more!'' The Muscular Karabu turned around and started stomping towards other disasters.

''Not so fast.'' But suddenly, a chilling voice was heard behind him.

He turned his head around and saw a broken-looking ice man standing behind him.

''What?!'' The Muscular Karabu was shocked, but then The Ice Man hugged his figure.

''GET OFF ME!'' He roared.

He felt cold like never before.

Entity's previous attacks were freezing.

But this is something different.

The Ice Man breathed cold smoke out of his mouth and started muttering something with a chilling voice. ''Ice is cold, and cold is Ice.''

[Ice In The Darkest Night Shall Be The Cry Of Despair]

The Muscular Karabu widened his eyes, but his body was already frozen.

Light in his eyes disappeared, and only a muscular figure covered in ice was shown.

The Ice Man's figure started fixing itself until finally flesh started appearing.

A naked, light blue-haired figure was shown.

''Whew.'' Entity took a deep breath

He looked towards The Muscular Ice Sculpture in front of him.

''...'' Entity stayed silent.

He put his hand on the ice sculpture and pushed.

The Ice Sculpture fell down and was shattered into million pieces.

The Muscular Karabu is... Dead.



Again the earth trembled around Entity, and he could barely stay standing.

''What a mess...'' Entity thought aloud.

He finally could concentrate enough to look at his surroundings and was slightly shocked seeing so much destruction.

The Evil Paradise was sinking more and more each passing second.

Huge waves raged everywhere.

Multiple islands have sunk.

Entity covered his body with an ice costume, which fit his athletic body nicely.

The ice costume looked like a knight's armor.

He was about to turn around and help Raizo defeat the Old Man Karabu, but then he remembered one crucial thing.

''What about them?!'' Entity was pale; he thought about the former slaves. ''Did they survive... I need to be sure!''

Entity is still a hero, and protecting the citizens is his most important duty.

He started running with lightning speed, and he soon reached the ocean and saw a piece of cracked ice floating in the water.

He ignored it and started running on the water, but each step made ice appear on the water.

He didn't use the Ice Wings because it is slower than running with all his might.

While he was running, he saw multiple islands about to go underwater.

It was getting harder and harder for him to run in water because the waves were massive.

[Ice World]

Instantly the sea turned to ice!

But soon, cracking noises of ice appeared.

The ice couldn't hold much longer.

The ice got destroyed, and the blue sea reappeared.

But it gave Entity enough time to dodge the waves and keep his pace towards the island he sent them to.

After a few more minutes of running, he finally saw an island in the distance.

The island was a mess.

The shore of the island was underwater, and the trees were pulled from their roots.

There was also a small mountain in the middle of the island, but it was also crumbling apart.

''Damn it.'' Entity cursed, and ice started spreading from his feet.

[Ice World]

The area around the island was instantly frozen!

The impact of the battles didn't reach this far anymore, after Entity's fight ended.

He reached the island and started running deeper into the forest, trying to find any signs of life.


He turned his head and heard a noise coming from the bushes.

He waited for moment longer and saw a group of beautiful women appearing.

Entity finally could sigh with a relief.

The group of women were shocked seeing Entity appearing here.

''W-Why are you here?'' The black-haired woman asked.

Entity sighed. ''My battle is over, I will take you all to nearby Heroes Association, they will help you to reach your homes.''

The group of women were shocked, until they nodded with slight tears of joy started dropping from their eyes.

Entity led them out of the forest and started walking with them in the ice sea.

The Ice was slightly shaking, because aftermath of the fight, but not enough to break it.

The group of women looked towards the direction of Evil Paradise with multiple emotions.

But most of them were anger.

They probably can't forget what happened there in their lifetime.

Every day was filled with misery.

But now seeing the Evil Paradise sinking in front of their eyes was a shocking sight.

Entity also looked at the sinking island and was filled with emotions.

He doesn't know how many died because the island is sinking, and he doesn't know if there is any innocents either.

But one thing is certain...

A lot of bad men died today.


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