Villain Hides His True Colors

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

You! Hitting a professor at the institute? Have you lost your mind?!

In a neatly decorated room, Dokgo Hakju shouted with a flushed face.

And in front of him sat Noah, the culprit of the incident.

He had rushed to the scene as soon as he had heard the news, and in order to keep the disaster from leaking out, he had hurriedly snatched Noah away.

However, despite his considerate action, on the contrary, Noah spoke as if he was full of displeasure.

I only did it because the professor told me to hit him.

Wh-what? Y-you, really!

Dokgo Hakju sat down, grabbing the back of his head.

He felt as if his high blood pressure, which had improved with a vegetarian diet, was about to relapse.

Shit! Why does this keep happening

His plan was to stay quiet and wait for the moment to return to the Hero Association, so how come there had been one incident after another just as the semester began?

Before he could even finish writing up the report on yesterdays murder of a villainanother accident had happened today!

At this rate, the accident-free date that he had struggled to build could be broken because of the boy.

It had been 10 years since he took office. He had worked long hours as the mountains and rivers changed, met children of famous families, and taught heroes who became corrupted and had turned into villains. However, he had never met someone as recklessly as Noah right from the start.

Where the hell did he come from?!

He looked at the culprit sitting in front of him.

A slim boy with a big smile on his face. The more he looked at Noah, the more he saw the splitting image of his grandson.

This kid knocked out Professor Ma Dongguk with one punch?

On second thought, he couldnt believe it.

A robust body stronger than steel, and even the burning vigor that never gets tired.

Ma Dongguk, who had achieved B-Rank status simply through physical training, could be said to be a rather famous figure in the industry.

When he was informed that he had collapsed, his initial thought was that another villain had appeared.

Even now, he could feel his heart skip a beat when he recalled the feeling a moment ago.

For him to cause another accident like this as if yesterdays trouble wasnt enough.

He could only assume that Noah really didnt respect his authority.

Did he think the institute was an amusement park where he could cause one nonsense after another?

Anger soared from the bottom of his heart.

Even if I dont disclose this to the public, I cant just let it go like this.

If there was something he disliked more than anything else, it would be disregarding his authority. So with a grimace, he spoke.

You rascal! Theres a limit to everything. Youve already made too big of a mistake this time for me to let it go.

What, I honestly didnt know he was so weak.

Huutell that to the committee at the disciplinary hearing. Youll be held accountable for this.

Dokgo Hakju, who was certain Noah had never faced repercussions for his actions because of his superior talent, intended to take this opportunity to fix his habit firmly.

This was by no means the venting of a narrow-minded old man.


[ Translator Yasi ]

[ Proofreader Karane ]

As a senior hero who had come before him, he just wanted to correct his wrong values.

He nodded to himself. Then, Noah spoke.

But do we have to do that? I dont think thats a very good idea.

Wh-what?! Y-you still havent come to your senses! This isnt a problem that you can avoid just because you dont like it! If youre a hero, you should take responsibility for what youve done! Dont think Ill let it slide just because youre young!

No, I mean my mother will come here if we do that. Professor, is that okay?


Thats too bad. I was going to talk about professor to my mother when I got home after the semester. Well, lets do it your way.

Uh, uh

Come to think of it, he had been oblivious for a while, but who was behind the little fellow?

Although the Hero Association was an independent organization, he was well aware of the connections the nobles held behind the scene.

What if he goes home and makes up stories about me out of spite?

As he was also an A-Rank hero, it would be difficult to penalize him unless he makes a big mistake, but one thing was certain, his dream of being chief of the Hero Association would never be realized.

His expression stiffened. Seeing that, Noah smirked.

Professor, I have to go to my next class. So can I go now?


Oh, Ill also take it as theres no disciplinary hearing. Then, have a nice day.

With those parting words, Noah left the office. Dokgo Hakju stared blankly at the closed door for a while.

Its not easy to live.

A heavy sigh resonated through the room. 

And a moment later, in order to cover up the incident this time quietly, he started typing on his keyboard again.

* * * * * * * * * *

A heros job wasnt over just because the villain was caught.

In order to completely close a case and convict someone, there was a routine procedure that had to be followed before they could be sentenced.

If there was insufficient evidence, or if there was some ambiguity in the case, the villain who had been arrested would be released for lack of evidence. Thus, collecting various evidence necessary for the trial was also just as important of a procedure as arresting them.

Ma Juhi, an active B-Rank hero and the professor of Criminal Psychology and Interrogation Techniques, was a veteran who boasted excellent skills in collecting such evidence.

In regard to interrogating criminals to get a confession, she had a special ability in the Charm sequence that allowed her to create a gap in the mind of others and have them talk against their will.

As I have explained so far, our job as heroes isnt to only arrest villains. The process of obtaining a confession is also important.

After the morning commotion, the afternoon lesson had begun.

Ma Juhi, who had climbed onto the podium, was explaining the syllabus to the trainees.

Her voice had the power to draw peoples attention, and as such, the trainees couldnt help but attentively listen.

Professor! Then, we have to protect the arrested criminals when interrogating them

Professor! If a villain has an ability in the Mind sequence

Hands rose here and there as the trainees actively participated in the lecture. The classroom was filled with the fervor of learning.

Ma Juhi looked at the trainees with satisfaction.

As expected, my class is perfect.

She had ranked first in the lecture evaluation for the fifth consecutive year.

And as a result, even though she was a young professor, she was quickly solidifying her position.

If this continues, she may be able to aim for the position of director at this institute someday.

This level of participation is good, shall I move on to the next step?

A persons first impression accounted for a large part of the relationship.

Knowing this better than anyone else, she had held a small demonstration to directly showcase her skills in the first class of every semester.

Feeling that the atmosphere was ripe, she looked at the trainees and spoke.

Well, since its our first lesson today, Id like to play a small game with you.

Oh, of course its not just any game for fun, right? The game were going to play now is a kind of training to develop your interrogation techniques that Ive mentioned today.

The rules of the game were simple. It was a game in which two people took turns asking questions until either person matched the color of what the other person had put down.

It could be thought of like the game children would play often when they were young, but one difference was that they didnt have to answer the questions honestly.

Rather, it was a task that took a lot of concentration to sort out truths and lies, just like when interrogating a villain.

Feel free to use your ability as much as you want. Abilities like mind reading and telepathy are also fine.

However, direct attacks that cause harm to the body are prohibited. If you actually do such a thing in the future, youll be punished according to the relevant laws.

Well, then, Ill now take volunteers. By the way, the winner will receive the top score.

As soon as Ma Juhi finished speaking, many trainees raised their hands to volunteer.

Hoho, its so nice to see everyone participating so enthusiastically. Lets seeShall the person in the front row come up?

In response to her call, a trainee confidently walked up.

Ive already explained the rules, so I dont have to remind you, right?


Huhu. Im glad youre so brave. Looking at your confident expression, perhaps, do you have an ability in the mind sequence?

Yes! My ability is Mind Reading.

I see! Well, thats perfect. You will be a good example for other trainees. Lets get started.

After writing the colors they had in mind on a pre-prepared piece of paper, they faced each other.

Ill give you the chance to ask a question first.

At her words, the man closed his eyes. Then, using his ability to look into her mind, he asked.

What color are you thinking of?

His ability was mind reading. It was a common ability in the mind sequence.

Ma Juhi thoughts began to flow into his head.

At this rate, it would be easy to figure out the color she had written down. Everybody thought so.



The man looked at her with a puzzled look.

In her mind, there were dozens of colors passing by at the same time.

Looking at the man, Ma Juhi spoke.

Huhu, mind reading isnt full-proof. If a villain knew how to defend it like now, you would be helpless, right? So rather than relying too much on your ability, its important to learn proper interrogation techniques and use them together.

OhI see. Thank you very much for your guidance.

Well, now its my turn to ask you a question. By the way, isnt the heat a little strong today?

Ma Juhi took off her jacket and hung it on the desk.

On top of the slightly sweaty shirt, the curves of the body were subtly revealed.

As soon as everyone was focused on her actions, she gazed into the mans eyes and spoke in a seductive voice.

Tell me your color.

Ma Juhis charm was amplified by her ability.

The mans eyes glistened with a pink color and soon began to waver.

Saliva dripped down from a corner of his mouth as his breathing became rough like an animal in heat.

Haaheungits black

Okay. Good job.

The man had said the information she had wanted in a peculiar nasal voice.

Everyone frowned at the scene that didnt look very good.

A second later, Ma Juhi snapped her fingers and the man immediately regained his sobriety.

I-Ijust now

You did a good job. You can go down now.

Ma Juhi said with a smile. The man went down the platform with a stunned look on his face.

Applause from all sides were heard. It was like a scene from a movie.

Enjoying the baptism of applause, she continued her lecture.

Now, as you just saw, I was able to get a confession in just one question.

The more advanced the interrogation technique, the less time it would take to get a confession. A-Rank heroes with legendary skills in this field dont even need to say a single word to make villains spit out information on their own.

Naturally, it would be hard for you to get to that level, but if you take my class and train hard, youll be able to learn the basics.

Wellare there any other volunteers?

She looked around and asked. However, unlike a while ago, there was no one who raised their hand.

It was only natural after seeing how unsightly the man caught in her skill had looked.

Huhu, I knew it would be like this.

There had never been a trainee who dared to take up the challenge after she showed her skills each year.

This kind of atmosphere was what she was aiming for. Everyone had been suppressed by her charisma.

With a confident smile, she continued.

If there are no more volunteers, Ill continue the lecture

At that moment,

Id like to give it a try!


The eyes in the classroom immediately turned to one place. The last row in a secluded spot.

There was a young boy with his hand raised high.

Ma Juhi was immediately able to identify the boy.

Choi Noah.

She had heard rumors about him.

Not only on the internet, but also from the other professors who kept talking about him being first place in the nation.

And, in the mornings lecture, he had left her half-brother Ma Dongguk in a terrible state.

Although they werent close as a family, she didnt feel very good when she saw him lying in the patients ward.

Hes a trainee hero with no experienceHow dare he act arrogant.

She knew very well that he was stronger than her. But that conversation was only limited to combat power.

No matter how excellent he was, without the proper experience, it was the same as giving a child a gun.

And she was confident that such a little child would be defeated easily.

It turned out well.

She was going to take this opportunity to humiliate him thoroughly, establish her authority as a professor, and take revenge for Ma Dongguk.

In this way, she concealed her innermost thoughts and summoned Noah to the podium.

He stood before her with no tension, even though he had just seen what she was capable of.

And for someone like her who was sensitive to reading the psychology of others, she felt that he was truly not nervous at the moment.

She didnt like the way he looked at all.

Arrogant brat!

She was going to control her strength, but she thought it would be better to humiliate him more thoroughly.

Do you understand the rules?


Good. Then, you can begin the interrogation.

Ah, but before I ask you a question, is there a time limit?

Noah asked, as if he had suddenly remembered. Had he realized that once his turn was over that there would be no chance of winning?

He seemed to want to figure out the answer without giving her a chance.

Its useless even if he uses his brain, but the more he does, the more pathetic hell look.

She laughed inwardly and spoke.

Of course. Theres still plenty of time left for class, so you can spend as much time as you like.

Really? I see. Then, Ill start.

Noah immediately reached out his hand towards her.

Hmm? What the hell is he trying to do?

As she thought so, Ma Juhi realized that she couldnt move her body.


What the hell was going on here? It felt as if invisible threads were controlling her body.

Typically, it was one of the symptoms of being under a Mind ability.


She couldnt understand how a boy who only knew how to fight had broken through her mental barrier.

While she was panicking, Noah approached her and spoke.

Ive seen it earlier, but as expected, its better to use mental abilities when the person is careless.

Then, he took out a suspicious-looking whip from somewhere. Seeing the whip, she urgently shouted.

W-wait! I clearly said no harm to the body!

Dont worry. This wont harm the person.

I-it cant be. Lets stop this gameEueup!

She hurriedly tried to stop Noah, but before she knew it, even her lips control was taken away.

Soon, her hips stuck out against her will and she took a ridiculous posture.


The trainees simply watched without uttering a word.

Her image of a charismatic professor she had protected for a long time was destroyed in an instant.

Hehow dare he! How dare he do this to me!

She didnt know what kind of ability he had used, but once this was over, she planned to never leave him alone.

Clack, clack, clack!

An unidentified dial turning was heard.

She glared at Noah with a ferocious look. He was manipulating something attached to the whip.

HmmEven so, youre a professor, so do your best, okay?

At a first glance, the word MAX was written on the dial attached to the whip.

The moment she saw it, she was overcome by an unknown ominous feeling.

N-no way

And soon, her ominous feeling turned to reality.

Lets get started.

Hm! Hm!

Noah swung the whip in his hand mercilessly at her butt.




She screamed silently. Stars sparkled in front of her eyes as her consciousness became blurred.

What the hell kind of pain was this?

She had never felt such pain even when she was kidnapped and tortured by villains in the past.

Tears quickly streamed down.

If Noah asks her now, from bank password to state secrets, she thought she would tell him everything.

She gave Noah a pleading look as if to say she had lost and to release the bondage.

Eeuup! Hm! Hmm!

Sure enoughProfessors mental strength is amazing. You still havent budged. But I havent asked a question yet, so its still my turn.

Hmmm!! Hm! Hm!!

She shook her head desperately.

Well, thats okay. Theres still a lot of time left for class. HmmIll ask you a question in about 30 minutes.


Half an hour later. As if Noah had become an A-Rank mentalist, he had gotten the confession he wanted without asking a single question.


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