Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 22: Evil Paradise.

Chapter 22: Evil Paradise.

Invisible pressure enveloped the area around them.

The massive wall behind them started cracking, and the earth below them began to turn into ash.

No one moved.

Entity looked closely at them; it would be bad if they teamed up.

Jack looked warily at them; he had no intention of teaming up with anyone.

In front of him was the strongest Hero he had seen so far and the strongest Villain.

Raizo's face was also profound.

Entity and Jack weren't any weaker than him.

How long has it been since he last time had to be serious in a fight?

One year?

Five years?

It has been a long time.

The wind went quiet.

No sound was heard.

...But then!

[Ice World!]

The 5 kilometers around them suddenly turned into ice!

Buildings, cars, roads... Everything was ice sculptures.

Entity's ability is called Ice.

It is S-Rank ability, which lets him control ice with his body, and he can turn anything into ice, but because it is S-Rank, his behavior becomes very cold.

Raizo leaped into the air, but a few ice spikes approached him.

He put his hand forwards.


The ice spikes turned into water and only made Raizo's body wet.

Raizo's ability is called Liquid.

It is also S-Rank ability that lets him make everything Liquid; even humans can become liquid if Raizo touches that person. Because the ability is S-Rank, he becomes very calm, like Liquid...

Jack, on the other hand, couldn't react at all.

The ice froze his body, only leaving his head intact.

He snorted and coated his body with Rage Energy which destroyed the ice.

The three figures looked at each other warily.

The Wall behind them was also turned into ice, but the wall broke apart after the invisible pressure reappeared.

The Heroes and the members of the Government have already retreated to the bunker, and they were shocked seeing half of the city suddenly turn into ice!

''I guess there won't be Charity after this battle...'' The Mayor of Charity muttered sadly.

''We would be lucky if there is Kindland anymore after this,'' Chris said; they entered the bunker, which was filled with citizens.

There weren't any Helicopters filming the fight because it would be suicide.

Even the invisible pressure would have destroyed the helicopter, killing everyone inside.

Entity, Raizo, and Jack stood silently; every time someone flinched, the others did as well.

Jack's Rage Energy started gathering on his feet.

He concentrated, and then...

The ice ground below them turned red!

[Rageful Destiny!]

Entity and Raizo jumped a few hundred meters in the air and watched as the Rage Energy wreaked havoc, destroying everything covered in ice.

Now the entire South area of Charity was destroyed!

Only North and East are still remaining.

Entity and Raizo landed on the ground.

''What is your ability?'' Raizo asked curiously.

Jack didn't answer.

''He seems to be in a lot of anger all the time. Something anger-related, maybe?'' Entity guessed.

''Heh...'' Raizo chuckled.

''Your turn, Raizo.'' Entity told.

''My turn to do what?'' Raizo asked with a raised eyebrow.

''We showed abilities, your turn.'' Entity glared with his cold grey eyes.

Raizo chuckled. ''It isn't as impressive, but here I go!''

He touched the asphalt ground, and the southern area instantly turned black sticky liquid.

''Damn.'' Entity covered the ground below in ice, but it became water instantly.

Entity then decided to leap a few hundred into the air and create an ice pillar below him.

[Rageful Spirit]

Jack used his rage energy to destroy the black sticky liquid.

The asphalt below them was long gone, and dirt ground was the only thing left.

''I told you it wasn't as impressive.'' Raizo chuckled.

Entity snorted and landed on the ground.

The 5-kilometer area around them was a barren wasteland.

First, it was covered in ice.

Then Jack's rage energy destroyed ice and everything inside it.

And then Raizo's Liquid ability destroyed the only thing left in the southern area, the asphalt road.

''Do you guys have to be somewhere next few days? Because this fight will last a long time.'' Entity asked.

''Not really.'' Raizo shrugged his shoulders.

''Yes,'' Jack said without expression.

''Where?'' Entity asked.

Raizo also raised an eyebrow.


''It can wait.'' Entity told, Raizo also nodded.

Jack thought for a moment and nodded.

He has already felt Laurence's anger signal.

He was angry towards him because he had to leave his wife and son because of him.

Laurence was still sitting in his office in the News Station; he was the only one who didn't evacuate.

He was too afraid to do that...

His family was evacuated, and they are now in the bunker.

And if Laurence went there... He is afraid that Jack will follow him there.

''Then... Should we get a little bit more serious?'' Raizo said; his face turned serious.

Entity nodded; half of his body turned into ice.

Rage Energy gathered on Jack's fists.

''RAAA!'' Raizo roared; he Liquified his arm, and it turned into blood.

His bloody arm grew longer.

It was now over 5m long whip.

He swung his bloody arm towards Entity and Jack.

Entity pointed his finger towards the incoming whip-like arm.

[Ice Freeze]

A beam of ice left Entity's finger and clashed with the incoming bloody arm.

The blood instantly froze.

''RAAA!'' Raizo again roared; the ice turned to water, and again his bloody arm was approaching Entity and Jack.

Entity leaped into the air; only cold smoke was left on his previous spot

The bloody arm clashed with Jack's palm.

[Raging Internal Destruction!]

The Rage energy started spreading on the bloody arm.

Raizo gritted his teeth and removed the liquefication.

His long bloody arm disappeared; it turned normal once again.

Entity was in mid-air; he crossed his fingers.

[Ice Terraform]

Raizo and Jack felt the earth tremble below them.

Raizo leaped towards the sky.

Jack surrounded his body with Rage Energy.


Ground exploded.

Suddenly the dirt ground was full of ice spikes.

The 5-kilometer area around them is now packed with ice spikes.

Ice spike also hit Jack, but the Rage Energy protected him.

Raizo landed on the ground and touched the ice.


The ice ground turned into water.

But now, there wasn't solid ground below them!

All three of them fell down on the massive pit with a radius of 5 kilometers!

''Oh, shit!'' Raizo cried out.

''...'' Entity didn't say anything.

His back turned into ice, and suddenly wings appeared on his back, made of ice.

Entity started flying away from the pit.

Raizo clicked his tongue and transformed his right arm as a long bloody whip.

He swung the bloody whip and caught Entity's ankle with it.

''Let go of me!'' Entity cried out, he was still flying higher, but now Raizo was being dragged behind him.

''Nah!'' Raizo laughed.

Jack was still falling.

He felt Entity's anger rising; he could use it as a signal.

Rage energy started gathering on his hand; it became a few hundred long whip!


He swung the whip; it increased in velocity and perfectly caught Entity's ankle.

''Not you too!'' Entity cried out.

''HAHAHAHA!'' Raizo laughed even harder.

Jack's Rage Energy whip became shorter and shorter.

He used the whip to pull himself up.

Now he was next to Raizo, and they were high in the air.

Below them, a giant 5-kilometer long pit was shown.

''Let's take this fight somewhere else!'' Entity yelled; he is still a hero, and he can't stand all this destruction; he is planning to take the fight somewhere else.

Raizo rolled his eyes and let Entity drag him somewhere.

Jack's gaze was directed towards a building with words [Charity News Station] on it.

He can almost see Laurence's figure there, but Entity started flying further away, and the building became only a black dot in the distance.

He also saw the refrigerator, which was still standing unharmed.

'I will come back...' Jack thought.

''Where are you taking us?'' Raizo asked with displeasure; his bloody whip arm was starting to become uncomfortable.

''Place which doesn't mind slight destruction.'' Entity narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Raizo widened his eyes. ''Are you talking about Evil Paradise?!''

Entity nodded. ''I doubt you actually mind, do you? People there are nothing but lowly scums who deserve to get exterminated.''

''I don't mind, but there is still that old guy guarding that place.''

Entity snorted. ''It is already three-way battle between Disaster-Level beings, doesn't matter if it becomes four-way.''

''HAHAHAHA! This is becoming fun!'' Raizo laughed.

Jack was quiet the entire trip.

They exited Kindland and started making their way over to the so-called Evil Paradise.

Evil Paradise is a place for people who have no place anywhere else, primarily Villains, but Villains there is the lowliest scum in the entire world.

They have no rules. No discipline; it is pure chaos there.

The government has wanted to exterminate them, but they still have a few hidden beasts there, and they would need at least 3 Disaster-Level beings to take down the country.

...But now... The most unlikely event is about to happen.

Three Disaster-Level beings are approaching the so-called Evil Paradise.

And they didn't come there to exterminate them, they came to have a battle instead.

But the Evil Paradise's fate was locked the moment they decided to have their battle there.

Entity, Raizo and Jack held back in their fight in Charity, otherwise Charity would be already wiped out of the map.

But they don't plan holding back in the Evil Paradise...

Because they don't really care who they kill there.


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