Villain : I reincarnated as a Prince! Shouldn't I have a Harem?

Chapter 18: New skills!

Chapter 18: New skills!

Phoenix Feather Sect,

"Who is that Handsome Disciple?" A female disciple of the Phoenix Feather sect questioned as her eyes fell on Ashen who was walking towards the Skill Pavilion.

Her companion answered: "Ah right, You weren't there when he awakened his spirit. He is the sect Leader's new disciple and has awakened an 8-star spirit"

The female disciple's eyes widened as she asked: "Really? An 8-star spirit? Doesn't that mean he is now the greatest genius among the Ten sects?"

Her companion nodded in agreement: "Indeed"

While they discussed about Ashen, He entered the skill pavilion.

As he entered, he was welcomed with the sight of an old man sitting behind a table and a huge hall with stairs going upwards.

He approached the table before showing his token and saying: "I would like to select some skills for myself"

The elder saw his token with a bored look, however as his eyes fell on it, a shocked expression appeared on his countenance as he asked: "You are a core disciple? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Ashen nodded with a smile before explaining the reason: "That is because I just joined the sect"

The elder's eyes widened as he asked: "Are you the disciple who gave birth to those phenomena and for whom the sect leaders fought?"

Ashen nodded again with a wide smile in answer.

The elder was already informed about Ashen, however, he was told that Ashen would be resting for some time, therefore, he hadn't expected him to visit the skill pavilion so soon.

The elder replied with a smile: "Alright, you can choose any skill you like, however, show it to me before leaving. I will need to see whether they suit you or not"

Ashen smiled as he answered in agreement while bowing slightly: "I understand!"

The Elder smiled as he gestured for Ashen to proceed.

Ashen moved inside the pavilion, checking the hall first, taking a look at several skill books.

The Elder hid information from him about the levels of skills on each floor.

This was done to prevent Ashen from becoming overconfident and directly attempting to take a skill of the highest floor.

Since the promise regarding letting him select any skill from the Pavilion was already made, they couldn't deny him any skill.

They also came up with the idea of telling Ashen that the higher-level skills were not suitable for him.

However, they were unaware that Ashen had a system helping him.

Ashen showed every skill to the system to gain information about them.

[Ding! Host, it seems that the higher level skills are on the upper floors, Here are only low earth level skills]

The skills were divided into different grades. They are:

~ Earth

~ Sky

~ Heaven

~ Saint

~ Immortal

These grades were further divided into three levels-

~ Low Level

~ Intermediate level

~ High Level


The immortal grade skills were considered a myth as there was no cultivator who had one. These were only mentioned in the records.

Saint grade skills were considered legendary and only the empires had one of them in their treasuries. They were considered treasures of the empire.

Heaven grade skills were the ones that would be available for the cultivators to practice, however, they were also rare and too expensive for normal people. These skills would be considered treasures of the sect.

Sky and Earth grade skills were mostly practiced by the common cultivators.


Ashen moved to the second floor, inspecting the skills placed here, however, these were also earth grade Intermediate and high level skills.

As a core disciple, he should atleast go for sky level skills.

Therefore, rejecting these low level skills, He continued to the next floor, looking through the skills placed here, these were sky grade low and Intermediate level skills. He rejected them too.

On the next floor, The skills were Sky grade high-level and Heaven grade low-level skills. Most were sky grade and only five were Heaven grade low-level skills.

He skimmed through the skills and selected some skills that he found useful:


<Phoenix Flame Fist>

[A martial art technique that channels the essence of the phoenix, allowing practitioners to cloak their fists in scorching flames, enhancing the power and speed of their punches.]

At first, He was confused between Phoenix Origin Fist and Phoenix Flame Fist.

Both were almost similar to each other, however, he decided to go with Phoenix Flame Fist since it was heaven grade compared to the other which was sky grade high-level skill.


<Blazing Wings Technique>

[This skill enables cultivators to manifest ethereal wings of fire, granting them increased agility and aerial mobility during combat. It also leaves a trail of flames behind, scorching foes who come too close.]

This was also a low level heaven-grade skill that helped in movement.


<Phoenix Rebirth Stance>

[A defensive technique that mimics the phoenix's ability to rise from the ashes. When activated, practitioners become enveloped in a protective aura of flames, mitigating damage and enhancing their resilience against attacks.]


He chose these three skills, encompassing all the three aspects of basic combat.

Although he was done with his skill selection for now, he decided to explore the last floor of the pavilion.

He moved toward the stairs, climbing to the next floor.

This floor had five skill books.

Ashen looked through the books as the system informed:

[Ding! Host, these skills are intermediate Heaven grade skills, however, they are all incomplete]

Hearing this, Ashen could only ask: "Can you do something about it?"

[Ding! Host, Only the skill in your hand can be learned with the help of this system. All the other skills are not even half complete]

Ashen nodded in understanding before looking through the skill in his hand.


<Yin Finger Blossom Beam>

[The Yin Finger Blossom Beam is a technique derived from the principles of Yin energy manipulation and focused projection.

To execute the Yin Finger Blossom Beam, the practitioner channels and concentrates their Yin energy into their fingertips, condensing it into a focused beam or ray of chilling darkness.

This ray is often described as cold, penetrating, and capable of sapping the warmth and vitality from its target. It leaves behind a trail of peach blossom petals.

To use this technique, The Practitioner requires Yin energy which can be collected from multiple Female cultivators. Taking the Primordial Yin would be best for more Yin Energy.]


"Wonderful!" Ashen exclaimed cheerfully, joyous on finding a great skill.

Who wouldn't want to kill people with only the movement of their fingertips?

Collecting these four skills, he left before standing in front of the elder to let him inspect these skills.

The elder received the skills before analyzing them.

His eyes widened as he saw the skills, All were Heaven grade.

He turned towards Ashen as he asked with a smile: "Disciple Ashen, Why be so greedy in selecting the skills? Why don't you just take one skill and learn it first before taking the others?"

Ashen, however, wasn't someone to be convinced, he shook his head in rejection, speaking strictly: "Elder, I was promised that I would be able to take any skill I want. Do you intend to renege on your promise?"

The Elder shook his head as he attempted one last time: "No No, Disciple Ashen, I was just saying this for your sake. You can take them if you want"

Then, he showed him the fourth book, asking: "Why don't you just leave this book? This is an incomplete skill, You won't be able to learn it anyway"

Ashen, however, shook his head as his voice turned cold: "I will take every book I have chosen, don't attempt to interfere, I request." He bowed, however, his voice was cold and threatening.

The elder nodded as he returned the books to him. He couldn't make Ashen despise the sect right now. He was a once in a lifetime genius and the hope for the sect to improve it's ranking.

He couldn't just offend him. What if he left the sect and joined another one?

He had to wait until he made friends and felt connected to the sect. That way, he would hesitate to leave his friends behind.

Ashen left the Skill pavilion, returning to his house, before sitting on the bed.

"System, Help me learn those skills"

[Ding! Host, It would cost 15000 Villain points to learn Yin Finger Blossom Beam as it is an incomplete skill, along with 3000 Villain Points for the other three skills]

Ashen nodded, giving his permission: "Do it!"

Gradually, information regarding the skills began to enter his mind out of nowhere and in no time, he had learned the skills.

[Ding! Congratulations Host, You have learned all four skills to Mastery Level 1]


------STATUS WINDOW------

Name: Fang Ashen

Age: 20 years old.

Villain Points: 2,000

Cultivation: First Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Cultivation Technique: None

Skills: Martial Fist, Crescent Moon Swirl, Void Piercer Thrust, WindWalk, Stone Sentinel Barrier, Shadowmeld, Phoenix Flame Fist, Blazing Wings Technique, Phoenix Rebirth Stance, Yin Finger Blossom Beam.

Bloodline: Dormant

Physique: Dormant

1st Spirit: 2-headed Sky flame Viper (2-star) [9-headed devouring Dragon] (dormant)

2nd Spirit: Ruyi Jingu Bang (8-star)

Weaknesses: None


(A/N - Thanks For Reading. ^..^)


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