Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 57 Provocation

Villain Ch 57. Provocation

Vivian's heart fluttered as she looked into Allen's eyes, feeling a warm blush creep up her cheeks. At that moment, the simple words that had just passed between them filled her with indescribable joy.

But the moment was suddenly shattered by the sharp sound of Shea's voice, cutting through the silence like a knife.

"Do you want another match?" Shea challenged, her eyes scanning the rest of the swordsman's team, hoping that one of them would accept her challenge. There was a competitive glint in her eyes.

Before anyone else could respond, the mage spoke up, his displeasure evident in his tone. "The hunting spot is yours," he said, his voice heavy with irritation. "We are not interested anymore."

The mage strode past Allen and the rest of his team with a confident and purposeful gait, his robes billowing behind him like wings.

As if on cue, the rest of the mage's team followed in his wake, their expressions ranging from stoic to annoyed.

Allen knew that they needed three more kills to meet their quota, and time was running out. They couldn't afford to let this opportunity slip away. And so, with a deep breath, he stepped forward and addressed their quarry with a sneer. "Run away, huh? Coward," he spat, hoping to provoke a reaction.

But to his surprise, they simply ignored his provocation and continued walking away, their footsteps echoing off the cave walls around them. They moved with a purpose that left no room for distractions or taunts.

He turned to his team, shaking his head from side to side in a gesture that said it didn't work. They would have to find another victim.

"How about we wait here a little longer?" Shea suggested, her voice low and hesitant. "This place is the best place to ambush after all." She was clearly disappointed that she hadn't gotten her chance to duel yet, but she knew as well as the rest of them that they had to be smart, strategic, and patient.

Rose17's body had disappeared, leaving them free to speak without fear of being overheard.

"I agree," Allen said, his voice steady and determined. "We may not get another strategic place like this." The duel tactic might not be able to be used again. It would be very strange if they suddenly disappeared just after they managed to kill their last victim.

The group exchanged nods of agreement, their eyes glinting with a mixture of determination. They knew that it was their best chance to catch their prey off guard.

As they waited, they moved around the area, killing any lurking monsters to raise their EXP.

And just as they expected, around five minutes later, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the dungeon walls. They tensed, readying themselves for whatever might come.

Without saying a word, they sprang into action, each taking cover in their own way. The others darted behind stalactites and stalagmites, their weapons at the ready. Allen, however, used his Hiding skill to blend into the shadows, his form becoming nearly invisible to the naked eye.

And then, finally, their prey came into view.

"This dungeon is getting too crowded," the healer said, his voice heavy with concern. "We need to find a quieter place to hunt. Somewhere with fewer players and with lower-level monsters."

The dual dagger user nodded in agreement, his eyes darting around the cave, searching for a nice hunting spot. "I hear you. Our EXP went up too slowly. A spot with few low-level monsters is better than this place."

The swordsman, however, seemed less convinced. "I don't know about that," he said, his voice low and gruff. "We need to keep pushing forward, keep taking risks if we want to make a name for ourselves."

The healer frowned, his eyes narrowing in frustration. "But what about our safety? What about our survival?"

The swordsman shrugged, his expression was unreadable. "We'll figure it out. Maybe we should recruit a ranged fighter, like a mage or an archer. That would give us an edge in battle."

The dual dagger user perked up at this suggestion, his eyes alight with excitement. "That's not a bad idea. We could use someone to provide support from afar while we take care of the front lines."

The healer nodded, his face softening a bit. "Okay, maybe you're right. We do need to take risks to succeed. But let's be smart about it. Let's make sure we have a solid plan before we charge into battle."

As they approached, Allen's team immediately got ready. Another chat box appeared in front of him.

[Lullaby: I will take down the healer.]

[Lilieth: Leave the dual daggers to me.]

[Azazel: Then I will take care of the swordsman like before.]

[Abyssia: So… you guys will leave me again.]

They could understand Zoe's complaints, but her class was unsuitable for assassination.

[Azazel: Just watch our backs like before.]

"Look at all those monsters!" the dual dagger user suddenly exclaimed, pointing eagerly to an empty spot nearby. "There's gotta be at least a dozen of them. And it's not too far from here, either."

The healer nodded approvingly. "That sounds like a good spot," he said, scanning the spot with a critical eye. "But we need to be careful. We don't want to attract too many of them. Just take them out one of the times."

The swordsman grunted in agreement. "Right. We need to stay focused and be ready for anything. Who knows what we might encounter."

As they made their way, their footsteps echoing loudly against the rough stone walls, they suddenly felt something attacking them. But before they could even react, Vivian had already launched an Arrow Strike toward the dual dagger user, who was taken completely by surprise. The arrows hit him directly in the chest, and he fell to the ground, clutching at the wound.

The healer immediately began to cast a healing spell, but Shea was quick to react. With a wave of her hand, she conjured a sharp Ice Spike that launched at the healer before he could finish casting his spell, killing him in an instant.


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