Villain Hides His True Colors

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

A white building in Geneva, Switzerland called the Palace of Nations, which served as the home of the United Nation Office at Geneva a long time ago. After having gone through various expansions and renovations, it currently serves as the central government building of the World Government.

The garden, furnished with marble and grass, was decorated with circular structures symbolizing peace. Here, flags and symbols of several federations and cities under the World Government could be seen fluttering.

"...It's still how I remembered it."

Shin Cheonho murmured quietly, looking at the central government building.

On his first visit with Pamir 10 years ago, and now years later having accumulated karma as the government's dog.

The landscape here was just as beautiful as then.

However, for him who had immersed himself deeper than anyone else in the darkness it was hiding, he had no choice but to feel alienated by such a peaceful sight.

The World Government clamored for the sake of mankind on the surface, but he had seen firsthand the atrocities they had committed.

And...I had played a role in it all.

Even though he was ordered, how many sins had he committed?

If only I had known their true nature a little sooner...

No, rather, if he had the courage to resist when he realized something was wrong...

If he did, at least he could have been a decent father to his daughter.

I'm a cowardly man.

He looked at the symbol of peace filled with remorse.

Soon, he recalled the face of the boy who had enlightened him.

...Choi Noah.

A hero who was more righteous and courageous than anyone else.

The boy had shown him the truth with his own life. The fact that a true hero was someone who stood up in the face of fate.

Like what you had taught me...I'll live as a hero until the end.

Coincidentally, his current visit was to take over the position that was left vacant by the death of Pamir.

Pamir, who in the past had to control powerful Irregulars, was granted one particular privilege. It was the authority to utilize the information from the future observer called 'Oracle.'

However, in order to first obtain that authority, there was a restriction that the contract must be carried out where Oracle was located.

That meant that anyone who came to replace Pamir, it was only once, but they would have direct access to Oracle.

This is my one and only chance.

A golden chance of a lifetime created by overlapped coincidences.

If he missed this chance, he might never have the chance to come in contact with Oracle again.

Therefore, he was here today with the intention of cutting off the root of evil that had plagued him.

Although initially he was worried about the repercussions that would befall his daughter after he died, that part was also solved.

He had sent her to a fantasy world under the pretext of training. By the time she got back, everything would be over.

Without Oracle, the World Government wouldn't be able to monitor and control everyone's fate as it did now.

It's time to be freed from this sickening fate.

His eyes sank deeply.

The moment he resolved himself to burn his vitality and die today, there came someone's voice.

"Haha, I thought you would be a little late, but you're already here."

When Shin Cheonho turned his head, there stood a giant.

Vivid orange hair, and pinch-nose glasses with no frames. Contrary to his muscular body, he gave off a fairly intelligent air.

The man reached out his hand with a friendly smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you like this. My name is Ptero, and I'm the Director of Peacekeeping here."

This Ptero?

Although Shin Cheonho had often heard Pamir mention the name Ptero, it was his first time meeting him in person like this.

Ptero, the Director of Peacekeeping who was in charge of all kinds of dirty work in the name of peace.

In a way, it was no exaggeration to say that he was the one responsible for Shin Cheonho being shackled the last 10 years.

His anger boiled when he saw him smiling casually, but he shook his hand without making it obvious on the outside.

"Aigo, it's an honor to meet you. The name is Shin Cheonho."

"Hmm? You're more cheerful than I thought. I heard you had a very serious personality."

"Haha, no. I just manage my image in public."

"Aha! Is that so? Image management is important. Well, then I'll show you around, so follow me this way."

The two entered the building while exchanging pleasantries.

Passing through a colorful lobby opened for tourists, they reached an office-like interior.

After that, they went past several security checkpoints, and then stairs leading down. Soon, what appeared and stood out was a thick metal door similar to a safe.

"This is...?"

"Haha, isn't it a bit crude? This was originally used as an underground bunker in the past, so the interior is a little weird."

Beep, beep

Card key and fingerprint recognition. While going through several security procedures, Shin Cheonho looked at his surroundings.

What caught his eyes was a small symbol engraved on the metal door.

An equilateral triangle containing an eye.

Eye of Providence?

The symbol, commonly referred to as the Eye of Providence, was so famous that it was printed on U.S. dollar bills in the past.

He also understood that it was mainly used by groups and architects affiliated with Christianity...but why was it engraved in the basement of the World Government building?

Is it a symbol representing the Oracle seeing into the future?

It wasn't a baseless guess, but nevertheless, he somehow felt an unknown sense of alienation.

I feel like there's a different meaning to it...

"We're here."

While Shin Cheonho was lost in thought, the security procedures ended and the thick metal door opened.


He looked inside with a tense expression. What appeared was an interior that resembled an elevator.

"Haha, we still have to go a little further down before we reach Oracle."

"Oh, I see."

Shin Cheonho followed after Ptero. Something like a mechanism was immediately heard as the whole room began to descend slowly.

At that moment, along with a sudden sense of his strength being drained, he felt his whole body becoming heavy.


"Ah, I forgot to tell you. From here, please don't be too surprised because the nature of this facility is to suppress mana and ability to a certain extent."


Shin Cheonho nodded, hiding his disappointment. If his mana and ability were suppressed to such an extent, he would likely only be able to operate one-tenth of his usual power at best.

But there's still a chance.

Perhaps it would be a problem for others, but the source of his strength was the Thunderbird.

Therefore, even if his body was suppressed, a momentary possession of the Thunderbird was enough to destroy this place.

I've been ashamed that it's not my own strength...but this time it's rather helpful.

Silence came as he fell into his own thoughts.

Only the sound of the mechanism was heard as an awkward air flowed between the two.

Then suddenly Ptero opened his mouth.

"By the way...I never thought someone like Shin Cheonho-nim would apply to replace Pamir-nim."

"Is that so?"

"I've heard that you were often dissatisfied with your missions...But am I mistaken?"

Ptero asked sharply, showing an expression unlike his usual self.

Beyond his glasses, the vertical pupils like that of a reptile shone.

"...I won't deny it."

"Huu? What do you mean...?"

Ptero's eyes glowed red and his teeth gradually turned as sharp as those of a carnivore.

Shin Cheonho looked straight at him.

"I mean. Now that I've become like this, I had a realization."


Shin Cheonho smiled deprecatingly as he lifted his empty sleeve.

"I feel like I've lived too stupidly. So I've decided to live a little more sensibly. Well...that's all."


Ptero stared at Shin Cheonho for a moment as if trying to read him.

And a little later,

"Keuahaha! I see. Okay. Good. It's always important for a person to reflect on their past. I'm glad you realized that even now."

"Yes. I really think so too."

Shin Cheonho calmly smiled to himself.

Yes. I'm glad. I found what I had to do before it was too late.


The elevator stopped when there was a pause in the conversation.

"Well, we're here."

At last the thick metal door opened, revealing artificial light that welcomed Shin Cheonho's eyes from all sides.



Seeing the inside, he had no choice but to open his mouth inadvertently.


"Haha, you must be surprised."

The interior was so vast that Shin Cheonho couldn't tell where it ended.

How could such a vast space exist underground?

* * *

[ Translator - Yasi ]

[ Proofreader - Karane ]

* * *

The surprise didn't end there.

Within the underground space, silver water tanks filled his vision. Inside such tanks, a brain connected to wires was floating around.

Each brain was different in size, some as small as a child, and others as large as the width of an outstretched arms.

Where the hell did they get all these brains...?

He couldn't even begin to guess.

However, one thing was clear. Even if he used his full ability on the tanks here, it would be difficult to destroy them all given how many there were.


"Huhu. What do you think? This is the absolute power maintaining world peace. This is the Oracle system."

A vast structure that cannot be broken by human power.

It was as if the fate that had always plagued Shin Cheonho was playing another trick on him.

I was prepared to die this time...But why the same result?

In front of the almighty Oracle system, he had no choice but to fall into despair.

* * * * * * * * * *

On the other hand, Ptero smiled smugly as he watched Shin Cheonho's reaction.

Huhu, seeing such a sight it's only right to give up any ridiculous ideas.

He didn't believe in people. Instead, he had always believed in the correlation of power.

More than a promise of words, a single gun is a greater war deterrent.

No matter how powerful an S-Rank was, it was impossible for anyone to break such a large facility while their ability and mana were restrained.

Therefore, Shin Cheonho's true intention wasn't important to him in the first place.

It didn't matter whether he was really here for the promotion, or if he was here with impure intentions.

Everyone was bound to obey in the face of an irresistible, absolute power.

It's the same in this world.

The enormous power called the World Government that annihilated the will to rebel and naturally suppressing all conflicts.

One could say it was a dictatorship, but he believed that surveillance and control through power was the best way to maintain peace.

As long as Oracle exists, this world will remain peaceful forever. Huhu.

Looking at Shin Cheonho, it seemed he had realized the situation. The only thing left was to sign the contract with Oracle and start his mission training for the future.

Ptero approached Shin Cheonho who was still standing in a daze.

"So Shin Cheonho-nim? This way please..."

At that moment,


A sudden sharp alarm rang out.

The lights inside the facility flashed red as warnings constantly appeared on the screen in the control box.

"Wh-what's going on here? Wh-why all of a sudden...?"

Although there had been trivial problems here and there in the past, there had never been such an ominous warning sound.

Ptero manipulated the control box with a panicked expression, but nevertheless, the alarm continued.

As the temperature in the tanks containing the brains rose, bubbles gradually started to form.

"Wh-what the hell is going on..."

He scrambled to read the error messages being outputted on the screen.

The moment he understood the content, his eyes widened and he shouted.


"Ptero. What's wrong with Oracle?"

Ptero had no time to pay attention to Shin Cheonho's question.

Instead, he mumbled something incessantly like a madman.

"Wh-why, the s-singularity...This can't be happening...It must be the Warrior of this world..."

The Oracle system, a future observation tool made by connecting brains with prophetic aptitude, was like a terminal.

It connected the countless brains to the astral world where they would read the fundamental language that made up the universe.

There wasn't much information a single brain could read, but by gathering and integrating such information, it was possible to read even the timeline that had existed since the creation of the world.

This great fate was an absolutely immutable truth that cannot be changed by ordinary human power.

Although mankind had free will like what was written in Christian doctrines, the choices that came from that were only a small variable in the great fate that had existed since the beginning.

For this reason, the World Government had ruled the world by reading fate and changing the future at will.

Nevertheless, even that was all accounted for in the great fate.


Sometimes there were existences that could twist this great fate...

The Warrior or the Beast of Chaos.

Evident from other dimensions, they had the power to intervene directly with fate.

Simply put, depending on their choices, the world's fixed future may be twisted any number of times.

In that regard, the World Government had been vigilant to a Warrior or a Beast of Chaos appearing in this world more than anything else.

As such, they sealed strong beings coming from other dimensions and removed variables by killing or suppressing those presumed to be Irregulars as much as possible.

Their efforts seemed to have paid off.

But now...

"Singularity divergence..."

Timelines were diverging indefinitely. Someone's intervention had twisted fate.

A state of chaos and infinite freedom coexisting out of order.

Because so many scenarios could occur in the future, the brains couldn't handle the computations and had eventually begun to overheat.

The alarm was getting increasingly worse, and the water tanks, which had been gradually boiling, finally reached the boiling point.

Mutated brain cells no longer functioned and were destroyed.

Raw information from the astral world, which wasn't properly processed, began to transfer over. As a result, unintelligible languages appeared on the screen.



Shin Cheonho, who had inadvertently looked at the screen, felt as if his mind was collapsing.

The moment he understood what was in front of him, he felt like his sense of self was going to disappear.


Eventually, he collapsed on the spot and vomited blood.

What was that?

Blood trickled down his eyes like a weeping statue.


"L-look away! That's the language of the universe that us mortals shouldn't see!"

Ptero managed to turn Shin Cheonho's gaze away.

It was originally a large collection of information that should have been processed through the countless connected brains. If a single person tried to understand it, their mind would collapse.

There was no telling what kind of danger would come to this place connected to the astral world if Oracle became further congested.

"Keuk...there's no other way."

Ptero crawled to the control box with his eyes fixed on the floor. Feeling with his hands, he forced the system to power down.


All the content displayed on the screen disappeared, and even the boiling water tanks settled quietly.

He looked around the interior with a miserable look.

"What am I supposed to do with this..."

Broken water tanks and boiled brain matter lay scattered everywhere.

Fortunately, powering down the system had prevented Oracle from being completely destroyed.

Nevertheless, it was clear that it would take a considerable amount of time to replace the brains that had become obsolete and restore the damaged facility.

Naturally the Oracle system would be unusable in the meantime. In other words, there was now a vacuum in the World Government's biggest source of power.

Pteros face turned pale when he realized that fact.

"Ah, fuck! Why...Why did fate suddenly change? Did a Warrior really show up in this world...?"

Noah, who was most suspected of being a Warrior, was dead.

Did that mean that beside Noah there was still a Warrior in this world?

There was no clue to go on at this time.

However, if there was one thing he was certain of...

"I-I need to hurry and make a call...!"

In this world, a monumental change had begun.


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