Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 75 Crush

Villain Ch 75. Crush

Jane's heart swelled with excitement as she saw the notification. Her fingers eagerly tapped on the screen to open the message, eager to hear any news. And finally, there it was - Vivian had responded to her message.

Vivian: Hey, Jane! Allen should be writing up his story right now, but he should be online later this evening. How's everything on your end?

Jane: Thank you, Vivian. Everything's okay on my end. I'm just about to online *Smiley face emoji*

Vivian: Nice! I still have my work done. Gotta go. See ya in the game *Waving hand emoji*

Putting down her phone, with a determined glint in her eye, Jane made her way over to her gaming device. She could feel her heart pounding with excitement as she prepared to dive back into the game. She grabbed her VR headset and slipped it over her head, feeling the familiar weight and pressure of the device on her face.

She took a deep breath, feeling a rush of anticipation and adrenaline coursing through her veins. She had never been more determined to level up her skills and catch up with Allen's progress.

"I won't sleep until I catch up with his level," she muttered to herself, her fingers tapping eagerly on the controls of her device.

Jane's gaming device loaded up, and she was met with the familiar loading screen. The screen flickered for a few moments before the scene began to change. The loading screen transformed into a stunning medieval fantasy scene. Soon, she found herself standing in the dark and eerie Cursed Crypts.

Suddenly, an announcement appeared in front of her, announcing a daily quest. She quickly scanned the message before closing it. Of course, she wanted to do it, but killing players meant she needed proper preparation. For sure, if she decided to do it herself, she would have to do it secretly.

Jane walked with purpose to the NPC room. Her mind was already racing, trying to decide on the best hunting spot and tactics for the daily quest.

But as she entered the room, she saw two familiar faces. It was Bella and Alice. They were deep in conversation, their eyes fixed on a list of items on their screens.

Jane's face lit up with a smile. She had not expected to see them. She approached them, a smile on her face. "Hey guys," she greeted them warmly.

Bella and Alice turned towards her and smiled. "Hey, Jane!" Bella exclaimed. "Where were you last night? What happened? Did something come up?"

Jane sighed, the memory of her work and lack of sleep still fresh in her mind. "Yeah, I had some urgent work to finish. Had to pull an all-nighter," she explained.

Bella and Alice both nodded sympathetically.

"That sounds rough," Alice said.

Bella looked at Jane and asked, "So, is your job finally done?"

Jane smiled and replied, "Yes, I finally finished it."

Alice let out a sigh of relief and said, "That's great news!"

Jane nodded in appreciation and then asked, "Have you guys seen Allen today?"

Bella shook her head, but Alice spoke up, "No, we haven't seen him yet. But when Shea and I logged on earlier, she said that Allen had already been online from morning till afternoon."

Jane's face lit up at the news. "I see… I need to catch up to him soon," she exclaimed.

Alice chuckled and said, "Good luck with that, he's been grinding like crazy."

Jane smiled wryly, knowing that it would be a daunting task to catch up to Allen's level. However, she was determined to do it. "Well, I won't give up until I do," she said with a determined look in her eyes.

Alice and Bella shared a knowing look before turning their attention back to Jane. Alice raised an eyebrow and asked, "Jane, do you have a crush on Allen?" Bella nodded in agreement, a smirk playing on her lips. They caught it because of how she asked about him.

Jane felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She quickly shook her head, denying any romantic feelings towards Allen. "No, no, it's not like that," she protested. "I just wanted to say thank you for his help."

Alice and Bella exchanged another look, clearly not convinced. But Jane stood her ground, insisting that her gratitude was purely platonic. However, deep down, she couldn't help but acknowledge the warm, fuzzy feeling in her chest at the thought of Allen.

Alice asked, "What did you mean by 'his help'?"

Jane took a deep breath before replying, "Well, I bumped into him this morning on the way back from the grocery store. I was too tired, so he helped me carry my bags home. And then, he even made me a sandwich."

Bella let out a small gasp. "He made you food?"

Jane nodded, feeling a little embarrassed. "Yeah, it was just a simple egg sandwich, but it was really nice of him."

"Wow," said Bella in surprise. she said in surprise. It was a rare thing. And that made Bella and Alice's interest in him grow.

"Wow, he sounds like such a great guy. A nice boyfriend material," Bella remarked with a smile.

Alice nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's not often you find someone who's willing to go out of their way to help someone like that."

As Alice complimented Allen's kindness, Jane's cheeks turned red and she looked down, fidgeting with her hands. Her shy response was accompanied by a slight stutter, indicating her embarrassment.

"Y-yes, he was really sweet," Jane admitted. "Um… Anyway, have you guys finished your daily quest yet?" asked Jane, trying to divert the conversation.

Bella replied, "Yeah, we're just about to do it. Well, you should come with us and finish the quest. It'll be fun!"

Jane's face lit up with a smile. She was grateful for the invitation and eager to spend time with her friends. She quickly agreed, "Yeah, sure. That sounds like a good idea. I'd love to join you guys."


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