Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 622 Conflict Between Angel And Devil Race

Chapter 622 Conflict Between Angel And Devil Race

Meanwhile, within the tomb's central chamber, a triumphant smile played on Wang Jian's lips. His array formations had performed flawlessly. He focused his Divine Sense, pinpointing Princess Yueli's exact location. A network of glowing pathways within the labyrinth map flickered before him, guiding him to his target.

He channeled the Laws of Shadow, his very being merging with the darkness that permeated the labyrinth. He became one with the shadows, his movements silent and undetectable as he navigated the labyrinth with practiced ease.

Yueli, on the other hand, cautiously navigated the unfamiliar terrain. Her hand instinctively reached for the fiery pendant adorning her neck, a gift from her beloved Flame True God. It provided her with a modicum of comfort and a flicker of hope.

Before Yueli could even take a single step, a powerful, unseen force clamped down on her. It wasn't a physical restraint, but a suffocating pressure that invaded her very being. Panic surged through her as she clawed at the emptiness, desperate to break free. Her vision swam, the world dissolving into a swirling vortex of darkness. The last thing she registered before unconsciousness claimed her was a chilling whisper echoing in the suffocating silence: "Sleep, Princess."

Wang Jian emerged from the shadows, his hand outstretched. In his grasp, held limp and unconscious, was Princess Yueli. A cruel smile stretched across his face. He had achieved his first objective with flawless precision. Now, it was time to spirit her away from the labyrinth before anyone realized she was missing.

With Princess Yueli secured within a hidden pocket dimension, Wang Jian wasted no time. He teleported again, utilizing the labyrinth's intricate network to materialize in another desolate section. Here, he repeated his chilling act, rendering two more princesses unconscious with his powerful aura before whisking them away to join Yueli in their involuntary confinement.

Now, with his coveted captives secured, it was time to sow the seeds of discord. Wang Jian understood the labyrinth intimately. He knew, with absolute certainty, that the Angel Race and the Devil Race would inevitably cross paths within the labyrinth's depths. The sheer scale of the labyrinth, while designed to separate them initially, wasn't large enough to keep two powerful factions apart for long.

He had meticulously crafted the labyrinth's trials and traps. Each challenge was designed to resonate with the Angel Race's divine abilities, subtly hindering the Devil Race's progress. This wasn't out of any altruism towards the Angel Race, but rather a calculated move to further his agenda.

Celestial Maiden Yuqing, with her immense power and familiarity with divine principles, would undoubtedly navigate the labyrinth with relative ease.

This wouldn't raise an eyebrow from either side. After all, it was an expected outcome if the God of Death himself had designed the tomb to favor his own kind.

As predicted, Celestial Maiden Yuqing, driven by an unwavering resolve, blazed a trail through the labyrinth. Wang Jian had set the difficulty precisely, ensuring she wouldn't encounter insurmountable challenges, but enough to test her formidable abilities.

Finally, Celestial Maiden emerged victorious, reaching the central chamber. Here, bathed in an ethereal glow, lay the supposed legacy of the God of Death – a collection of ancient scrolls, artifacts radiating with divine energy, and a sense of overwhelming power. Relief and a touch of greed washed over Celestial Maiden Yuqing. This was a treasure beyond measure, a power that could tip the scales in favor of the Angel Race.

Following the instructions inscribed on the central altar, she completed a ceremonial ritual. As she did, the entire labyrinth pulsed with energy, a surge of power coursing through the celestial veins of the Angel Race present within the labyrinth. A telepathic link, a network of communication connecting them instantaneously, formed within their minds.

It was at this moment, flooded with newfound power and enhanced senses, that Celestial Maiden Yuqing realized the horrifying truth. Three of her daughters, Yueli included, were missing. Panic clawed at her throat as she scanned the labyrinth with her newly awakened power, searching for any trace of their presence.

Her anger, potent and righteous, instantly fixated on the Devil Race. She knew, with a certainty born of intuition, that they were responsible. What better way to destabilize the Angel Race than by kidnapping members of her own family? She stormed towards the location of the Devil Race contingent, her eyes blazing with fury.

The Devil Race, led by Mo Yu's eldest son, were themselves bewildered. They hadn't caused any conflicts with any Angel princesses during their exploration of the labyrinth. Their primary objective had been to acquire the God of Death's legacy for themselves, and they had been entirely unsuccessful. Now, here stood Celestial Maiden Yuqing, accusation heavy in her voice.

"Where are my daughters?" she roared, her voice echoing through the cavernous chamber. "You demons are the only ones with the means and motive to commit such a heinous act!"

The Devil Race contingent exchanged confused glances. Mo Yu's son, a hulking figure known for his bluntness, stepped forward. "Celestial Maiden," he rumbled, "we have no knowledge of your daughters' whereabouts. In fact, we did encounter a few angel princesses during our exploration. We didn't cause any conflicts with them, and even helped them with a few challenges they faced in the labyrinth."

His sincerity rang true, but it did little to quell Celestial Maiden Yuqing's rage. Blinded by grief and suspicion, she believed they were simply lying. An argument erupted, accusations flying back and forth. The fragile peace that existed between the two races threatened to shatter.

Wang Jian, observing the scene from within his hidden chamber, allowed a satisfied smile to play on his lips. The seed of doubt had been sown. The simmering animosity between the races was now simmering at a rolling boil. All he had to do was wait, watch the flames of conflict lick higher, and reap the benefits of the chaos he had orchestrated.

Disappointment gnawed at Wang Jian. The confrontation within the labyrinth hadn't ignited the full-blown war he had craved. Instead, both the Angel Race and the Devil Race contingents retreated, returning to their respective stars in the Eastern Cosmos.

Back on the Devil Race's star, Mo Yu received a furious report from his returning children. He listened, his brow furrowing as they recounted their fruitless exploration and the explosive accusations from Celestial Maiden Yuqing.

"Did you, at any point, act against the Angel princesses?" His voice was a cold rumble.

His children, all veterans of numerous battles, flinched under their father's scrutiny. "Absolutely not, Father," the eldest, a hulking figure with a mane of fiery red hair, responded. "We encountered them occasionally, but there were no conflicts. We even assisted them through some challenges."

Mo Yu, a cunning leader, saw the truth in their eyes. He wasn't naive enough to believe his children were paragons of virtue, but abducting Celestial Maiden Yuqing's daughters wouldn't have been their style. It was too audacious, too likely to spark a war.

"Good," he muttered, his voice heavy with something that could have been relief or a deeper suspicion. "I will speak with Celestial Maiden Yuqing. We will find out who orchestrated these accusations and clear your names."

The next day, a tense meeting unfolded in the celestial expanse. Mo Yu, radiating an air of aggrieved righteousness, confronted Celestial Maiden Yuqing. Her anger simmered beneath a veneer of control, fueled by the lingering disappearance of her daughters.

"Celestial Maiden," Mo Yu began, his voice deceptively smooth. "My children have informed me of your most disturbing accusations. Abduction? Such acts dishonor the fragile peace we have forged."

Celestial Maiden Yuqing's eyes remained narrowed. "Peace built on shifting sands," she countered. "My daughters vanished within the labyrinth, and coincidentally, your children were present."

"Coincidence, indeed," Mo Yu replied, a sardonic edge to his voice. "Perhaps someone seeks to sow discord between our races?"

Celestial Maiden Yuqing, still brimming with sorrow and suspicion, listened as Mo Yu vehemently denied any involvement in the abduction of her daughters. The accusations hung heavy in the air, creating an icy chasm between them.

"Until the Devil Race can definitively prove their innocence," Celestial Maiden Yuqing declared, her voice laced with steel, "my suspicions will remain."

Mo Yu conceded, frustration etched on his face. The fragile peace they had maintained, brokered by the enigmatic Huang Zhi, seemed to be on the verge of shattering. However, a full-

blown war remained a distant prospect.

Wang Jian, concealed within the Astral Jade City, received updates on the situation. Disappointment gnawed at him. He understood that the hard-earned peace wouldn't be easily broken, especially with the influence of the protagonist Huang Zhi looming in the background.

But he wasn't without a plan B. Here's where his abduction of Mo Yu's children came into play.

Within his secluded chamber, Wang Jian focused his immense cultivation on the three captive devils. Their souls writhed in agony as he channeled a forbidden technique, meticulously crafting them into puppets.

He infused his will into their very essence, granting him complete control over their bodies and actions. This was a dark art, one he rarely employed, but desperate times called for desperate measures.


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