Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 42 VR Game Cafe [Bonus ]

Villain Ch 42. VR Game Cafe

The man who strode into the restaurant had easy confidence in his movements. His head was crowned with a wild mop of ginger hair, the fiery strands seeming to catch the light and reflect it back in a blaze of warmth. His face was angular and sharp, with a square jaw that was set in a determined line. His eyes were bright green, sparkling with intelligence and humor, and they seemed to take in everything around him with intense scrutiny.

He was lean and athletic. His height was not much different from Allen's and he carried himself with confidence. He was dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans, the casual clothes doing little to hide the coiled energy that seemed to radiate off him in waves.

The man swept his gaze around the room, his eyes darting from one corner to another as if he were taking in every detail. He seemed to be searching for someone.

As Gerry waved his hand to attract the man's attention, Allen watched as the newcomer's gaze settled on their table. The man's expression shifted, and he approached their table with a smile that was both warm and genuine.

"Gerry, man! It's so good to see you!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with warmth and excitement.

The two men hugged each other.

"Wow, you've really been hitting the weights, huh?" the newcomer said, giving Gerry a playful punch on the shoulder. "You're looking good, man!"

Gerry grinned, looking pleased with the compliment. "Yeah, I've been trying to keep in shape," he said, patting his bicep. "But you've lost some weight, haven't you? Looking pretty ripped there yourself."

The newcomer laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I've been trying to cut down a bit. Gotta keep in shape," he said with a wink.

"You must be Allen, right? I'm Gil. Gerry told me a lot about you," the newcomer said, turning to Allen with a friendly smile. His voice was warm and welcoming.

"It's good to meet you, Gil," Allen said, returning the smile.

Then Gil turned to Larissa, his brow furrowed in confusion. "And you must be... Gerry's new girlfriend, right?" he said, making random guesses as he tried to place her in their group. His tone was innocent, and a big smile crossed his face as he looked at her.

Gerry's coughs echoed through the restaurant as he struggled to regain his breath, his face turning red with embarrassment. "When did I say I have a new girlfriend?!" he complained hoarsely, once he was finally able to speak again.

Gil pressed his lips together awkwardly, realizing that he had made a mistake. "No?" he said, turning to Gerry with a questioning look.

Larissa smiled dryly, sensing the tension in the air. "We just met. Gym buddies," she explained briefly, hoping to prevent any more misunderstandings.

Meanwhile, Allen turned to Gerry, his expression flat and unreadable. "You said something about me, didn't you?" he asked, his voice tinged with annoyance. The fact that Gil guessed that Larissa was Gerry's new girlfriend, but didn't guess that she was Allen's girlfriend, made it clear that Gerry had been talking about him behind his back.

Gerry squirmed uncomfortably in his seat, feeling the weight of his friend's disapproving gaze. "Nothing," he muttered, looking nervously in another direction as he tried to avoid the topic.

But Allen wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily. "Mind telling me your 'nothing'?" he asked, his irritation palpable.

Gerry let out a heavy sigh, knowing that he couldn't keep his secret any longer. "Uh...fine, I confess," he said, returning his gaze to Allen's. "I only said that you've given up on your love life."

Allen's eyes narrowed in anger as he heard Gerry's words. "And why would you say that?" he demanded; his voice was sharp.

Gerry swallowed hard, feeling a knot form in his stomach as he tried to come up with an explanation. "I don't know, man. I just assumed that since you haven't been seeing anyone lately," he trailed off, feeling guilty for betraying his friend's trust.

But before he could say anything else, Gil spoke up, his tone apologetic. "Actually, he said you bury yourself in your writing and games, so you have no hope of getting a girlfriend," Gil explained, cringing at the awkwardness of the situation.

Allen's eyes narrowed as he turned to Gerry, his expression darkening into a death stare.

"It was a joke," Gerry stammered. His voice was shaky, and he looked like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

"Don't worry," Gil said, his tone reassuring. "Being an online writer and gamer is not a bad thing. I'm also a gamer and have been spending a lot of time playing Hell's Gate lately. So, I can't judge."

Allen and Larissa turned to Gil, their eyes widening in surprise. They had never encountered another player in the real world.

"You are a Hell's Gate's player?" Allen asked, his curiosity piqued. He wanted to know what the normal users would think about yesterday's event.

Gil's face lit up, and he nodded eagerly. "Yes," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "That game is so addicting. I spent all day online yesterday."

"Especially that war event!" Gil continued; his eyes gleaming. "That's so intense! I can't wait to raise my level and beat up that emperor!" He clenched his fists; his enthusiasm was contagious.

Based on Gil's reaction, Allen concluded that the event worked out well.

"I see," Allen said, his voice filled with quiet satisfaction. Beside him, Larissa nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with excitement.

"You are also a Hell's Gate player, right?" Gil asked, his voice tinged with enthusiasm. "We should hang out and play together sometimes. I just discovered a VR game café on my way here. Who knows, we can make a good team?"

VR game cafes had been sprouting up all over the city in recent years, fueled by the growing popularity of online gaming and virtual reality. A place where they could lose themselves in their favorite games and connect with other players in real time.

These VR game cafes were designed to provide an immersive gaming experience, complete with equipment and high-tech accessories. And while most gamers had their own equipment at home, VR game cafes offered a unique opportunity to connect with other players and enjoy a more social gaming experience.

From high-end racing simulators to cutting-edge VR erotic games, there was something for everyone, regardless of their interests or preferences. Of course, playing these VR erotic games came at a steep price. Unlike other games, they required players to rent a small room to play in, ensuring complete privacy and discretion. But for many gamers, the price was worth it, offering a chance to explore their wildest fantasies in a safe and controlled environment.


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