Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf

Chapter 146

When the two entered, they found that Lin Qing and Lin Jingyuan were already there. But the strange thing was that Lin Qing was sitting on the side, while Lin Jingyuan was kneeling below, his head hanging down like a frosted eggplant, completely wilted.

Emperor Lin sat on the couch above, holding a book in his hand, accompanied by Consort Mei who was quietly peeling a piece of fruit with her eyes down.

Emperor Lin expressed, “I just quizzed your Third Brother. Now I am going to quiz you. I heard that you did very well in Imperial College last year. Let me see if the Imperial teacher was right.”

Lin Jingyuan shuffled his body uncomfortably, and muttered in a low voice, “I only came here for greeting, now I’m getting spot-checked. It’s too difficult for me.”

It was good timing that Lin Ting led Lin Feilu in, because the expression on Emperor Lin’s face softened drastically when he saw the little dumpling coming in with her short legs wrapped in a red cloak.

Lin Feilu saluted crookedly, “Little Fifth Princess greets Father.”

Emperor Lin chuckled, “The sound of your voice is much better than yesterday.”

Lin Ting saluted as well, and Emperor Lin continued, “Ting’er, too, I will quiz you after I’m done quizzing the fourth son.”

Lin Ting complied obediently, and knelt down in the hall upright.

Emperor Lin was about to prepare a seat for the Fifth Princess, but he saw the little dumpling looking at the Eldest Brother on the left and then Fourth Brother on the right. She tapped her two fingers together then knelt down next to her brothers.

He burst out laughing, and did not bother asking her to get up.

Lin Jingyuan glanced at Lin Ting quietly next to him, and whispered for help, “Eldest Brother, help me!”

Lin Ting pursed his lips and smiled, and lowered his eyes without response.

Lin Jingyuan whined in plea twice, and heard Emperor Lin quiring, “Fourth son, let me ask you, Taikang has lost his state, and the five brothers of Kundi had to live in Luohe. They made the Song of the Five Sons based on the lessons of Dayu. What are the five lines of the song?”

His question for Lin Jingyuan was relatively simple. After all, he knew the intellectual capacity of this son; he might not even understand the question if Emperor Lin asked something more complicated.

Lin Jingyuan was unexpectedly scratching his head at such a simple question.

Emperor Lin wondered if Lin Jingyuan would be brighter if he hit him on the head with the inkstone next to him.

Lin Jingyuan had actually memorized this paragraph. He knew it was in the Xia Shu Chapter of “The Book of History”, but as the saying goes, the first step was always the most difficult. He was too nervous to remember what the first sentence was.

He whispered to Lin Ting in panic for help, “Brother! Eldest Brother! Imperial Eldest Brother! What was the first sentence?!”

Lin Ting had always abided by the rules, and of course would never help him cheat in front of his father. He glanced at Lin Jingyuan embarrassedly and lowered his head.

Lin Jingyuan fought a rising panic, then he heard a small voice from his side, quietly reminding him, “The imperial ancestors had once said, it’s good to create a bond with the people and never belittle them.”

He instantly felt enlightened. He piped loudly before Emperor Lin could go berserk, “The imperial ancestors had once said, it’s good to create a bond with the people, and never belittle them, because the people are the foundation of the country. If the foundation is firm, the country will be at peace. Be humble, for even a fool could win over me. If a person makes a mistake multiple times, one should examine his mistakes before severe consequences occur. Govern the people with fear as if one was riding six horses with a broken rope; how could a leader not be vigilant and fearful?”


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