Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 32 Thunder King's Treasures

However, activating these switches was not an easy task. They were designed to be extremely well-hidden and could only be found by carefully examining the rocks in the area. They required a strong bolt of lightning to activate them. Additionally, these switches had to be activated quickly or else the entire process needed to be restarted.

Once all the switches were activated, the flow of water through the channels would be disrupted, causing the energy nodes to deactivate and the barrier to the Thunder King's Abode to disappear.

Lin Feng utilized his Nine Heavenly Lightning Sword to sense these lightning attribute rocks that had to be activated to enter the waterfall. After a couple of tries, he activated them all, and the two entered the Thunder King's Abode.

However, it was only after the two entered the abode that they realized its strangeness.

This abode was a medium-sized hollow cave with nothing in it. Lin Feng and Jin Meixiang were both puzzled by this desolation.

Lin Feng didn't believe that this place was as simple as it seemed. Just the process of entering this abode was so complicated so it definitely hid something precious.

They observed the entire place and soon came across a switch that opened a secret door upon activation.

As the door opened, a foul stench propagated. However, this didn't curb their intentions of exploring this abode.

Lin Feng and Jin Meixiang ventured deeper into the Lightning King's Abode, and the stench seemed to become even more intense.

It was clear that the place had not been disturbed for centuries, and the remains of the dead seemed to have decayed over time, creating a disgusting and overwhelming odour.

As they progressed through the ruin, they encountered a number of unique traps that had been set up to protect it. One of the first traps they encountered was a corridor that was lined with pressure plates. When triggered, the plates released a burst of poisonous gas that could cause blindness and death.

Once Lin Feng realized that the gas was being produced by a series of vents in the ceiling. He instructed Jin Meixiang to use her sword to disable the vents while he used his Qi to create a protective barrier around them.

Another trap they encountered was a room filled with illusionary mirrors. The mirrors reflected their images in various directions, making it difficult for them to determine which way was the right one. If they chose the wrong path, they would be trapped in the illusion forever.

Lin Feng quickly realized that the illusions were being created by a series of mirrors around the room. He used his sword to shatter each mirror one by one until the illusions dissipated.

There was also a trap in the form of a large chamber that was filled with sand. As soon as they stepped into the room, the sand began to shift and bury them alive.

Thinking quickly, Lin Feng grabbed onto a pillar in the center of the chamber and used his weight to counterbalance the shifting sand. He then ordered Jin Meixiang to do the same, and together, they managed to stabilize themselves.

Lin Feng then noticed that the shifting sand was creating a path towards the exit. Realizing that the trap was actually meant to guide them out of the chamber, he and Jin Meixiang followed the path and managed to escape without any harm.

After a series of other couple of traps that Lin Feng resolved with his quick wit and martial arts, they finally reached their destination – The Treasure Chamber.

There was a unique array set in this treasure chamber, but Lin Feng easily broke it by utilizing his Nine Heavenly Lightning Sword.

As Lin Feng and Jin Meixiang explored the depths of the Lightning King's Abode's Treasury Chamber, they discovered several treasures of great value and power.

The most notable nine treasures are: -

Thundercloud Crystal: A small crystal that glows with a faint blue light. When infused with lightning essence, it can summon a powerful thundercloud that can strike foes from a distance.

Lightning Chain: A long chain made of pure lightning essence. When wrapped around a target, it can deliver a powerful electric shock that can stun or incapacitate even the strongest foes.

Stormbreaker Halberd: A massive halberd with a blade made of pure lightning essence. When swung, it can generate a powerful electric field that can cut through even the thickest armour.

Lightning Phoenix Pendant - A pendant shaped like a phoenix and made from lightning-infused gold. The pendant enhances the wearer's magical abilities and allows them to control lightning with ease. It also provides protection from lightning-based attacks.

Thunderstorm Ring - A ring made from a piece of pure lightning crystal. The ring enhances the wearer's strength and allows them to call down thunderstorms to strike their enemies. It also provides protection from lightning attacks.

Lightning God's Scroll - A scroll containing the secrets of the Lightning God's lightning techniques. The scroll provides a significant boost to the user's lightning-based attacks and allows them to summon bolts of lightning from the sky.

Thunderbolt Elixir - A rare elixir made from lightning-infused herbs. The elixir provides a significant boost to the user's physical abilities, speed, and reflexes. It also enhances the user's control over lightning, allowing them to summon bolts of lightning with ease.

Lightning Charm: A small charm that can be attached to any weapon or piece of equipment. When activated, it imbues the item with the power of lightning, enhancing its capabilities and making it more effective in battle.

Lightning Eye: An ability that allows the user to see through solid objects and detect electrical activity. It can be used to locate hidden passages and traps, as well as to gain an advantage in battle by anticipating an opponent's moves.

Among these nine treasures, Jin Meixiang selected the Lightning Charm, the Lightning Phoenix Pendant, the Lightning Chain, and the Thunderbolt Elixir, while Lin Feng received the rest.

Lin Feng grabbed hold of the Stormbreaker Halberd, and suddenly the Nine Heavenly Lightning Sword in his dantian began to tremble. It instantly absorbed the lightning energy within the Stormbreaker Halberd.

The Stormbreaker Halberd was the artifact of a King Realm expert. Although its power had significantly weakened, it was still far too great when compared to the Origin Realm Lightning Beasts.


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