Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 88 Ambush

Villain Ch 88. Ambush

Mac's eyes gleamed with a fierce determination as he faced Allen. He knew that this was a battle he had to win, no matter the cost.

"Leave him to me!" Mac shouted, his voice ringing out with a steely resolve. SuckMyDuck didn't hesitate for a moment; he knew that Mac was a real fighter, a warrior who wouldn't back down from any challenge. With a heavy heart, he turned and ran as fast as he could, leaving Mac to face Allen alone.

But Allen wasn't one to let his prey escape so easily. Without looking up, he raised his lance and launched a volley of black lances at SuckMyDuck. The lances flew through the air and struck SuckMyDuck with a fatal blow.

Allen tilted his head ever so slightly, a wicked smirk playing on his lips. It was a wide, cunning smirk that sent shivers down Mac's spine. "It's you again," Allen growled, his voice dripping with venom. "Didn't you learn from your last lesson? Or do you want to die that bad?" His eyes flicked over to Mac, and he could feel his heart racing with adrenaline. He knew that Mac wasn't like the other players, who were content to simply hunt for treasure and explore the game world. No, Mac was here for one thing and one thing only: to kill him.

Mac gritted his teeth, his eyes narrowing in displeasure. He didn't understand what it was about this game villain that made him want to beat him so badly. Was it because he believed there was another player behind the devil emperor, manipulating it from behind the scenes? Or was it simply because the devil emperor had killed him before, and he wanted revenge? Whatever the reason, Mac's blood boiled with anger and all he wanted was to see the devil emperor's blood spilled on the ground, just like how it had spilled his own yesterday.

"I'm going to make you pay for what you did last time!" Mac hissed, his voice low and dangerous. He could feel his muscles tensing, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. He knew that this battle would be difficult. But he also knew that he couldn't back down now, that he had to fight with all his might if he wanted to have a chance of defeating the devil emperor once and for all.

Mac's grip on his sword tightened as he prepared to strike. He could feel the weight of the weapon in his hand. Mac's sword was brushed off Allen's Demonic Claws.

As Allen's demonic claws reached toward him again, Mac didn't flinch. Instead, he raised his sword high above his head and swung it with all his might.

The sound of metal meeting metal echoed through the air as Mac's sword clashed against Allen's claws. For a moment, it seemed as though the two weapons were evenly matched, neither one gaining the upper hand. But then, with a sudden burst of energy, Mac's sword managed to break through Allen's defenses, brushing off the Demonic Claw as if it were a mere nuisance.

With a fierce cry, Mac pressed his advantage, using his Sword Strike skill to deliver a powerful blow to his opponent. With this skill, he had a chance to stun Allen, and strike a decisive blow. But his hopes were quickly dashed as Allen retreated, dodging Mac's attack with ease.

A bright flash of light erupted from the blade, creating a powerful blast that shook the ground where it landed. The shockwave rippled through the air, causing debris and dust to fly in all directions. For a moment, it seemed as though everything had been destroyed in the blast.

Allen grinned in confidence, clearly unimpressed by Mac's display of power. He was just about to use his Demonic Lance again when something caught his attention. A movement came from behind him.

In an instant, Allen's eyes widened with shock as he realized that Mac was not alone. There was someone else there, someone who had managed to sneak up on him without him even noticing.

Allen's eyes widened with surprise as he spun around to face a new threat. His step halted as he took a defensive stance, his Demonic Claws raised to protect himself from the sudden attack. The dual dagger user's Backstab skill.

The clashing sound of metal echoed through the air as Gil, the dual dagger user, charged forward with lightning speed. His dual daggers clashed against Allen's thick Demonic Claws, the two weapons locked in a fierce struggle for dominance.

Gil's face twisted in shock and disbelief as his Backstab attack failed to penetrate Allen's defenses. He had thought he had the upper hand, using the Invisible Crystal to approach his opponent undetected. But somehow, Allen had sensed his presence and managed to defend himself.

Despite his surprise, Gil did not give up. He knew that he could not afford to let his guard down, not even for a moment. Without hesitation, he activated his Hiding skill and disappeared from Allen's sight, hoping to gain the element of surprise once again.

But Allen was not to be underestimated. He had anticipated Gil's move and was ready to strike back. Just as Gil vanished from view, Allen swung his Demonic Claw in a wide arc, hoping to catch his opponent off-guard.

Although Gil managed to dodge the attack, the demonic claw still managed to graze his arm, leaving a deep gash that caused him to wince in pain.

Allen thought the ambush finished there, but no.

Another sudden movement caught his attention. Without warning, four arrows came hurtling towards him, each one deadly and sharp. In a split second, he realized that he was facing another opponent.

Reacting on pure instinct and without taking a glance, Allen unleashed his Demonic Lances in a burst of dark energy. The attacks collided mid-air, creating a deafening boom that echoed throughout the chamber. The force of the impact sent shockwaves through the air, and for a moment it seemed as though the entire dungeon was shaking.


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