Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 107: Birth.

Chapter 107: Birth.

''Ahhh!'' Ariane cried in agony as she was lying on the hospital bed.

''Push!'' She heard nurses shouting, ''It is so close!''

She clenched her fist and did the strongest push she could utter.

Her mother Arya looked at the scene with a nervous face, but there was also some excitement.

Finally, she is getting granddaughter! But she hopes that everything will go as planned.

''Where is... My... Jacky!'' Ariane cried out, her beautiful face was drenched in sweat, as she kept shouting Jack's name.

The nurses look sad and pitiful. They thought that Ariane was abandoned by her husband.

Arya didn't know what to answer.

Ariane had a lingering fear that Jack might not be coming back, instead, he would stay with Sophia.

''I want my... Jacky!''

''Push! I already see the head!'' The nurse shouted, which gave Ariane enough energy to do the final push, and soon... An unknown figure was lying in the embrace of the nurse.

''Ahh... Ahh....'' Ariane took deep breaths, but soon... She fell asleep.

''Is she alright?!'' Arya asked with worry.

The nurse smiled and nodded, ''She is only exhausted.''

Another nurse came with pair of scissors and cut the umbilical cord.

The nurse took the baby away, while a few other nurses started taking care of Ariane.

''How pitiful... Such a beautiful woman getting abandoned by her husband.'' One of the nurses said with pity.

Arya was about to say something, but then the door was opened with a slam.

Everyone looked in hurry towards the door and widened their eyes as they saw a handsome crimson-haired figure with a beautiful crown.

''Ariane!'' Jack exclaimed and teleported next to the hospital bed.

''Excuse me, who are you?'' The nurses asked with slight blushes.

''He is the husband,'' Arya said with a wry smile, and with relief.

The nurses exclaimed.

''Is she alright?'' Jack asked with urgency.

The nurses shakily nodded and replied, ''She is only exhausted... She will be fine.''

Jack took a sigh of relief, he sat down on the chair and finally relaxed his body.

He flew here like he was being possessed, and he hadn't time to relax for a long time!

Now that he could relax... His mind became very tired.

Soon... He fell into the realm of sleep.


''Mmm...'' Ariane groggily opened her eyes, she saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

She rubbed her eyes and finally remembered what happened.

She gave birth...

''You are awake,'' Arya said gently.

''W-Where is she?'' Ariane instantly asked with an exhausted tone.

''She is doing fine. They are doing final tests, making sure that everything is fine.''

Ariane sighed in relief, but then her face morphed into sadness, ''Where is Jacky...''

Arya gently smiled, she stepped to the side, ''Look.''

Ariane looked in the direction she pointed and her eyes opened with a shock.

She saw a handsome crimson-haired figure sleeping like a baby.

''J-Jacky!'' She cried out, she tried to stand up by using her frail hands, but she was completely out of energy.

''Easy now...'' Arya held her shoulder and pushed her back to the bed, ''Rest... He won't be going anywhere.''


Months of frustration finally ended.

Tears left her eyes without stopping as she looked at the love of her life.

''H-He came back...''

''Did you ever really doubt him?'' Arya asked with a smile.

Ariane wiped her tears and smiled, ''I knew he would not leave me.''

Soon, another figure appeared in the room.

It was Andrew. He was in the hospital since the beginning, but every time he heard her daughter's screams, he felt like he was about to pass out.

It was the same when Arya gave birth to Ariane. He was in the hospital, but as far away as possible to not her screams.

''Y-You alright?'' Andrew asked with worry.

Ariane nodded with a fatigued face, ''I am, what about you Daddy, did you pass out again?''

Arya giggled while Andrew looked embarrassed.

''I-I did not pass out.''

Arya and Ariane giggled.

But the giggling woke up a certain crimson-haired man.

''Mmm...'' Jack rubbed his eyes after he opened his eyes again, he saw three figures looking at him without blinking.

''Jacky...'' Ariane said with an emotional tone.

Jack smiled and stood up, ''Sorry for being late.''

''No... You are right on time.'' Ariane smiled sweetly and grabbed Jack's hand.

Arya elbowed Andrew's waist, who understood the signal.

They left the room, leaving the lovebirds alone.

''D-Did you meet her?'' Ariane asked with slight nervousness.

Jack smiled and nodded, ''I did... I almost met with Jasmine.''

''That's... Nice.'' Ariane did a small smile.

Jack kissed her cheek and said, ''Jasmine would like to meet her second mother.''

''Second mother?'' Ariane tilted her head.

Jack chuckled, ''Well... Since she is my daughter, you are her stepmother.''

''Ah!'' Ariane exclaimed, she smiled and answered, ''I would love to meet her as well... If she was your daughter, she must be a rascal.''

''Hey, I am not... Mischievous.'' Jack said with some uncertainty, even he didn't believe his own words.

Ariane looked at him blankly, ''Aha... Tell that to judge.''

Jack rolled his eyes, ''Anyway... Is the baby alright?''

Ariane smiled and nodded, ''She is doing wonderfully.''

Jack breathed a sigh of relief, ''That's good...''

But then Ariane clenched his fist harder, ''Is everything alright... How did the war between Gods go?''

''Ah, we won...'' Jack said, but then he realized one thing.

''YOU WENT TO FIGHT GODS?!'' Ariane screamed and pinched Jack's cheeks, ''I was worried sick!''

Jack chuckled and rubbed his cheeks, ''Sorry... But we won!''

Ariane rolled her eyes, ''Well... That's good.''

''And I kind of became God, but that's not the point,'' Jack said nonchalantly.

''God... Well, honestly I am not surprised.'' Ariane said with a giggle.

Jack smiled, but then the door to the room was opened.

Arya came with Andrew, while a small baby was in her embrace.

''Here...'' She offered the baby to Ariane.

Ariane took the baby with her shaky hands, she put it gently on her embrace and looked at the innocent sleeping face of her daughter.

''So pretty...'' She said with a loving smile.

Jack felt countless emotions going through him as he looked at the scene.

''Here...'' Ariane offered the baby for Jack.

Jack didn't know how to hold it, but Arya showed the best way to hold the baby.

Soon, Jack was carrying the baby with a slight awkwardness, he was too nervous to even move in fear of dropping the baby.

Ariane and Arya giggled at the sight, while Andrew sighed.

He was completely the same with Jack, but even worse.

It took him 1 month to utter his willpower to carry Ariane when she was a baby.

Soon, the tiny figure on Jack's embrace opened her tiny eyes.

Jack looked at her eyes and was surprised to see the left eye being in color of violet, while the right eye was in the color of red.

It didn't make her look weird... Instead very beautiful, like pair of most beautiful gems.

The tiny figure tried to reach Jack's face with her tiny baby arms.

Jack moved his head closer so that her tiny hands can touch him.

She started pinching and moving her hands around his cheeks.

''Heh.'' Jack gave out a small laugh as she felt her soft hands touching him.

Ariane had small teardrops leaving her eyes as she saw the sight, this was all she wanted, and now she is on peak happiness.

Jack gently gave the baby back to Ariane, and she had the same fate as Jack.

Getting her cheeks pinched by the little baby.

Ariane giggled and touched the baby's nose with her own, and that made the baby giggle.


The door to the hospital room and two figures appeared.

Ariane, Arya, and Andrew looked at the two unknown figures with raised eyebrows.

While Jack looked surprised, ''Hades, what are you doing here?''

The two figures were Hades and Persephone.

''I heard your wife is giving birth, I came here to congratulate.'' Hades said with small smile.

Jack nodded and saw Persephone holding a small teddybear.

''This is for the baby.'' She offered it with a gentle smile.

''Thanks.'' Jack took it with gratitude, he gave it for Ariane.

Ariaen showed the teddybear for the little girl, and she instantly fell in love with it.

She hugged the teddy bear, which is not much smaller than she is.

Ariane and Jack smiled at the sight, while Persephone sighed.

''I want a baby...'' She turned her gaze towards Hades and smiled.

''Do you know what day it is?''

''Uhh, friday.'' Hades replied.

Persephone's eyebrow twitched, ''It is Heavenly Ceremony!''

''Oh.'' Hades said simply.

Persephone grabbed his cheek and whispered, ''Let's go to Underworld... Now.''

''Why?'' Hades asked curiously, ''We just came.''

''I want... BABY!'' She screamed and dragged him away.

Jack looked at the scene with a pale face, he prayed for Hades.

Ariane nodded with approval, ''She knows how to do it right! He is very block head, like you Jacky.''

Jack scratched his head, ''How should we know what you girls want? We aren't psychics.''

Ariane looked at him with dead-looking eyes, ''Jacky... I am surprised, how did you even find out that I was in love with you.''

Jack smiled and puffed his chest in pride, ''Well... You kind of said it few hundred times.''

Ariane's cheeks dyed in pink, ''Dummy...''

She moved her head towards the baby's ear, ''Your daddy is dummy.''

''Ah... Ah....'' The baby made a childish sounds, like she was agreeing with her mommy.


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