Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 70 Monster Siege

Villain Ch 70. Monster Siege

Vivian's hand tightened around her whip, and Zoe's tentacles writhed in anticipation as they prepared for the battle ahead. Allen took a deep breath, his mind racing as he formulated a plan of attack.

"So hit and run again?" asked Vivian, her voice steady and calm.

Allen nodded. "Yes, that's our best option. But be careful. This creature is probably a shadow type, and far more troublesome than the Ghoul we just faced."

They answered with a nod.

"Get ready," Allen commanded.

Sure enough, a massive headless black horse emerged from the shadows. The monster was twice their size, and its massive hooves kicked up sparks as it charged at them.

Zoe sprang into action, her tentacles whipping through the air as she tried to bind the monster. But the headless horse was too powerful, and it shook off her grip with ease. Vivian moved in next, lashing out with her whip, but the monster was too fast, dodging out of the way at the last second. This monster was clearly different from the Ghoul.

It was up to Allen now. He took a deep breath and summoned his Demonic Lances. Fifteen glowing dark lances appeared around him, and he launched them at the monster with all his might.

The lances struck the monster with a sickening squelch, piercing its flesh and causing it to let out a weird noise from its neck. But it was far from defeated. The headless horse reared up, its massive hooves coming down on Allen with crushing force.

Allen gritted his teeth and used his Shadow Step skill to teleport out of harm's way. He reappeared behind the monster and slashed at its hind legs with his demonic claws, drawing blood.

The monster whinnied in pain and turned to face Allen once more. It charged at him, but he was ready this time. He dodged its attacks with quick, fluid movements, his claws slicing through the air.

Zoe and Vivian joined in, attacking from both sides. Zoe's tentacles wrapped around the monster's body, while Vivian's whip snapped at its legs. But the monster was too strong, and it shook them off with ease.

Blood dripped from Allen's claws as he continued to dodge the monster's attacks. He knew that they needed to work together if they were going to defeat it.

"Zoe, try to hold still!" he shouted.

Zoe nodded and launched herself at the monster once more. Her tentacles wrapped around its body, pulling it towards her. Allen saw his chance and launched his Demonic Lances once again, aiming for the monster's heart.

The lances struck true, piercing the monster's chest and causing it to let out an agonized odd scream. Then without mercy, he swung his claws at the monster like a beast. Likewise, with Vivian, she slashed her whip restlessly.

It collapsed to the ground, its shadowy form dissipating into nothingness.

[You received Horseshoe 1 ea and 2 Coins.]

The three of them breathed a collective sigh of relief as they stood there, catching their breath. They had won, but it had been a hard-fought battle.

"That was intense," Vivian said, wiping sweat from her forehead. "I think I need a drink."

Zoe nodded in agreement, her tentacles retracting back into her body.

After the intense battle with the headless black horse, the three companions took a moment to catch their breath and drink some Mana potions. They uncorked the bottles and downed the cool, refreshing liquid, feeling their energy levels replenish.

But their respite was short-lived. As their potion bottles shattered, they heard a shuffling sound in the distance. They turned to see a group of ghouls slowly making their way toward them.

"Looks like we've got more company," Allen said, his hand tightening.

The ghouls were slower than the headless black horse and weaker as well, but they were still formidable foes. And this time, there were six of them.

"Stay alert," he said to Zoe and Vivian.

The ghouls continued to advance, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. Allen could see the hunger in their eyes.

"Zoe, take the lead," he said. "We need your tentacles to keep them at bay." He knew he needed to change their strategy.

Zoe nodded and launched herself at the ghouls, her tentacles whipping through the air. She managed to ensnare a few of them, but there were too many. The ghouls broke free and launched themselves at the group, their claws flashing in the dim light.

Allen used his Shadow Step to dodge their attacks, but Vivian was caught off guard. One of the ghouls slashed at her arm with its claws, drawing blood.

"Dammit!" she hissed, lashing out with her whip.

"Zoe, try to keep them in one place," he said. "I'm going to use my Demonic Lances to take out as many as I can."

Zoe nodded and launched her tentacles once more, trying to hold the ghouls still. Allen focused his energy and summoned his Demonic Lances, launching them at the group of ghouls. The lances pierced through their undead flesh, causing them to writhe in pain.

Vivian saw her opening and used her speed to whip around the ghouls, striking them with her weapon. Her strikes were quick and precise, and she managed to take out a few of the weaker ghouls.

But the battle was far from over. The remaining ghouls were now angry and hungry, and they launched themselves at the group once more. Allen used his Shadow Step to dodge their attacks, but Zoe and Vivian were not so lucky. They were caught off guard by the ghouls' sudden movements, and they stumbled backward.

Allen saw an opening and lunged forward with his demonic claws, striking the ghouls with all his might. His claws tore through their flesh, sending blood flying in all directions. The remaining ghouls were now weakened, and the companions were able to take them down one by one.

After a few tense moments, the battle was over. They were battered and bruised, but they had emerged victorious.

"Good work," Allen said, looking at Zoe and Vivian. "We couldn't have done it without you."

Zoe and Vivian nodded, panting from the exertion.


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