Villain Retirement

Chapter 41: Chaos

Chapter 41: Chaos

"This texture really is amazing, isn't it? You could use it as casual clothes as well."

"The sunglasses though, didn't expect that."

"Seriously, Riley. This is from Latino Mafia Reborn!"

Almost an hour had passed since Riley's somewhat grand entrance at the Academy Gates, and the volume of the students' excitement still had not toned down for even a wink. They were told to wait here until the staff was done securing the outside; which the Academy had actually been doing long before the students had gathered.

Scarlet Mage and the almost hundred other instructors of different classes were currently gathered together, most likely debriefing each other and reviewing the Academy's first school-wide activity.

As for Riley and the others, they too were busy talking about their costumes.

"Won't you get copyrighted or some shit with this?" Hannah then walked around Riley, checking every detail of his costume. Unbeknownst to her, the male students that were near them were also checking her out.

"It's fine, sister," Riley then let out a small sigh, "Mine has a different color combination."

"But still--"

"Oho, isn't this our Hannah? Why are you spending time with the other class?"

And before Hannah could finish talking with her brother, a group of students from another class suddenly approached their group.

"Your classmates?" Gary immediately squinted his eyes as he looked at each of the students in the group carefully, "It would seem... our class has the better tastes."

The group that approached Hannah all had the same costumes, a one-piece suit that covered their body from toe to neck; seemingly made of some sort of latex. They were also wearing the same headgear; a helmet that covered half their face. However, even if they were all wearing the same costume design, they all had their own unique colors.

And just by that alone, most of the students who saw them walking had surmised that they were working as a literal team.

"We were hearing rumors that you were friends with the Mega Student," the man in the blue suit then stepped forward, before turning his head towards Silvie, "I take it this is she?"

"Tch, are you telling us our class is not a good enough company for you?" A woman in green followed, "This is why no one is talking to you in class, you think you're better than all of us."

"Oh, so not your friends," Gary then let out a scoff as he took a step forward, once again looking at the group one by one.

"What are you anuses supposed to be, a gaming computer?"

"What did you say!?" The man in the red outfit almost rushed towards Gary, but was stopped by his teammates, "Say that again to my face, you bastard!"

"What are you anuses supposed to be..." And Gary did just that, he approached the team and looked the man in the red suit straight in the eyes, but this time, little trickles of smoke fumed from Gary's eyes as they turned red, "...a fucking gaming computer?"

"So arrogant..." The man in the black suit, who had been keeping quiet from behind the team, finally stepped forward as his eyes too, turned red, "...but for how long?"

"You fail to see Mount Tai, little man," Gary then immediately straightened his back as he returned the man's gaze. And due to the difference of their costume, as well as Gary's towering statue; true enough, the man in the black suit did look small, "Just a small fish in a pond, not knowing it is facing a dragon; The Dragon Mon--"

"Gary, enough."

"Alright, alright. I was just kidding," the heat on Gary's eyes then instantly dissipated as soon as Silvie blocked her with her hand, "They are not worth exchanging pointers with."

"That's right, run to your master, dog!" The man in the red suit then pushed his teammates away as he once again let out a roar.

"Please calm your team down, Bla… Black Defender," Silvie then slightly stuttered as she read the name of the one that seemed to be the team's leader.

"Your friends started it, Mega… Girl. You chose that name? Truly, I see the arrogance goes with the group."

"..." Silvie did not really respond, only locking her eyes towards Black Defender.

"Let's go, we're wasting our time here. This Mega Girl thinks she could reign through the school just because she hasn't faced me yet," Black Defender then gestured to his other teammates to follow him, "But soon, the Academy would know who the true Mega Student is."

"Tch, watch yourselves out there," Red Defender muttered as he raised his middle before going away.

"Holy shit, man. Those are your classmates? No wonder you're not spending time with them," Gary snorted.

"You didn't have to provoke them, Gary," Silvie then let out a sigh, before looking to where Scarlet Mage and the instructors were at and signalling that everything was fine.

"I've been waiting for a chance to use that line!" Gary explained, "They acted out straight from the novels I read, I just couldn't resist it."

"A… anyway, what's with that, Hannah? They seem to have it out for you."

"W… well, let's just say my class and I don't really see eye to eye," Hannah then let out a chuckle as she waved her hand at Silvie, "And the ones you met just now were the students who came up on top of the group activity we had last month… they wanted to invite me in their group since I also won."

"I take it you refused?"

"Obviously. Who would want to join those elite, stuck-up motherfuckers?"

"They're not bullying you, are they?"

"What? No, psh. How could they be when I am stronger than all of them?" Hannah once again waved her hand, "A… anyway, when are we going out?"

"Should be any minute now, Miss Scarlet Mage and the others seem to be finished talking."

"Bro, Riley. Why didn't you back us up earlier, man?"



"Hm?" Riley then blinked a couple of times as he slightly turned his head towards Gary, "I apologize, Gary. I…

...was lost in thought."

"What are you--"

And just as Silvie said it, Scarlet Mage and the other instructors returned to their respective classes. Scarlet Mage immediately noticed Hannah's presence in their class, but it would seem they really did not mind other students joining them as she just told her students to gather up.

"Alright, listen up!" Scarlet Mage then clapped her hands, "There will be buses waiting for you outside the gates, your first task is to get on them."

"W… what?"

"How is that even a task?"

"And once a bus gets filled with people, it will immediately leave for the destination of our first major exercise; so I suggest you don't get distracted. But you don't have to worry, there will be enough for all of you."

"Where are we going, Miss Scarlet Mage!?"

"I can't tell you just yet for security reasons, but you would know once you get on the bus. There will be someone there to assist you."

"Y… you're not coming with us!?"

"I will meet all of you there," Scarlet Mage shook her head, "Once you get out the Gates, most of you will surely panic and separate ways. Alright, get in a line and wait for the Gates to open."


Suffice to say, most of the students were confused. Scarlet Mage was telling them to organize themselves and form a line, but once they were out… they were bound to separate? Just what was waiting for them outside?

The students all looked at each other, their whispers and words almost filling the entire air due to their sheer number. But finally, after a few more minutes, a rhythmic thunder started to erupt in the air-- the Gate was finally opening.

The sound of the gates quickly overwhelmed the whispers of the students. Their excitement, however, was reflected by the colossal gates that opened wider and wider; ceaselessly growing.

And soon, their eyes were bombarded with flashes of light; unfortunately for those who were directly in front of the Gate, their eyes were almost blinded.

"This… this is--"

"They're here! The students are out!"

And before any of the students could even let out a whisper, roars filled their ears as the people waiting for them outside almost numbered in a thousand; and all were holding and pointing their cameras towards them.

"Have fun in avoiding the media, kids," Scarlet Mage then let out a small smirk as she turned away, "And remember, don't reveal your true iden...tity." Her words slightly stuttered as she met with Riley's eyes… whose superhero name just happened to be his real name.

"Alright, I hope to see all of you there," were Scarlet Mage's parting words as she casually left her students alone. And it wasn't only her, the rest of the instructors did just the same.

"They… are throwing us down to the wolves," Gary took in a small gulp as he slightly squinted his eyes, "How are we even going to go through these people?"

"Why don't you laser them like you did during the group activity?" Hannah said as she let out a small chuckle.

"That is a good idea, sister. As expected of you."

"...I was kidding, what the fuck, bro."

"L… look, the others are already leaving!" Silvie then grabbed the group's attention as she pointed towards the gate. And true enough, most of the students that were in front of the gates were already stepping out. However, due to the onslaught of flashes of light and endless barrage of the media, none of them were able to pass through.

"W… wait!"

One of the students' masks was even pulled by one of the media people, causing her to cover her face and run back to the end of the line to hide away from the cameras.

"This… isn't this too brutal?"

"Are the instructors not going to do anything!? I thought they wanted us to secure our identities!?"

"Get… please get out of the way!"

"S… stay away! Please don't pull on our masks!"

The students were screaming and roaring, the people from the media, however, didn't seem to be hearing any of their pleads as their cameras continued to flash; and their questions unceasing.

"How is life inside!?"

"Is the government treating you right!?"

"How are your living conditions!? Why are they only letting you out now!?"

"Where are you going!?"

"P… please, I don't know the answer to any of your qu-- Kya!"

And once again, a student ran to the back as her mask was pulled away. The students all started to panic; if it wasn't for the barrier blocking them away from the press, then they were sure they would have already been the victim of a stampede.

There were some students, however, that have already managed to pass through the crowd; or rather, over them. The students that were able to fly, float, or make themselves blend in with the crowd easily managed to get on the buses.

Seeing this, some of the students could not help but moan or groan in frustration; thinking how unfair it was that they weren't able to fl--

"Haha, bitches!"

"W… woah, run!"

"What's that!?"

A whistling sound then pierced the media's ears as one of the buses behind them started to skid and slide towards the gate, causing most of them to run to the sides to avoid it.

"S… sis!?"

"That's right, help me out here!"

"Don't do it, you'll also move the barrier!" Silvie then immediately waved her hand towards Bella, who seemed to be the one pulling the bus towards them.

"I'll just lift it up once it gets there!"

"This is reckless!"

"No, it's geni--" And before Bella could finish her words…

"Ah! Sister!"

She fainted again.


"Should we… just go?" Gary then said as he moved closer to Riley and the others, "I can't fly like the three of you… so carry me?"

"No," Silvie immediately answered.

"W… what!? You're leaving me behind!?"

"No," Silvie shook her head before looking towards the other students who were running away from the gates, "The other students are in distress, I will not stand for this kind of harassment. I…

...I will go talk to them."


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