Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 108 The Orc Dungeon

Villain Ch 108. The Orc Dungeon 

The battle was intense but short-lived. The five orcs that had been stalking them were no match for them. Their movements were fluid, their attacks precise, and their teamwork flawless. It was clear that they were a well-trained team, used to fighting side by side and supporting each other in battle.

Despite the intensity of the fight, they found it surprisingly easy. They had been battling ghouls and headless horse mobs, honing their skills and gaining experience. Compared to those formidable foes, the orcs were no match for them.

Just like Allen's warning, the orc's scream drew the other orcs' attention. They quickly noticed some movements in the nearby bushes. The girls tensed, ready for the next round of battle.

At first, there were only a few orcs, but as they moved closer, they could see more of them appearing from behind the trees. Their numbers were increasing rapidly, and soon, there were dozens of orcs heading their way.

Most players would have considered this a big trouble, but not them.

The orcs charged toward them. The group stood their ground. Allen unleashed his new skill, Demonic Orb, and summoned a barrage of black demonic orbs that could melt the enemy's flesh. Bella cast a fire spell that engulfed the orcs in flames, causing them to shriek in agony. Meanwhile, Alice used her frost spell to freeze the orcs in place, rendering them immobile.

Shea, however, had a different approach. She knew that the orcs were not immune to her sleep spell, and so she began to sing a lullaby. The soothing melody flowed through the air and reached the orcs' ears. They slowed down, swayed to the rhythm, and then collapsed on the ground in a deep sleep. Her voice was so enchanting that even the orcs couldn't resist it. They had seen her use this spell before, but it was always fascinating to watch it in action.

It was an easy kill for them now. They moved in and slaughtered the orcs one by one. The orcs didn't even stir in their sleep, oblivious to their impending doom.

The group continued on their journey, deeper into the orc forest. The scenery around them was breathtaking, with tall trees towering above them and a carpet of lush greenery underfoot. However, the beauty of the forest was deceptive, as danger lurked in every direction.

Soon, the group suddenly heard another rustling in the bushes ahead of them. Before they knew it, another horde of orcs was upon them. Fortunately, in this field, there were only two types of orcs. Orcs and female orcs.

Jane quickly began chanting an incantation under her breath. Suddenly, the ground beneath the orcs began to shake, and from the soil emerged a series of skeletal hands. The undead appendages reached out and grabbed hold of the orcs, immobilizing them in their tracks.

With the orcs held in place, Allen raised his hand, and black lances shot out toward the orcs, piercing through their armor and bodies with ease.

A few minutes later, they spotted the orc village in the distance.

The orc village was surrounded by a fence made of wooden stakes, and several huge tents could be seen inside. There were many orcs on guard, patrolling the perimeter of the village. The sight was intimidating, but the group was not afraid. 

As they approached the village, they could see the orcs getting agitated, sensing their presence. The orcs put up a fight, but they were no match for the group's skills and tactics. Soon, the entire village was under their control.

Shea let out a sigh of relief, "Well, that was easier than I thought it would be."

Zoe nodded in agreement, "I thought this place would be even worse than the tower, but it looks like I was wrong."

Larissa chimed in, "Remember, this area is made for players, so it's easier than ours."

Jane added, "But we still need to be careful. We don't know what else might be lurking around here."

Allen suddenly spoke up, "I heard from Kafra that this orc forest also has a dungeon. Do you guys want to check it out?" He needed more challenges than this.

The girls exchanged glances, considering the offer. Shea spoke first, "Sure, why not? We've already made our way this far, might as well make the most of it."

Allen grinned, "Great, let's go then. I've got a feeling there might be some rare loot waiting for us in there," he hoped for some thrill from that place.

The group gathered and made their way deeper into the orc forest, following Kafra's directions toward the dungeon entrance. As they walked, they encountered more orcs, but they dispatched them with ease.

After a few minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the entrance of the dungeon. It was a large, ominous-looking structure made of dark stone, with torches flickering in the dim light. The group slowly made their way into the dark cave, their eyes adjusting to the dim light. 

The sound of their footsteps echoed through the cavernous space, and the heavy breathing seemed to grow louder. It felt like they were being watched from all directions, and tension hung in the air.

They could see the orc crest emblem in front of them, a symbol of warning for any unwelcome visitors. But the group was not deterred.

The interior of the dungeon surprised them. It was vast, with large caverns and winding passages leading to different areas. Stalactites and stalagmites jutted out from the walls and ceilings, casting eerie shadows in the dim light. The air was thick with the smell of musty earth and damp stone.

"Are we ready for this?" Jane asked, looking at the others.

"Absolutely," Shea replied confidently, "We've faced tougher challenges than this."

Once they moved deeper into the dungeon, they heard the sound of scurrying feet and snarling voices. The orcs were not happy about their presence, and it seemed that they were ready to defend their home at all costs. But this time, it wasn't just a common type of orc…


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