Villain: I Possess The Dragon Yang Dao Physique, All Saintesses Turns Into Villainesses

Chapter 48 - Gifting an Earth Rank Technique, Ran Yuwei Discovers the Dragon Yang Dao Physique

Chapter 48: Gifting an Earth Rank Technique, Ran Yuwei Discovers the Dragon Yang Dao Physique 

“Senior Sister Ran, come here!” After Lin Qi’an and the others left, Xiao Chen hurriedly called Ran Yuwei over to a secluded spot.

“What is it, Junior Brother Xiao?”

“You must stay away from that man! Do not approach him again.” Xiao Chen spoke sternly, his tone almost commanding.

“Do you know who he is?”

“You don’t need to know. Just know that he is a heinous person! Trust me, the farther you stay from him, the better!”

‘Heinous person?’ Ran Yuwei felt a bit irritated.

The man seemed polite and courteous, not to mention very handsome. He didn’t look like a bad person, but thinking about her Junior Brother Xiao she thought he wouldn’t harm her.

“Got it, I’ll go report to the sect master now.”

Inside the main hall.

The Yushou Sect Master, Li Feng, was listening to the sect officials report the situation.

“Sect Master, the ferocious beasts have been causing havoc recently. In just one month, we’ve lost dozens of disciples, and we couldn’t even find their bodies.”

“Nearly a hundred disciples have left the sect! Even my personal disciple has been gone for a long time without returning…”

“Those damn ferocious beasts! Our Yushou Sect is already small. How can we withstand such turmoil?”

Recently, the sect had been in a state of decline. Even the fallen leaves on the bluestone slabs remained unswept.

Sect Master Li Feng watched helplessly as the sect dwindled day by day, his hair turning white. The sect’s resources were also depleting. At this rate, they might have to disband and go their separate ways.

“Greetings, Sect Master!” Ran Yuwei entered.

“Yuwei, no need for formalities.” Ran Yuwei was an orphan picked up as a child. Li Feng treated her like his own daughter, showering her with love.

The sect’s only hopes now lay with Ran Yuwei and Xiao Chen.

“Sect Master, three guests arrived today and asked to stay for a few days. I brought them in.”

“You brought guests!” Li Feng’s facial muscles twitched.

“Yuwei, we are struggling to take care of ourselves. How can we entertain guests?”

“Yes, you should send them away quickly!”

“You’re old enough to understand these things.”

The officials chimed in.

Ran Yuwei was displeased. How could she invite them in only to send them away?

“No, I won’t.” She turned her head.

“Ah, you stubborn girl! Fine, Xiaoliu, go send the guests away!”

At that moment, a woman in a purple dress entered the hall and was stunningly beautiful.

“Is this the Youshou Sect Master?”

“How dare you barge in!” an official shouted angrily.

“My young master sent me to meet the sect master, so I came directly.”

“Why didn’t your master come? How rude!”

‘As if you’re worthy of His Highness coming personally…’

Zi Lianyou couldn’t help but roll her eyes, “My master has prepared a small gift for Miss Ran as a token of gratitude. Take it if you want, otherwise forget it.” She took out a jade slip and tossed it over.

Li Feng frowned as he opened the jade slip and expression changed instantly!

The official continued to berate, “How outrageous. Sect Master, I’ll throw them out!”

“Shut up!” Li Feng glared angrily, “Apologize to our esteemed guests!”


Li Feng was overjoyed.

It was like rain after a long drought, a timely help! This was a top-tier Earth Rank technique! And the Yushou Sect’s highest was only Mystic Rank.

What did this mean?

With this technique, a small sect could rise and become a major sect! Just for a few days’ stay, such a grand gift. This young master was more than just an esteemed guest!

Li Feng hurried down, bowing, “Miss, I apologize for the earlier rudeness. Please don’t take it to heart.”

“Hmph!” Zi Lianyou felt pleased and left.

“Xiaoliu, spread the word. Serve our guests well, and do not neglect them!”

Everyone, including Ran Yuwei, was stunned. What had caused the sect master’s drastic change in attitude?

“Do you know what they gifted? An Earth Rank technique! Yuwei, you’ve invited a god!”

The officials were all shocked, gasping in amazement. They wished they could slap themselves. How could they have thought of driving them away?

Ran Yuwei felt conflicted as Xiao Chen had just warned her that the young master was bad. But now, it seemed he repaid a small favor with a great one. How could he be bad?

“This esteemed guest must be extraordinary. Yuwei, treat him well. Our sect’s rise might depend on it!” Li Feng was so excited he kept swallowing.

‘You just told me to send them away…’

“By the way, Sect Master, I have another question.” Ran Yuwei asked softly, “I remember the ancient texts mentioning a physique surrounded by dragon energy and flowing with Dao aura. What is it?”

“Dragon Yang Dao Physique? Why ask about this? These are things from ancient legends. Don’t waste your time on them.”

“Oh…” Ran Yuwei looked lost and she now remembered, dual cultivation with someone with the Dragon Yang Dao Physique had limitless potential.


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