Villain: The Play of Destiny

Chapter 425

Chapter 425

"Rouxi..." Feifei worriedly took her name again as she watched Keith pick her best friend up in his arms.

Thankfully, he was standing right in front of Rouxi, and he caught her in his arms when she fell. Otherwise, she would have fallen face-first into the ground.

Strangely enough, the she-wolf seemed very calm about the situation. It was as if she was not worried about her Master falling unconscious at all. Feifei did notice it, but she did not pay much attention to it.

Unbeknownst to her and Qingyue, It was because Eira could sense that her Master was not in danger. The she-wolf knew exactly what was happening to her Master.

"She is fine," Keith told Feifei, and his words helped her regain some composure.

"I am going to call the doctor..."

"I am a doctor." He cut her off, and there was a brief silence after his words.

How could she be so silly? Keith Arugus Demiliore being a Doctor certified by the Royal Medical Association and Academy was no secret to the world. It was even mentioned on his Public Profile, and she knew about it as well.

Didn't she read it yesterday?

However, like most, when meeting him in person, it usually missed their minds as he looked to be no older than his early twenties. And capable doctors at such a young age were unheard of to the Ordinary Mortals, and even to some Aurors.

"Why are you not helping her then?" She tried to mask her embarrassment but only felt more silly.

Even though Qingyue was very curious why Rouxi had suddenly fallen unconscious like that, she was not worried because she knew Keith was there, and Feifei's reactions to the whole situation were quite amusing. And what happened next amused her even more.

"Hey, where are you taking her?!" Feifei stepped forward and blocked his way when Keith turned around to take Rouxi inside the wooden cabin, prompting him to raise his brow at her.

"I am taking her inside to lay her down someplace comfortable. I need to give her a check-up." He spoke as if he was stating the obvious, and the girl felt a little more embarrassed at his words.

"Give her to me, I will take her inside." She reached forward, drawing her arms forward, but Keith refused to hand the girl in his arms over to her. "I am strong!" She insisted, probably thinking that he mistook her for some Ordinary Mortal.

Even though she had not paid much attention to her Training and Cultivation, she was still talented enough to be in the Early Stages of the Nascent Profound Realm at the age of twenty-one.

Since their Wei Family was branched out of the Ancient Wei of the Sword Sect, Jian Zong. Everyone in their family was required to start Cultivating by the time they hit puberty. She had started early, but the Formation of her Aura Soul took several years to complete.

"Stop acting like a child." Keith sighed, almost as if showing disappointment in her, and then he moved past her, heading inside the Cabin.

"She's my girlfriend! And you are a bad man!" She loudly proclaimed but was ignored by Keith.

Qingyue, on the other hand, could not bear but laugh at her words, and this made Feifei feel annoyed.

She stormed after Keith inside the cabin, and the grey-eyed girl followed after her.

Eira led Keith to the bedroom, and after he put Rouxi in the bed, he began to check her condition.

Feifei was not pleased with seeing him take advantage of her friend under the guise of a check-up, touching her up here and there, but she did not speak as she could see the Amethyst Aura that was coating his hand. At least, he had not taken her clothes off.

However, soon she was focusing on something else, and it was his enchanting Aura.

By the looks of it, and how dense and vibrant it was, it was clear to Feifei that he was quite a strong Auror.

She was also aware that he was the one who had saved her cousin, and her grandfather had asked her to behave herself around Keith when the latter would eventually come to Hangzhou. So, she did not doubt his medical expertise in the least.

But everyone was mistaken about him. He was a bad man, and it was not sitting well with her nerves.

"How's she?" She impatiently asked after he receded his hands and stood straight up.

"She's fine. Just a little accident with her Cultivation." He told her, making up an excuse, and then looked into her eyes.

"Rouxi has been falling unconscious like that for some time now..." She worriedly said.

"She's fine, Miss Wei. And she will start getting better soon." He assuredly said, and watched her take a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." She sincerely said, truly relieved at learning that her best friend was fine.

"Thanking a bad man, eh?" He smirked when he saw her cheeks burn up in embarrassment at his retort.

"You are a bad man." However, she did not apologise and stood by her words, this time, intriguing Qingyue a little as she sensed it to be more than just an accusation.

"You sound very sure about it." The grey-eyed curiously said.

"I can tell bad people just by looking at them," Feifei stated, not meeting her eyes, but she did throw a challenging glare at Keith.

Perhaps she was expecting him to try and defend himself, but he never tried to correct her.

"Please excuse us. Rouxi is unwell today. She will meet you tomorrow at the office."

She truly seemed rather uncomfortable with their presence there, and though Qingyue was a little speculative about her intuitive claims, Keith knew that Feifei was not lying or spouting nonsense.

As a Heroine of Destiny, she was blessed too, and she was blessed with an intuition that threatened to peek right through the hearts of people. Of course, she could not read the mind, but she could sense a person's nature when she met them. And she would usually be right if the other person did not know her secret and used some underhanded methods to lead her astray. Then again, it was impossible for anyone in this world to play with her mind.

However, Keith was not bothered about her gifts, so, he allowed her to sense him.

"And what kind of a person am I?" Qingyue curiously asked, ignoring that Feifei had just asked them to leave.

Feifei frowned at her question but then turned to her and met her eyes, curiously looking into them.

"You are a kind person." She told her after a while and then smiled. "And you love your husband dearly."

"What about him? Does he love me?" She mischievously asked and giggled as she caught Keith trying to suppress his chuckle. "Don't lie to keep my heart." She added.

"He loves you." The little miss of the Wei Family nodded her head, and she hesitated to say the next words but decided to keep them in her heart.

She had sensed that Keith was quite interested in her and Rouxi, and his interest in them was the reason why she was a little anxious.

It was not lust, she had sensed a lot of that over the years, and it was not some craze either. What she sensed from him was his care for Rouxi, which was unnatural for someone who had met the person for the first time. And for herself, she had felt his urge to tease her, play with her, manipulate her, and for some strange reason, she felt like he knew all about her and could see through her.

She broke out of her thoughts when Eira walked past her, rubbing her body against her legs, and then climbed the bed to sit next to her unconscious Master, resting her head on her paws and closing her eyes.

"She's a good girl," Keith commented, smiling at the beautiful wolf, and seeing Eira protectively stationed next to Rouxi, even Feifei could not suppress her smile.

"She's always been very protective of her." She informed them and then turned to look at him.

Feifei could tell that he was a very dangerous man, and yet, she did not know why she felt safe with him. But she was certain that he was after her and her best friend, and she disliked men who could not appreciate the woman they had by their side and still looked for more.


"Miss Qin will wake up in a couple of hours." He cut her off before she could ask him to leave again. "We have important things to discuss, and I won't be available tomorrow."

Feifei frowned at his words but then nodded her head. She knew that the deal Rouxi planned on making was very important to her friend, and besides, it was clear to her that Keith had no plans of leaving.

If it was anyone else, she could have chased them out, no matter who they were. She was, after all, the daughter of the Wei Family, and she was her grandfather's favourite.

People thought twice before they tried to mess with her, and the smart ones always backed off. However, she understood very well that she was helpless against this young man.

Her grandfather was very serious when he asked her to behave around Keith, and she also did not want to come out as someone ungrateful. He had saved her cousin, and her family owed him for it.

"Would you mind showing us around the estate? It seems like a beautiful place." He lightly said, and she could sense his playfulness.

"I do mind," She bluntly replied and huffed before turning around to walk out of the room, immediately regretting her impatient remark. "Come." She embarrassedly said, and then increased her pace.

Both Keith and Qingyue could not help their smiles at her antics.

"She's an interesting personality." His dear wife lightly said and glanced at his profile, gauging his intentions.

"That she is." He nodded.

"Can she really tell things about people?" She curiously asked.

Keith glanced into her eyes before he nodded his head, and Qingyue turned to stare into Feifei's leaving back, lost in some thoughts.

"Interesting." She mused. "She doesn't like you."

There was a hint of playfulness in her voice, and this time, she had not kept it low, which meant that the girl in question had heard her.

"I doubt it."

"Hmph!" Feifei expressed her annoyance at his reply, but she wisely kept quiet.

"How long have you been friends with Miss Qin?" Qingyue decided to have a chat with the girl, so, she asked her a question as they strolled through the woods. Her horse was slowly following them, but Rouxi's horse stayed by the Cabin.

"We have been friends since Grade Two. We were seven at that time." Feifei smiled. "And if it wasn't for her, I would have not made Hangzhou my home."

"Well, sounds like you hit it off very well." She smiled at the girl's enthusiasm as she talked about her best friend and their friendship.

"We didn't." Feifei shook her head and then laughed. "She was the only one in the class who annoyed me."


"Yes." She nodded her bead. "Everyone else was so normal, but she would always keep to herself, and not talk much. And she never played with anyone." She pouted. "When everyone else would head to the playgrounds or art rooms during the activity hours, she would stay in the classroom and read books."

"So, how did you become friends then?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. "One day, some of the kids badmouthed her in front of me, and I could tell that they were all jealous of her. She was the smartest in the class, and the prettiest as well, but I did not like it when they compared me to her."

"What happened next?" Qingyue curiously asked.

"I did not want to be around those kids, so, the next day, I sat with Rouxi." She smirked and then giggled as she remembered those days. "I started acting just like her to rile her up. I would stay with her in the class, refuse to play with anyone, and even start talking less with everyone. It took some time, but I finally succeeded."


"It was at the end of the academic year when I decided to bring the same book that she was reading at the time, and she finally couldn't stand me." She laughed, feeling proud of her accomplishment. "Rouxi confronted me about why I was trying to imitate her, but I remained silent, behaving just like her. I think I truly got on her nerves because she snatched the book from my hands and slammed it shut on the table. But then I pulled out my trump card."

"What was that?"

"I took out my lunch box and opened it between us, and I asked her if she would like to eat. You should have seen her face when she dumbly stared at me!" She laughed heartily as she recalled the moment, and Keith and Qingyue found her laughter quite infectious.

Feifei then told them some of the stories from their childhood as she showed them around the Estate. Qingyue had insisted on learning more about them, and by the time they finished the tour, the grey-eyed girl knew that she liked the Feifei a lot.

She could already imagine her jelling right in with everyone in their family.

Yes, she could already tell that Keith had not just come here for Qin Rouxi, but also Wei Feifei. And for some reason, she too felt very close to this girl.


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