Villain Retirement

Chapter 51: Tomoe Reynolds

Chapter 51: Tomoe Reynolds

Minutes earlier, when most of the Justice Defenders, and No. 11 and 12 were still alive; in the midst of all the chaos, Tomoe found a chance to run away. She wanted to take Riley Ross with her since he saved him from being ganged up by the Defenders, but the only response she got from him was that she should go ahead.

She didn't hesitate leaving him, of course. She already offered for the two of them to escape, but he refused-- she would have no guilt even if he died; well, not like she would have in the first place.

But still, as she was running away, there was this feeling inside of her that there was something odd about Riley Ross. Perhaps it was his calmness, which was even eerier than hers.

Throughout her stay in the Academy, she didn't really have anyone to call a friend. Of course, why would she, when she was only there to train and learn more about her powers? She was trying her best to lie low, as she knew deep inside her that she wasn't a hero-- but a villain.

Her preferences, tendencies, as well as her overall demeanor already dictated what she was to become-- even her own mother didn't fail to remind her every day that she was a monster.

Tomoe belonged to a very low percentage of Supers-- those who were able to use their powers during infancy. She didn't really remember when exactly, but when she was younger, she used to play with her abilities without any care.

Trying to wrap her entire room with sheets of ice whenever it was hot, filling their backyard with snow so she could play in it; from childish games and plays… to killing her father.

She no longer remembered if she truly did mean for it to happen, but one day her powers became too uncontrollable; the ice that she summoned turned into a darker color. She was scared and wanted to show her dad what was happening to her… but that was when Tomoe killed him.

And since that day, her mother labeled her a monster; and so did the rest of her family and the entire neighborhood. She isolated herself, not coming out of her room except to go to school. And after it is over, she comes home and goes directly back to her solace.

Every day was the same, and the only time she hears her mother's voice was when she calls her a monster. This repeated again and again; until one day, she heard about Darkday. He didn't have a name then, but there was a forum on the internet that discussed all of the new sightings of possible supervillains.

Most of the people tried to ignore him, saying he was only a wannabe supervillain and would probably be caught soon. Most ignored him; but not her. Just from the few videos she had seen, she saw something from Darkday that she sorely wanted to have--


Not acceptance from others, but acceptance for what he truly is-- Evil.

Darkday did not have any chains, no rhyme, no reason for what he was doing. He was true to himself and did not let anyone get in his way, and she wanted that.

She wanted to be like him.

And soon, her dark-colored eyes that knew nothing but loneliness started to glisten as it was filled with nothing but Darkday… literally. Every corner of her room had posters of Darkday plastered on it-- And yet, it was the brightest it had been for years.

But alas, much to her dismay, Darkday decided to retire. And she once again found herself alone in her room.

When the news of Mega Academy was announced, she immediately thought of it as an escape from her mother and a way to discover the full potential of her abilities-- and that maybe, just maybe… when Darkday returns, she would be able to stand by his side.

Nothing else mattered, only Darkday. Well, at least it was supposed to be like that.

Now, as she was running away from the people of the Dark Millenium, she could not help shake the feeling that something was going to happen… because of Riley Ross. His calmness, even as someone was brutally murdered in front of him, was truly eerie.

When she saw Black Defender's headless body, even she was shocked and disturbed. But Riley? She couldn't see it clearly since she ran away after it happened, but it was as if he was even smiling.


With this thought, the sound of Tomoe's hurried steps slowly died down, beating more sluggishly by the second until it completely stopped. Something else was going on there, she thought.

And so, as if fate was telling her to go back, her feet moved on their own. She hid in a nearby ruined building before witnessing everything that transpired. Riley's actions, the way he speaks, his violence… it all reminded her of one person.

Finally, she thought-- would she finally be able to have a friend in the Academy? Someone who she can share her passion with, someone with who she would be able to talk to about Darkday?

And so, after everything was over, she decided to follow him from afar. She was confused, she thought he was going to find more people to kill, but in the end, Riley just went to a place devoid of any people.

And as soon as he stopped floating around, Tomoe decided to approach and talk to him. However, the words Riley uttered echoed through her ears, lighting up the bulb that was already threatening to light itself up.

She thought they were just similar-- but no. Riley Ross… is Darkday.

And now, with that revelation, the only thing she could do was kneel in front of her god.

"Please… Please let me serve you, Darkday! I will do anything for you, please--"



Tomoe was ready to grovel and kiss his feet if that was what he wanted, but for him to agree without even a second thought was… was…

...truly something she imagined Darkday would do!

"Does… does this mean I work for you now!?"

"I suppose," Riley then crouched on the ground, picking up Tomoe's helmet before somewhat thoroughly examining it, "You don't have a voice changer, Tomoe?"

"I… Should I have one?"

"That is entirely up to you, Second Subordinate," Riley then said as he handed the helmet back to Tomoe, "I will be calling you that for now until I find you a suitable name."

"You… you're going to name me!?" Tomoe's hand trembled uncontrollably, almost dropping her helmet back to the ground. However, after a few milliseconds, the trembling abruptly stopped as her eyes slightly squinted,

"I… I do not want to pry, Master," she then said with a gulp, "But what do you mean by Second Subordinate?"

"It is what it is, Tomoe. You are my second subordinate."

"I… I'm not the first?"

"No, Silver Moon is."

"Silver… Isn't that the name Silvie wanted for you, Master?"

"I suppose. It is a nice name so I gave it to Katherine."

"Who… who is this Katherine?" Hearing another woman's name being uttered from Riley's lips, Tomoe could not help but wear her helmet as her jaws began to tremble.

"Right, you know her by a different name. She is…"


"Riley! Where the fuck have you been!?"

"I was just reminiscing, I am sorry for worrying you, sister."

"You fucking shit!"

Hannah's muffled words seeped from Riley's shoulders as she tightly embraced. Silvie and Gary were also a few meters behind them; they were contemplating on whether to join into a group hug, but hearing Hannah's voice teeming with weakness, they chose not to do so.

And so, they had to wait a couple more seconds until Hannah let go of her brother before they could express their relief.

"You had us all worried, man," Gary then said as he wiped the tear coming out of his left eye, "This… this is just from all the dust."

"I am glad you are safe, Riley," Silvie said after letting out a long and disgruntled sigh, "But… how exactly are you completely unscathed?"

Not only Silvie, but Hannah, Gary, and the unnamed student from another class could not help but look at Riley from head to toe. His costume… it was still as immaculate as the time they left from the Academy.

"Because he is strong."

It was not Riley, however, who answered Silvie's question. But the black-clad woman following him from behind.

"Dark Millenium!"

"Don't be stupid, Dragon Monarch," Silvie quickly but lightly hit Gary on the head before he could rush towards the individual, "That's Dark Frost, she is in our class."

Hearing and feeling Silvie's words, Gary could only let out an awkward chuckle as he examined Tomoe's costume; and true enough, the name tag was still strongly pinned on her torso, "R… right. But… why are you with Riley?"

"It is fate that brought us together, Dragon Monarch," Tomoe calmly said before turning her attention towards Hannah, "Your brother saved me… from members of the Dark Millenium."


And before Hannah could even utter a response, Tomoe suddenly bowed her head.

"I owe him my life, sister."


"I have checked the vicinity, we should be clear-- Riley? You're back?" And as the group was willfully chatting, Scarlet Mage gently descended from the sky, her red luscious hair landing closely in front of Tomoe.


"I am, Scarlet Mage. I apologize for worrying all of you."

"No, it's fine. I know what you're truly capable of," Scarlet Mage let out a small but deep sigh; a small smile slightly crawling on her face. The smile, however, was interrupted as soon as she felt an ominous stare landing on her.

"...Dark Frost? It's good you're here as well. Where are the rest of the students from your sector?"

"I don't know," Tomoe quickly answered, her monotonous tone turning even colder, "Most of us ran to different directions when the Dark Millenium came."

"Did… they try to recruit you?"


"Oh shit… You didn't join!?" Gary joined in on the conversation, "With the way you're ogling about Darkday, I thought you would surely--"

"It's a fake group. I would never join something like that," Tomoe quickly answered, her gaze almost penetrating through her helmet as they did not leave Scarlet Mage for even a second, "I am loyal to Darkday and Darkday only…

...My devotion to him is without equal."

"Okay… a little creepy, but okay," Gary nodded several times before backing away.

"..." Scarlet Mage could not help but squint her eyes as she looked back and forth between Tomoe and Riley. Did… something happen between the two?


But before she could ask, a loud static whistled through her ear.

[All faculty, please return to the rendezvous point. I repeat, please return to the rendezvous point.]

"H… hello!? What's happening? Shouldn't we be dealing with the Dark Millenium!?"

[...They're gone. They just disappeared.]

"...What? How!? How many students did they take!?"

[We don't know yet. However… there are casualties.]

"Miss Scarlet Mage, is that the Academy? What are they saying!?"

"Casualties? What do you mean casualties!?"

[...They killed some of our students.]


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