Villain: The Play of Destiny

Chapter 364

Chapter 364

When the last of the afternoon's Open Challenges ended, Rebecca, who had returned to the King's Box, stood up and walked over to the edge. 

She waited for the Master of Ceremony to announce the Under Twenty-One Battle Royale, and then smiled as everyone turned to look at her, expecting her to announce some lucrative reward as she had done earlier at the time of the Under Fifteen Event. 

"The Auror with the most eliminations will receive three extra points if he makes it to the last ten standing Aurors. The Auror with the second most Eliminations will receive two extra points. And the third one will receive 1 extra point." She announced, and the participating Aurors already felt their blood boiling in excitement. "Additionally, there will be a 25 Million Neris reward for the Auror with the most eliminations, as well as for the group with the most points in this round." 

Fervent cheers rose in the stands as the spectators looked forward to the most exciting event of their lives. However, there were some people who could not help but feel chills run up their spines as they realised what Rebecca intended to see. 

She wanted the sand to bathe in the blood of these young Aurors, and unlike the last round, killing was allowed this time, as well as the use of a Melee Weapon of choice. 

For the Winners with the most eliminations, those extra points were already an incentive to get rid of enemy Aurors as fast as possible so that they could increase their Elimination Count, which meant that lethal blows were going to be used from the start. Therefore, it was bound to become a bloody affair. And the money was only going to fuel their crazed minds even more. 

Rebecca smiled as Aurors started standing up and stepping into the Arena, getting their blood tested by the Vampire Soldiers who were stationed as Guards and Judges, proving that they were 21 and under. 

She and Amelia curiously looked at Yexuan when he decided to participate in the event, and though Rebecca hoped he would resist getting his Blood tested, the boy from the future seemed to have some tricks up his sleeves as he managed to fool the Vampire Guard and passed as a normal Auror. 

Then again, these were only ordinary Vampires, nothing like Ingrid or Ingvild, and their knowledge of Blood was very limited. 

"Samrath's participating as well." Kiara smiled as she watched an acquaintance stand up and carry a sabre into the Arena. 

Rebecca too smiled when she caught the boy in question looking at the group belonging to Ozell with the coldness that unnerves a lot of Aurors. 

Two days ago, he visited the camp of Ozell, and he confronted them about Sunaina's whereabouts. The answer he received was something that enraged even a well-composed man like him. 

Instead of owning to their crime, the Ozell accused him of kidnapping their daughter. And the exchange was witnessed by a lot of Ancient Families where Samrath had drawn his sword and nearly slaughtered Allario Ozell, who was like a mad hound as he confronted the Young Lord of Ayra about the disappearance of Sunaina. 

Thankfully, this time, Allario had not stepped into the Arena, or he was surely going to get slaughtered at the hands of Samrath. 

Up in the box, Kashish curiously looked at Samrath's cold expression. And even though she was not very familiar with him, she knew him enough to understand that it was quite unusual for him to show his rage so evidently. 

"Does he really believe that Ozell did something to Sunaina?" She frowned and asked, causing Rebecca to turn to look at him with a smile. 

"You don't think they did?" 

"No." The daughter of the Ancient Mir Family shook her head. "Their expressions and reactions were real. I don't think they were faking it." 

She was there when Samrath confronted the Ozell, and it was because of her and Rebecca that things had not escalated out of hand. 

"True." The blonde nodded as she returned to her seat. "And I think he knows it too." 

"Then why?" She frowned. 

"He's mad, grieving, and needs to let out his emotions. He believes she is dead, and she possibly is." Rebecca smiled. "And Ozell are the ones who took her away from him, and they failed to look after her. Even if he believes that they did not kill her, there's still a chance, no matter how small it may be, that someone within their family did kill her and made her disappear." 

"But that's not how he should approach this matter." Kashish had similar thoughts but she had expected the man to be wiser than this.

"You are not the one in pain, so you can't understand what he is going through," Amelia told her, making her frown. "He has lost someone he dearly loved. No matter how wise of a person he used to be, right now, he is a man whose heart's broken. To him, only blood will bring peace." 

"Yes." Rebecca nodded her head. "Even if he won't kill them all, he will make them suffer and pay a hefty price for their crime." 

"I see." Kashish just felt a little pity to see such a man, who was also an acquaintance and a brilliant doctor, fall so hard like this. But it did not really matter to her what people did to each other as long as it did not concern her, so she just looked forward to seeing how things would unfold.

She inadvertently glanced at the girl sitting next to her, and she found her panicking and looking very anxious.

Following her gaze, she spotted a young man with golden highlights in his dark hair, and she frowned a little. 

"Your adoptive brother?" She guessed, and a tear leaked out of Alana's eyes. 

"Rebecca, can you please make him not participate in this battle?" She weakly asked, fearing the worst since she knew blood was bound to be shed in this round. 

Yes, she was mad at Yexuan and did not want to see him again, but to her, he was still the sweet boy she had grown up with and raised. She did not want to see him get harmed. 

"No." The blonde shook her head. "He has already stepped into the Arena. Now he can not leave." 

Rules were rules, and why would Rebecca not let him participate? After all, she had already planned some fun for him. 

The boy might have decided against killing in these Trials and only showcase his prowess, but what would happen if people came at him, hell-bent on killing him? Would he spare them? She highly doubted that Yexuan would exercise forbearance. 

Utilising her Magical Powers, she started influencing the minds of some strong Aurors in the Arena, all belonging to the Mondini, Solanari, Hazenborne, and Jafarrys. This was a plan she had made and arranged days ago. And as soon as the battle started, she was going to manipulate these Aurors and use them to target Yexuan, making him showcase more than what he intended to show and reveal his brutal and killer side to the girl who still looked at him as her innocent but troublesome little brother. 

"He will be fine, Alana. I told you, didn't I? He is no longer the Yexuan you remember as your little brother. He's hiding a lot." She stopped the girl from pleading and gently squeezed her hand. 

Alana subconsciously turned to look at Kiara, and seeing her other best friend nod, she reluctantly kept quiet, not speaking again. However, her fear did not lessen but only heightened as time drew closer. 

Her heart nearly stopped when the siren was blown and people rushed at each other, wielding their weapons that were coated in their Auras. 

However, soon she started calming down as she watched Yexuan battle. He seemed so effortlessly at ease on the battlefield that she could not help but feel a little at a loss. 

She wondered if this experienced fighter, who was dealing with one enemy after another, using only his hands and feet, was the same boy who had grown up with her. 

Subconsciously, the words Rebecca's words sounded in her mind again. 

Yexuan was not the person she knew...


Alana suddenly screamed when she watched a man rush at her brother from behind, swinging his sword at him. And people would have heard her shout if Rebecca had not been blocking the sounds from escaping their box. 

The blonde smiled as she watched Yexuan block the Aura-laced sword with his bare hand and then strongly punch the Mondini who had attacked him, making the young man spew a mouth of blood after he tried to get up from the ground. 

Those who were watching him battle were very surprised at his swift and timely reaction, but they were in for a shock as the rest of the Mondini came to their kin's rescue and attacked Yexuan from all sides. 

The boy from the future looked grim as he watched his enemies, whom he held hatred against, take him for some weakling and rush at him, intending to slay him.

He bore the urge to break loose and kill them all and decided to defend and take cover behind other Aurors on the battlefield, hoping that they would disengage and get busy with others. 

But to his dismay, only in a few minutes, somehow, he had managed to earn the wrath of more than half of the Ancient Families in Magic City. 

The spectators felt immensely sorry for him and some laughed at his ridiculous fate, thinking he was surely going to die today. 

In the stands, the faces of the members of the School of Martial Arts that Yexuan was representing were ashen, and Old Max was trembling in anxiety. 

Up in the box, Alana nearly fainted as she watched one of Yexuan's comrades get killed after he tried to help him, but Rebecca stabilised her mind and kept her awake to witness what unfolded next. 

The boy from the future finally lost his composure, and hell broke loose on the battlefield. 


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