Villain Steal the Heroines

Chapter 2: The Villain System

Chapter 2: The Villain System

[Confirming Requirements...]

[The soul fulfils all requirements.]

[Integrating with the Soul [5%... 69%... 100%] Loading...]

[Successfully connected to the soul]

[Beginning procedures are initiated.]

[Awakening the Soul...]




As soon as I regained consciousness, I attempted to gaze around me with my nonexistent eyes.

But what I actually saw was nothing at all.

In the void's emptiness, which was devoid of all substance and light, even the up, down, right, and left directions were impossible for me to find, and since I couldn't even feel my feet, I didn't even sense gravity's pull.


Actually, it's not just the gravity or my feet; I was unable to feel anything.

I was only able to see, think, and somehow clearly recall the instance of my death.

The sensation of burns, the sudden explosion, the realisation that my life was ending in an instant, and the profound remorse of not even being able to witness the repercussions of my pitiful retaliationeverything was so clear to me.

So was this the afterlife? To be honest, I was not sure.

If it was, it was most likely hell; I can't imagine Heaven being such a lonely place.

I was deeply engrossed in my own thoughts.

And then, all of a sudden!


A crimson-red translucent screen with black borders that gave it a dangerous vibe appeared before my eyes.

[Greetings, Soul]

[Would you like to know your present situation? Y/N?]

I tried to talk, but I wasn't sure if I even had a mouth. But the screen didn't need me to speak; it knew my goals simply from my thoughts.

[Confirmation Received.]

[Directly transferring all necessary information to the user's soul memory]

For a brief moment, my cognitive process became hazy, and then a flood of information went straight into my memory.

[The soul has 15 minutes to process all of the information.]

[Time left: 14:59]

The screen just showed me a time limit and started counting down. It didn't ask for my permission or tell me anything else.

However, I didn't argue with the screen because I realised that I wasn't in any position to bargain with whatever was in front of me.

And I was aware that I already had all the answers to my questions in my head.

I just needed to process them.


A few moments later...


As I read all of the information provided by the system, I couldn't help but laugh out loud in my head.

Yes! System.

The one in front of me was the Omnipotent Villain System, or just "The Villain System" in short.

a system whose main aim was to seek out the perfect host in the limitless cosmos and assist him/her in killing all of the protagonists of every world.

The system validated my theory about the main characters, the children of destiny.

It explained to me that all worlds have one or more main characters who slowly drain the luck of everyone around them.

They were chosen individuals who were charged by the world to do a specific thing; they were the ones who helped the world move along a certain path.

All of such individuals were called the Children of Destiny.

"System, what makes you choose me out of all the people in this infinite cosmos?"

I asked the first question that sprang up in my mind because the system chose me as the new successor and needed my approval on whether or not I would accept the requirement of killing protagonists in every world.

Naturally, this wasn't without any benefit for me.

Because if I agree, I will be able to get anything I want, including money, power, and all of the protagonists' girls before they can even touch them.

I could have anything I wanted, and I would also be able to travel to different worlds.

Therefore, the system must have had a good reason for picking me out of everyone in the endless cosmos.

[The user has met all of the requirements established by the originator in order to inherit the system.]

"Who is the originator? What are the requirements? Please explain everything to me in detail!"

[Affirmative. The Originator was...]

I listened intently to the system, and the more I heard, the more surprised I became.

To obtain a better grasp, let me start with the basics.

According to the system, the universe was not as small as we thought.

For example, our planet was a member of a solar system, which was a member of a constellation of stars, which was a component of a galaxy.

The galaxy then was part of a cluster of galaxies, and our universe was made up of similar clusters and nebulae.

Numerous similar universes developed to form a single dimension.

Our reality was made up of these almost limitless dimensions, and the list goes on and on, even including the inverse realities.

This explanation was required since the Creator of the Omnipotent Villain System was the most powerful villain in this infinite cosmos.

He was an irregular person like me.

a one-of-a-kind case of extreme bad luck that occurs once every 10 billion years.

The Originator was born with such a horrible fate and had a life similar to mine, but he lived in a fantasy world.

A world where Magic was reality, and by his perseverance, he realised the truth about the world, which he eventually destroyed with his own hands.

After destroying his world, he then left for another universe, but his hatred for the protagonists remained.

[The world took the lives of people The Originator loved, for its own selfish purposes, and the people he gave their luck to were such miserable filth that it was almost comical.]

The Originator realised that good people would never be able to achieve anything in this world, which was dominated by villains wearing the mask of a hero.

As a result, he resolved to become the "Greatest Villain of All Time."

He swore that he would murder every protagonist in every universe and steal everything from them, including their heroines, wealth, fortune, destiny, and future.

When he destroyed his universe, he broke free from his curse of bad luck, and he was free to do anything in this endless cosmos without any restraints.

Moreover, he finally developed the system that aided him in achieving his objectives much more effectively while exploring several planets and eliminating numerous protagonists.

The system expanded alongside him as he continued to grow. To become the strongest of all, he overcame dimensions, realities, and inverted realities, and the system effectively served as the universe's central nervous system for him.

However, one day, when the villain was actively claiming one universe after another,

all of a sudden!

"The Almighty One," the true ruler, the creator of all, appeared in front of him.

He was the true God, the one who made everything.

So, "The Almighty One" told him that he had attained the pinnacle of what an individual was capable of and that he had accomplished what no one had ever done.

He said that the Villain System's Originator can ask for any wish and it will be granted to him because of his outstanding achievements.

However, The villain only requested that he be allowed to kill more protagonists and become stronger, which The Almighty refused to give him.

after a few minutes of introspection.

The Almighty made a final offer to the Villain Originator.

He stated that he will enable the villain system to survive and look for a successor to carry on the villain's legacy, but the successor will have to start from scratch.

The system would undoubtedly be as powerful as it is now, but it would only be a helper, just as it was to the villain. The benefit of this is that the system will no longer have a constraint.

It could greatly aid the successor in killing as many protagonists as possible and making the next owner as powerful as possible.

There was, however, a cost to pay for this.

The villain system Originator must give up his life and allow the system to hibernate until a new successor can be found.

It was a dilemma for the villain, but he understood that, in front of "The Almighty," he was just an ant, therefore acted without hesitation.

The villain heard everything and agreed.

All he wanted was for someone to carry on his legacy; he knew he couldn't go on and that this was the end of his journey, but he wanted someone to carry on his legacy and become the most heinous villain.

Someone who would be an even greater evil than what he was.

* * * * * * *

So that's what happened, and now comes the important part.

"System, why was I selected, and what were the requirements?" I inquired.

[The conditions for inheriting the system were as follows:

1- A person who is a one-of-a-kind case of extreme bad luck.

2- He must discover the truth about his fate on his own.

3- Never give up to his fate.

4- At least one protagonist must have been killed by him/her]

[Because the user met all of the requirements, the system intervened with the user's soul and prevented it from entering the reincarnation cycle.]

"Wait! I killed a protagonist? Does that mean he died at the end?"

[Affirmative. The protagonist was gravely hurt and died before reaching the hospital. In a normal circumstance, it should have been impossible for a protagonist to die in such a way, but because the user had extraordinarily bad luck, the death of the user produced a little gap in the world's destiny net that took some time to fill, and the protagonist couldn't survive those few seconds due to the blast.]

"HAHAHAHAHA... ! Seriously? HAHAHA, that's so funny."

I laughed my heart out as I finally confirmed the death of that jerk.

My last regret was also gone, and it was finally time to embrace a new life and live it the way I had always desired.

"System, I accept your proposal; I will assist you in killing those children of destiny in different worlds, but how will I do it?"

"I mean, I'm already dead."

[The user's confirmation has been accepted.]

[Connecting with the user]

[The user is now the system's owner and host.]

[Transferring the host to a unique world]

"What are you doing? Wait! system?"

[The system is transporting the host to a unique world in a timeline known to the user. The host will reincarnate as a newborn baby, retaining all of his memories. So the host doesn't have to be concerned.]

"Wait, am I familiar with the timeline?"

[The host will be notified once we arrive.]

[Transfer starts in 3... 2.... 1]


'Motherf*cker wai.....'

I couldn't even complete my sentence before I felt a pull, and even the little sense and consciousness that I had soon faded away.

[Transfer Ended]


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