Villain Steal the Heroines

Chapter 23: The Cardinal is Crazy

Chapter 23: The Cardinal is Crazy

Even though we left the Steeline castle at a relatively early hour in the morning, now that we are here in the royal capital, the afternoon sun has already begun to blaze overhead, giving everything it touches a warm golden glow.

Since our visit today was very secretive in nature to ensure that the ceremony could be carried out without disturbance or interruption, there were no emblems or markings of the Church of Light or the Steeline family on our carriages.

Therefore, our carriages were stopped at the gates of the Imperial City, but after the Paladins confirmed the identities, our carriages were respectfully allowed in without even going through any checks.

Upon passing through the city gates located within the massive walls that encircled the Imperial City, we were greeted with a flurry of activity.

The streets were filled with various vendors selling their wares in colourful stalls, craftsmen practising their trade, people going about their daily lives, and the sound of carriages and horses that could be heard all around.

In keeping with the fusion of technology and culture that characterises the Kingdom of Netopia, the buildings lining the streets featured a wide range of architectural styles.

As if you were back in the mid-'90s, though in a more hygienic and sophisticated environment.

From the carriage window, looking at the markets of Imperial City, which were different and more advanced than the ones I had seen a few times in Sari City, I spoke, acting excited.

"Mom, look at that stall! The market here is so different from the one in Sari City."

"Yes, it's because of the difference in region; it's your first time here, right? Remember what I taught you about geography and how it affects the market?"

"Yes, ours is a coastal region, so we have more maritime products; here's the mainland, so here there are more land-based products."

"Correct! Here, the structure of roads is different too, and the buildings are also more advanced and modern. I have told your father to have them build a concrete brick road inside the city, but I guess it will take time."

"Well, that's Imperial City for you, the city ahead of its time."

"Correct again, and here's your reward, Muaah~!" She kissed me on the cheek, and we happily started chatting again.

With a little fun inside the carriage, as we made our way deeper into the heart of the city, the crowds began to thin and the buildings became grander and more impressive.

We also caught a glimpse of the royal palace, standing tall at the heart of the Imperial City with its soaring towers and ornate decorations.

Then, after a few more minutes, our carriages finally arrived at our destination.

The largest cathedral in the Kingdom of Netopia, Imperial City's Cathedral of Light

As if the security guards outside the cathedral already knew we were coming, our carriages drove right through the cathedral's outer gates, past the beautiful gardens that surrounded it, and then stopped directly in front of its main gates.

Stepping out of the carriages, our attention was immediately drawn to the soaring spires of the massive cathedral building, an impressive feat of architecture with rising arches and intricate stonework that seemed to reach for the heavens.

The cathedral, situated at the heart of the city, a few kilometres away from the Royal Palace, was almost dominating the skyline with its impressive height and grandeur.

With just the aura surrounding this place, I knew for a fact that this building was not just a place of worship but also a symbol of power and authority.

Speaking of worship, there were no devotees or people for prayer today, most likely because the Cardinal closed the gates in the afternoon for the public, and given that people usually only come early in the morning or late in the evening, it was the perfect time to do so without raising any suspicions.

Holding my mother's hands as I approached the entrance of the cathedral, followed by Archbishop Drake, our maids, and our guards, I saw a group of people gathered in white church attire who, after greeting us, welcomed us inside.

As we made our way inside, we were struck by the sheer size of the building, where the ceilings soared high above our heads.

The interior was filled with the soft glow of candlelight and thick with the scent of incense, which, coupled with the sound of choral music in our ears, gave us an ethereal feel, almost as if we were floating above the clouds.

A group of priests, bishops, and nuns, led by a tall old man who was apparently the cardinal, walked towards us from the altar in the cathedral's centre.

Approaching us, the cardinal spoke.

"Welcome everyone; I hope all of your journey was pleasant without any problems."

He was a silver-white haired man with a smooth brow and piercing blue eyes, dressed in a white robe adorned with rich crimson and gold embroidery, a white plume that extended to the back of his robe, a broad-brimmed hat on his head, and a gold chain with a pendant bearing the symbol of his church around his neck.

In addition to his serene face, sharp, hawk-like features, and a thin, well-groomed beard, he had an overall imposing figure.

Even though I might not know about many of the high ranking members of the Church of Light, as the author of the original novel died before he could write a dedicated arc upon it, if I know most about any one of them, then it is definitely this cardinal of the Imperial Capital, Cardinal Heath Silver.

With strength equivalent to early- to mid-stage Sword Supreme, he was one of the strongest people that was introduced in the book.

"Greetings, Cardinal Heath."

"Isn't it, Duchess Steeline? Hahaha, it's really been a long time; last I remember, you were just a little girl; now you even have your own little son." He spoke with a relaxing laugh, shaking hands with my mother.

Hearing his words, I almost couldn't help but have my eyebrows twiched.

'Just how old are you, old man?'

Despite the fact that the stronger one is, the longer one can live, hearing that he was still an old geezer when my mother was little makes it clear that he was really well over 100 years old.

"It's really been a long time, Cardinal Heath; I hope your health is good."

I could see from my mother's eyes that she had almost the same thoughts as me, but considering the position and strength of the Cardinal, it was really unfortunate that she couldn't speak those thoughts aloud, or it would have been really fun.

"With the goddess's blessings, what can happen to me?"

He laughed when suddenly his eyes met mine, and he turned to look at me.

And I greeted him in a calm manner, without giving him the first chance to speak.

"Good afternoon, Cardinal."

"Good afternoon, little one; so are you the Ruler of Light?" He squatted down to my level, then extended his hand, and I also did the same and gave him a handshake.

His hands were delicate and pale, covered in lacy gloves that matched the colour of his robes.

"It is indeed I who was fortunate enough to be blessed by the goddess and receive such a gift."

Hearing my buttery smooth words, spoken with reverence and an awe on my face, his eyes flashed brightly, and a wide smile appeared on his old face.

"I have heard so much about you, but now that I see you in person, I have to say that Archbishop Drake wasn't boasting at all when he praised you."

"Thank you, Cardinal." Then I turned towards Drake, who was behind him, and spoke while slightly bowing my head in courtesy towards them both.

"And thank you too, Archbishop Drake."

"Hahaha, no worries, holy son. Didn't I say he is different?"

"Yes." The cardinal nodded without turning back, and while still looking at me, he asked.

"Can you show me your blessing?"

"Of course."

And in an instant, I activated my title, but this time I activated it on my entire body.

In response, my body started glowing as the warmth of the light spread throughout the hall, enveloping everyone in its majestic presence.

"Oh, my god!"


The nuns and priests who saw it for the first time had their mouths wide open in awe, and they almost kneeled down in reverence.

"It's really... this purity,"

There was also a crazy look in the Cardinal's eyes, and despite his experience and calm nature, he couldn't help but have his breathing quicken.

"It's truly the blessings of the goddess; finally, the goddess has once again listened to our prayers and sent you. Unfortunately, others are not here to feel this in person."

Hearing his words, I was surprised, because it was only then that I noticed there were only he and Archbishop Drake here among the high level members of the church.

I thought that at the ceremony of the Holy Son, at least two or more cardinals and archbishops would be present.

However, before I could even think about it more, the cardinal spoke.

"Can you all see it? Sorry, you guys can't feel it, hehe. You guys truly missed it."

He mocked while laughing hysterically into the air.

'Did this geezer finally go mad?' I couldn't help but have this thought in my head.

While he was laughing, the Cardinal saw my doubtful face, so he asked in a more satisfied way.

"Are you thinking about who I was talking to?"

"Hmmm." I nodded and directly agreed.

"They are all other Cardinals and Archbishops who are currently looking at you from the video transmission device embedded in the walls."

While he was speaking, I instantly looked towards the different walls and also noticed that there were indeed devices embedded in them.

"Even the pope from the Holy Kingdom is currently watching you. Sadly, they couldn't come here because their movement would alert everyone. But don't worry; you will meet everyone soon."

Although people call them lunatics, I guess the people who sit at the top know how to use their brains and do things accordingly.

As soon as the Cardinal finished speaking, I pretended to be flustered, looked here and there, and immediately greeted them, even though I couldn't even see their faces.

"Hello, good afternoon to everyone." There was no reply to my words spoken in the air.

"Haha, don't worry, holy son. They can't speak or show their face through image transmission because I removed those devices."

Speaking in a mocking tone, the Cardinal then sneered and spoke openly.

"These guys don't deserve it. Thinking that their presence would cause a stir in the kingdom, they dared not come to even this important event. These cowards."

'Dude, is this okay? I understand you did for other Cardinals and Archbishops, but you even didn't allow the pope to speak or show his face.'

I have to say that even though I know he was a little more loose in his head compared to others when it came to matters related to religion and goddesses, looking at it with my own eyes, I still felt a little unbelievable and couldn't help but have my mouth twitch.

But inside, I was growing more and more confident in my plans for today.

Because the more crazy he is, the more successful my plan will be.

Anyhow, I have to give credit to Cardinal Heath because it's a good thing that others aren't present or are unable to speak; it spares me the trouble of having to deal with a group of cunning old men.

When I was busy with my own thoughts, the excited cardinal finally couldn't hold on anymore.

"Then, let's start the ceremony without wasting any time."


'Finally, my dear System, are you ready to scam these people? hahaha'


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