Villain Retirement

Chapter 34: Hot and Spicy

Chapter 34: Hot and Spicy

"Are you and Scarlet Mage really together?"

"This talk again? Aren't you a little too overprotective of your brother?"

"Am I the only one seeing the wrong here!? My brother is only turning 17 a few months from now, and Scarlet Mage is like what, in her 30s!?"

"I think she's somewhere around 26 or something, should be fine. You should chill bro."

"That's pedophilia! Silvie, weigh in on this!"

"W… well, according to the law; The age of consent is--"

"I don't care about the law!"

A week had passed since the students of Mega Academy chose their superhero name, and other than a few training exercises on how to control and improve the mastery of their powers, most of the happenings in the Academy had been uneventful; some would even say repetitive.

What was not so uneventful, however, was the rumor going on around the entire Academy that Riley and Scarlet Mage were together; with some rumors going as far as even saying that they were doing explicit things all over the Academy.

This was probably the 5th time that Hannah had opened this topic since a week ago when they were out eating steak, but each time, Riley remained silent; not even moving his mouth whenever they asked him about it.

And now, they were once again inside the Korean shaved-ice store. They have been spending a lot of time in the shop since most of the time, they were the only customers. There were people entering from time to time, but for some reason, as soon as they get a glimpse of Riley and the group, they quickly leave where they came.

"I did hear a very hot and spicy rumor... Riley visited the teacher's apartments last week with Scarlet Mage, quite juicy."

"What!? Riley, is that true!?"

Hannah's loud voice once again echoed throughout the empty shop, causing the only staff of the store, Charlotte, to clear her throat as a signal to Hannah for her to lower her voice.

Riley was about to put the Mango Cheesecake-flavored shaved ice in his mouth, but when he saw the 3 sets of eyes glaring at him to the point that they almost looked like they were about to pop out, he could only place the spoon back on the table and sigh.

He read somewhere that it was wrong and rude to talk about your co-worker behind their back, and seeing as Scarlet Mage was his subordinate, he had been trying his best to avoid this topic. After all, if he couldn't even manage first and only subordinate, how was he going to afford more?

However, it had actually also been a week since he and Scarlet Mage had last talked to each other. He had been waiting on her report about Mega Woman, but not once did she approach him.

He should have patience. After all, she was his first subordinate-- perhaps a certain benefit should be placed on her.

But still, since she was doing an unsatisfactory job, perhaps it was also alright to talk about her behind her back; Riley thought as he looked his sister straight in the eyes.

"Yes, I entered her apartment last week to talk about work," Riley nonchalantly said before taking a bit of his shaved-ice; his eyes not looking away from her sister's.

"...Work?" Hannah muttered.

"Oh, when you officiated the activity with her earlier that day?" Gary raised a finger.

"I see, that makes sense," while Silvie slightly nodded her head.

"No, it doesn't!" Hannah once again slammed her palm on the table, "Why does it need to be in her apartment? What did you even talk about!? Did anything happen between the two of you!?"

"I kissed her."

"Oh, shit!" And without even any reservations, Gary suddenly leaped out from his seat and started running around the shop, drumming his hands on the table as he did so, "Holy fucking shit!" He continued to bellow, shouting through the glass window and garnering the attention of the students strolling outside.

And as he was hollering and dancing like a monkey, the two girls that were seated at their table remained unmoving; with Silvie's spoon even dropping to the floor.

"W...w… wait. I need a few seconds to process this shit," Hannah stuttered as she sat back, "You… you could get expelled for this. Don't tell this to any--"

And before she could even finish her words, she felt her seat violently move as Silvie suddenly stood up and rushed towards Gary, covering his mouth before dragging him back to his seat.

"I… I agree with Hannah, this is between us," she then whispered after violently throwing Gary beside Riley, "But… but what happened after that, then?"

Silvie's breaths almost echoed throughout the entire store, her eyes almost as bright as Hannah's flames as she stared without any restraints towards Riley. And judging by the flushness of her face which almost resembled a tomato, she really needed an answer.

"I left," Riley's nonchalant answer, however, quickly broke any anticipation they had.

"T… that's it? Nothing happened between the two of you… did you hit that ass?"


"W… what? I'm asking on behalf of everyone!"

"No," Riley once again shook his head, "Why would I hit her butt?"

"Who wouldn't want to hit that ass, man!?" Gary then bellowed, "Don't you know how lucky you are to even be--"


"Oho, do I sense jealousy in the air, Silvie?" Gary quickly wiggled his pinky fingers as soon as he heard Silvie's slightly agitated tone, "Of course you would be jealous. Scarlet Mage is oozing with the scent of a mature lady, almost like a MILF, really."

"No, Gary. Scarlet Mage is--"

"MILF?" Riley tilted his head.

"Mother I'd Like to--"

"By all means, continue that sentence."


The ends of Gary's hair all stood on their ends as he heard a very familiar voice coming from behind him. He wanted to run away and hide as a crippling and suffocating pressure slowly crawled through his entire body, but alas, it was too late to do so.

The only thing he could do was slowly turn his head, almost to a 180-degree turn, as he looked towards the woman he was just speaking of.

"H… Hi, Miss Scarlet Mage," he uttered, "We… we were just talking about how good your brea… your lectures are."

"I see."

Although Gary was clearly thinking of something immoral, Scarlet Mage did not really seem to mind as her voice seemed unfazed, calm even. Her eyes then scanned the four students, before ultimately resting at Riley.

"Mr. Riley, please come with me," she then said, "I… have something to discuss with you about tomorrow's class."

"Very well," Riley quickly nodded as he placed his spoon back inside his pocket. Finally, he thought; Scarlet Mage must have information about Mega Woman.

He was about to stand up, but before he could do so, Hannah beat her to it.

"Sit back down, Riley," Hannah muttered as she slowly walked in front of Scarlet Mage, staring her straight in the eyes as she did so.

"You are… Riley's elder sister?" Scarlet Mage returned Hannah's glare.

"I need to excuse Riley for a while, I don't know how long it will take; so I suggest you students return to your dorms first and not wait for him."

"I don't think so, Scarlet Mage."

"H… Hannah, calm down!" Silvie also stood up as she quickly got in between the two.

"Sorry?" Seeing Hannah violently trying to stomp her way towards her, Scarlet Mage could not help but slightly raise an eyebrow.

"Don't think we don't know what's going on between you and my brother!" And even with Silvie pulling her away, Hannah managed to point her finger towards Scarlet Mage, "Aren't you supposed to be a teacher? Why are you having relationships with your students!?"

"W… what?"

"And why Riley!? Did you think he's an easy target because he is like that!? Aren't you supposed to be a hero!? Oi, Riley!? Where are you going?! Oi!"

"I'll see all of you again tomorrow."

And midway through her ramblings, Riley suddenly stood up and started walking out of the shop, "Let's go, Scarlet Mage."

"W… we're not done--"

"You… are very protective of your brother, aren't you?" Scarlet Mage uttered before Hannah could once again start to protest, "Our relationship has actually been approved."

"W… what?"

"Whiteking approved it," Scarlet Mage said as she turned to leave, "If you want to do something about this then please…

...please talk to him."


"Do you have information about Mega Woman?"

"A trivial one."

Scarlet Mage now found herself once again alone with Riley, sitting in her car on the mall's underground parking lot.

"Any information is better than nothing, Scarlet Mage," Riley let out a short but deep breath as a small smile slowly started to appear on his face, "Report."

"I contacted an old friend in the government who owed me a favor. He told me that if Mega Woman was being kept somewhere in the country, then we would probably know it with the increase in security," Scarlet Mage said, her tone not changing one bit.

"And has there been an increase in security?"

"No… Mega Woman is probably not in the country," Scarlet Mage quickly replied, "Why not just ask your father? If anyone in the world knows where she is, it will probably be him."

"No. My father is not to be involved in any of this."

"Your family… are a bunch of weirdos."

"...I suppose," Riley nodded, "If that is all the information you have, then I shall take my leave. My clone outside is busy taking care of my pets, but as soon as it gets the time, I'll make it help us in our investigation."


"See you tomorrow, Scarlet Ma--"

"...It's hot."

Riley was about to step out of the car, but before he could reach the handle, he felt Scarlet Mage grabbing his hand.

"...Then you should have turned on the air conditioner."

"No, I...

...feel hot."


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