Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 86 Killing Spree

Villain Ch 86. Killing Spree

Allen watched with a cold detachment as life drained from his victim's eyes. He felt a surge of power, a rush of adrenaline that left him feeling invincible. This was what he lived for, the thrill of the kill, the rush of blood and violence.

He ended with a laugh that made everyone shiver and kept pushing through them. His eyes fell on the team behind him.

Realizing Allen's presence, they immediately summoned their inventory screens in a panic, searching for the item that could protect them. Many of them fumbled through their items, trying to find the Invisible Crystal, which could hide them from their enemies.

But it was too late. Allen had already used his Shadow Walk skill, teleporting behind his enemies undetected. In a blur of motion, he appeared behind the group, his claws fiercely swinging at them.

The players barely had time to react before Allen's claws sliced through their bodies with deadly precision. The air was filled with the sound of flesh tearing and bones cracking as Allen slaughtered them one by one.

Blood spurted from their wounds, staining the forest floor in a deep red hue. The players screamed in terror, their faces contorted in agony as they fell to the ground.

Allen's eyes glinted with a cold, merciless light as he continued his onslaught. He swung his claws repeatedly, his movements fluid and graceful as he danced around his victims, cutting them down with ruthless efficiency.

In a matter of moments, the ground was littered with the bodies of the fallen.

[Kill player 7/100]

Allen reveled in the thrill of the hunt as his kill count continued to climb rapidly. He could hear the screams of his victims echoing in his ears, their blood soaking the ground beneath him. With each new kill, he felt a surge of power, a rush of adrenaline that left him feeling invincible.

Looking at the scoreboard, he saw that his team was doing just as well. Their kill count was rising rapidly, and he knew that they were making quick work of their enemies. With each passing moment, he became more and more confident that they would be able to reach their goal of 100 kills before the time limit ran out.

On the other side, the announcement showing that the players had started finding the treasures also started to appear. There were at least three boxes, but they weren't the jackpot.

Allen moved forward with deadly purpose, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement. He was like a predator, stalking his prey through the dungeon, his claws ready to strike at a moment's notice.

As he moved deeper, he came across more players, each one falling victim to his brutal attacks. He twisted their heads, impaled them with his lances, and tore them apart with his claws. The screams of his victims echoed through the stone walls, mixing with his own laughter, which sounded like the maniacal cackle of a madman.

The once-silent dungeon was now a place of chaos and carnage, the floor slick with blood and bodies littering the ground. But Allen paid no heed to the chaos around him, his only focus on the hunt.

Completely ignoring the treasure boxes, he knew that he couldn't open them anyway, instead of wasting his time waiting around for them, he would rather hunt his prey, taking pleasure in the fear that he instilled in his victims.

His claws were full of blood, each one a testament to the death that he had brought to the dungeon. The roads that he crossed were painted with the blood of players, marking his path like a trail of destruction. He was like a demon, a devil emperor who thirsted for the blood of players and always brought death wherever he went.

The thrill of the kill was something that Allen couldn't get enough of. The rush of adrenaline that coursed through his veins was like a drug, intoxicating and addicting. He felt the surge of excitement that came with each kill. It was a feeling that he couldn't describe, a mix of satisfaction and bloodlust that drove him forward.

The darkness inside him, which he usually kept under control, was now unleashed in all its glory. He reveled in the chaos and destruction he brought. It was as if he had tapped into a primal force within him, something that had been dormant until now.

But he knew that he couldn't let himself go completely. He had to maintain some level of control, or else he risked losing himself completely. He had to be strategic in his kills, choosing his targets carefully to maximize the kill count. It was a game of cat and mouse, and he was the predator, stalking his prey with ruthless efficiency.

As he continued on his killing spree, he felt a sense of satisfaction that he had never felt before. He had always been a competitive player, striving to be the best in the game, but this was different. This was a primal need to dominate and conquer, to prove his superiority over others.

And as the kill count continued to rise, he knew that he had found his true calling. This was where he belonged, in the midst of the chaos and destruction, where he could unleash his inner demons and revel in the thrill of the kill.

Allen resumed his hunt, his senses were on high alert, ever watchful for any signs of danger. His ears pricked up at the slightest sound, and his eyes scanned his surroundings, searching for any movement or disturbance. Suddenly, his laughter was cut short by the sound of a rock falling nearby.

He turned towards the direction of the sound, his sharp eyes scanning the area for any sign of movement. However, he found nothing amiss and turned his attention back to his hunt. Despite his gesture, he noticed the group of players that had managed to slip past him undetected.

They had used their Invisible crystal to conceal themselves from view and had carefully made their way past him, taking advantage of his moment. But of course, he wouldn't let them pass.


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