Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 97 The Nervous Girl

Villain Ch 97. The Nervous Girl

As the days went by, they grew closer, bonding over their shared experiences and the thrill of the hunt. They spent countless hours together, pushing themselves to their limits as they battled through the monsters.

And as they grew stronger, the challenges they faced became more difficult. They needed more EXP to level up, while their hunting ground was limited. Not to mention they couldn't defeat that Dracula. But still, they pressed on. It took them two long days to reach level 52, with each battle leaving them battered and bruised.

Despite their hectic schedule, they found time to take on a new quest – unlocking their cooking skill. It was a tedious process, but they knew the benefits would be worth it. The dishes they could create using the skill had the potential to add temporary valuable status points, giving them a much-needed advantage in battle.

But the path to mastering the cooking skill was not an easy one. It required countless hours of practice, and they needed a steady supply of ingredients to make progress. Some materials could only be obtained from certain types of monsters in low-level maps. So, the group was forced to rely on buying materials from NPCs which was limited.

During those two uneventful days, Allen and his team continued their routine of killing other players and completing daily quests. They had become quite proficient in taking down their targets, and it had become almost second nature to them.

The girls also hadn't made many moves on him yet. Even though he said that he didn't mind, only Vivian and Larissa did it once again with Allen in the game.

Shea, on the other hand, was still gathering her dignity to face Allen again. She seemed to be gathering her thoughts and emotions, and he respected her decision. Zoe, on the other hand, was struggling to express her feelings. She had been wanting to ask him out for coffee, but every time she tried to, she would get tongue-tied. It took all of her courage to finally ask him, and when he agreed, she couldn't believe her luck.

While Bella and Alice hadn't had the right time to say what they want. And Jane… after what he did, she felt a bit shy toward him. And somehow the idea to have sex with him even in the game was a bit embarrassing for her.

Also, Gil had already texted his invitation to Allen to meet him. And Allen agreed to meet tomorrow at the VR Game Café near the gym.


The bell above the coffee shop door jingled melodically as Allen stepped inside. The warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled his nostrils, and he breathed in deeply. As he looked around the cozy shop, he scanned the faces of the customers, searching for Zoe's familiar features. But she was nowhere to be found.

With a shrug, he headed towards the counter, his footsteps tapping rhythmically on the hardwood floor. The sound echoed through the shop, mingling with the gentle chatter of patrons and the soft hum of background music.

Allen stepped up to the counter and scanned the menu board. He was in the mood for something warm and comforting, so he decided to order a cup of tea.

"Hello, can I take your order?" the barista asked.

"Yes, can I have a cup of chamomile tea please?" Allen replied, handing over his membership card to pay for the drink.

"Sure thing," the barista said, swiping the card and handing it back to Allen. "Your tea will be ready in just a moment."

Allen thanked the barista and took his cup of tea, moving over to a small table by the window. The sun was setting outside, casting a warm orange glow across the street. Allen loved watching the people passing by, imagining their stories and wondering where they were headed.

He took out his phone and opened up his notes app, ready to jot down any ideas that came to mind. As he sipped on his tea, he noticed a couple holding hands as they walked by, laughing and smiling together. Allen couldn't help but feel a little envious of their happiness.

But he quickly pushed those thoughts aside and focused on his work. He wrote down a few ideas for his next creative project, including a character inspired by the couple he had just seen.

Allen took a sip of the hot tea, feeling the warmth spread through his body as he savored the taste. As he set down his cup, he heard the bell above the door ring once again. Looking up, he saw Zoe enter the coffee shop. She looked around the room, her eyes landing on Allen. He smiled and waved her over.

Zoe walked up to the counter, her eyes scanning the menu. She had already decided on what she wanted, but she enjoyed the ritual of ordering. Finally, she leaned forward and placed her order, "May I please have a hot chocolate with whipped cream on top, please?"

The barista nodded, "Sure thing."

Zoe reached into her purse and pulled out her wallet. She fished out the money and handed it to the barista, who handed her back her change. She waited patiently as the barista made her drink, enjoying the aroma that wafted through the air.

A few moments later, the barista handed Zoe her drink, a swirl of whipped cream sitting on top of the steaming chocolate. She thanked the barista and turned to make her way to Allen's table by the window.

She slid into the seat opposite him and took a deep breath, savoring the warmth and sweet scent of her drink. "Hey, sorry I'm late," she said, smiling at Allen. "I got caught up with a few things on the way here."

"No worries, I just got here myself," Allen replied.

pαndα,noνɐ1,сoМ Zoe sighed in relief. "I'm glad. I was worried I was going to keep you waiting for ages."

"No worries," Allen said as he took another sip of his tea. "I've got nowhere else to be at the moment."

Zoe smiled at him gratefully. "Thanks for understanding. I really appreciate it."

Allen nodded. "Of course. So, what do you want to talk about?"


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