Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 10: Kenturion's Last Stand.

Chapter 10: Kenturion's Last Stand.

Since the previous News Helicopter was destroyed and the driver and the News Reporter died.

The Charity's News Station sent one of the helicopters and heard a piece of interesting news.

Heroes Association Chairman Kenturion will face the threat all by himself!

After the News Station informed the citizens about it, they received another sparkle of hope.

The citizens prayed... that Kenturion can put end to this nightmarish day.

People from Kindness watched closely at the screen because the fight is about to begin!

Kenturion jumped through the buildings, with great agility he already saw the entrance towards the barren wasteland.


He jumped straight towards the ground, which created a small crater around him.

In front of him was the wasteland...

He can clearly feel the death around him.

'How many died here...' Kenturion thought with a pale face.

The lights from the buildings only showed about 100 meters to the wasteland.

From there only darkness remained.

He has never felt this scared before, he knows that the being who walks from the darkness will be the one who ends his life.

'30 minutes... No, even 10 minutes is enough for at least 10 thousand people to evacuate.' Kenturion thought.

He has seen the helicopter following him a few kilometers already.

He wishes for the helicopter to disappear... He doesn't want his family to witness his death.

His wife died 10 years ago.

His daughter, her husband, and their children are his only family left.

This could traumatize the children if they see their gentle grandpa dying brutally in the hands of a villain.


Kenturion hopes that his death will be meaningful, this will be his last stand.

He hopes that more people want to be Heroes and the tyranny of villains.

Less and fewer people became Heroes in the last decade. One of the reasons is because they fear the Villains.

But Kenturion wishes to show that the Villains aren't monster, they are only humans, which means they can be killed.

If he manages to hurt Jack... It could bring a spark of hope to everyone's heart.

He doesn't have any hope that he wins the fight, but he has hopes that his death will at least be meaningful.

Kenturion thought that he will die out of old age... he isn't sure if this situation blessing or a curse.

He looked towards the Helicopter and looked straight at the camera. 'Goodbye my child...'



He flinched.

He turned his head towards the darkness.

With a pale face, he listened to the footsteps.

...From there.

A figure was shown

He had beautiful black hair with an athletic-looking body... but his face was far from beautiful. His black and red eyes shined in the dark night while his skin had a lot of different colors.

Red, Blood of the fallen Heroes.

Brown, the dirt of the fallen Heroes.

Grey, ashes of the fallen Heroes

His body was like a cemetery of the heroes who died.

Jack appeared from the darkness with the same empty-looking eyes, he was still carrying the refrigerator.

He saw the muscular man in front of him and he finally changed his facial expression.

Jack was shocked.

He put the refrigerator very gently on the ground, it was like he was holding a baby.

Red forcefield surrounded the refrigerator, it is now unbreakable object.

He turned his head towards Kenturion and stepped a few meters forward.

Kenturion's heartbeat increased, he put all his effort to not step backward.

He can't show any signs of fear, this is his last stand. He will die proudly!

''Kenturion right...'' Jack opened his mouth.

Kenturion tried to control his emotions. ''Correct.''

Jack chuckled slightly and scratched the back of his head. ''You used to be my idol when I was a kid... I wanted to be like you...''

Kenturion didn't change his facial expression, he has heard similar words all his life, but those words coming from Disaster-Moon Villain had a different impact.

He isn't sure should he feel pride or pity.

Kenturion knows that with weak abilities like Anger Sense, you can never be a hero.

Jack getting the Ultimate Awakening was a blessing for him, but a curse for every citizen of Charity.

Jack finally had a moment of clarity in his eyes, but the memories of his wife and unborn child surfaced into his mind.

The clarity disappeared and only the mad rage remained.

''Who would want to be saved by Hero if they know what kind of hypocrites Heroes truly are!'' Jack growled angrily while the red energy spread all over his body.

Kenturion flinched, the energy was way stronger than he anticipated.

'He is stronger than I was in my prime...' Kenturion despaired.

He looked towards his hand, he clenched his hand into a fist.

''I am Kenturion, The Great Hero of Kindland. I will not let you kill anymore!'' Kenturion roared and unleashed all his willpower to say those words.

Jack didn't change his expression, only his murderous eyes glared towards Kenturion.

Kenturion took a deep breath, and his muscular body turned more muscular.

His 190cm figure grew even more.

He was now standing at a height of 350cm.

''RAAAAAA!'' Kenturion roared which destroyed all the windows from the buildings.

In the streets of Kindland...

Every citizen cheered after seeing the sight of the famous Kenturion Transformation.

In the News Helicopter.

The new News Anchor started yelling towards the mic. ''HERE IT IS! It is legendary Kenturion Transformation!''

The people-watching from their homes... Looked at the screen with clenched fists.

The children who were looking at the TV were cheering loudly.

While in a certain household in Charity...

A middle-aged woman was looking at the scene with a pale face. ''Dad...'' She murmured.

She had beautiful blond hair with an attractive face. She was wearing a nightgown and was preparing to go to sleep, but then her husband woke her up... Saying something bad is happening.

Their children also woke up because of the noise.

And now, the family of 5 was sitting on the couch while looking at the Screen.

''Kara...'' Her husband told with worry.

Kara shook her head. ''My dad is strong... He will handle this.''

Her husband, Jim looked at the scene with worry.

Their children, Kane, Erina, and Milly were looking at the screen with sparkling eyes.

''Go, grandpa!'' Milly was the youngest child, but she was also the most cheerful.

''Defeat the Villain!'' Kane yelled while punching at the air in front of him.

Erina stayed silent while looking at the scene of her Grandpa with sparkling eyes.

Kara clenched her fist while looking at the children. 'Dad... Please be alright...'

In the Heroes Association...

Every screen showed the video footage.

The workers believed that Kenturion would defeat the Villain, that's why the atmosphere in the Heroes Association wasn't that heavy, instead, they laughed with each other while discussing the upcoming fight.

But the ones on the Top Floor...

Knows that Kenturion is there just to stall time.

Some of them shed tears.

Some of them looked respectfully towards Kenturion.

Not many of them would be willing to sacrifice themselves to buy a few minutes.

Many of them tried to stop Kenturion because facing Jack alone would be suicide.

If he dies... Villains might go rampage.

Many of the villains in Kindland already treat Jack as their Idol.

Not many of the Villains can single-handedly kill 5 Heroes without breaking a sweat, and force the Chairman to act.

The Chairman of the Heroes Association is usually a figure rarely seen anywhere, especially on the battlefield.

Chairman is usually the final Trump card.

~Somewhere in Kindland~

In a bar in a random alley...

The bar was full of people while looking at the screen.

All of the people in the bar have one thing in common... There are evil-looking grins on their faces.

They have watched with great interest at the destruction of Charity.

And they did a bet, how long Jack would last.

No one imagined that Jack would survive the attack of the 5 Heroes.

But few people bet for fun and earned a great sum of money.

The ones who lost money didn't care, because they started cheering for Jack shortly afterward.

''RAHAHAHA, Kill the Chairman!'' Raul yelled loudly.

''Raul, I thought you were angry after you lost money because of The Jack.'' Simon next to him said.

Raul scoffed. ''Doesn't matter! The Jack is my idol now!''

Simon chuckled and started drinking the beer while enjoying the atmosphere in the bar.

''Let's bet how long it takes for The Jack to kill the Chairman!'' Raul roared.

''YEAA!'' Bar erupted in cheers.

Simon rolled his eyes. ''You are really enjoying this.''

''Of course.'' Raul had a huge grin on his face, he pointed towards Kenturion. ''That bastard killed my father.''

''I know, you have said that many times,'' Simon told with a slight chuckle.

''My father only stole because we were starving, but then Kenturion caught him and killed him!'' Raul growled angrily.

''The Jack, The Disaster of Charity, please kill him!'' Raul roared with bloodshot eyes.

''Amen,'' Simon said and raised his cup. ''For revenge.''

''For revenge,'' Raul said and took the cup which was filled with beer.

''Revenge..'' Raul stared towards the screen and drank the beer.


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