Villain Detective is a Chaebol

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

The next morning, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency.

Commissioner Kim Taek's office.

Hyunsoo was sitting in front of Commissioner Kim Taek and Deputy Chief Park Seunggil.

So how's the investigation going?

At Commissioner Kim Taek's words, Hyunsoo took out his cell phone from his pocket.

Soon after, Commissioner Go Junhwan's voice came from his cell phone.

-But isnt it thanks to him that our Commissioner Go is getting this rich.

-Commissioner Go, did you say your younger son is preparing to get a job My acquaintance is from K Group, so should we make a bridge with their management team.

Tik- The recording ended.

Then Deputy Chief Park Seunggil turned his head.

The Congressman Cha who was talking with Commissioner Go Junhwan is.

That's right. Congressman Cha Hyunchang.

Commissioner Kim Taek took a sip of tea and opened his mouth.

But who recorded it? From what I've heard, I don't think one of them did it.

The employee did. So this recording is not valid as legal evidence.

However, the quality of information is very good.

The fact that Commissioner Go Junhwan bought the land was due to the information received from Congressman Cha Hyunchang. And with that information, he covered up the crime of Congressman Cha's son.

All of the slush funds and ledgers so far are buried in the land of Commissioner Go Junhwan.

What? All slush funds and ledgers?


Hyunsoo showed a picture of a man on his cell phone to Commissioner Kim Taek.

The man whose face was covered with scars was the subordinate policeman of Commissioner Go Junhwan whom they met on the land the night before.

He is the right-hand man of Commissioner Go, a detective from the Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency.

But what's wrongwith him?

He confessed, there are slush funds and ledgers under the land. Of course, I didn't cause these wounds, it was Commissioner Go's work.


Those were the words of Deputy Chief Park Seunggil. Looking at Hyunsoo with sharp eyes, he continued.

Did you think you could get an investigation warrant for the land that Congressman Cha talk about?

Congressman Cha Hyunchang was famous as a very powerful member of the National Assembly. And Commissioner Go was backed by such a member. The confession of the subordinate policeman was not enough to obtain a warrant.

Commissioner-nim will meet Congressman Cha Hyunchang.


That's the only way.

The biggest obstacle to obtaining a warrant for Commissioner Go's land was Congressman Cha Hyunchang's influence.

If he was not an opponent that could be defeated by Commissioner Kim Taek, there was no choice but to make the opponent their ally.

Persuade him. As you heard in the recording, the relationship between Congressman Cha and Commissioner Go is not very strong.

That's right, but.

If you change Congressman Cha's mind, I'll apply for a warrant right away. If I find the slush funds of Commissioner Go Junhwan, the position of Commissioner General will be yours.

Commissioner Kim Taek looked at Hyunsoo with troubled eyes.

From the point of view of Congressman Cha, Commissioner Go Junhwan or Commissioner-nim will be the same. What Congressman Cha needs is a powerful police officer anyway.

That's what I'm saying, he already has a relationship with Commissioner Go, so there's no reason to abandon him and choose me.

Doesn't Commissioner Go have the weakness of Congressman Cha? Congressman Chas son.

The son of Congressman Cha Hyunchang, whose case being received was completely prevented by Commissioner Go Junhwan.

With it, from land information to employment for Commissioner Go's son, Congressman Cha would not want to be dragged around like this anymore.

So, you're saying that he would rather take my hand.

Hyunsoo nodded.

Then Commissioner Kim Taek, who was rubbing his chin, spat out.

All right, I'll meet him.

* * *

Hyunsoo, who came out of Commissioner Kim Taek's room, was walking down the hallway.

As he approached the end of the hallway, a familiar voice called Hyunsoo from behind.

Inspector Lee Hyunsoo.

Hyunsoo turned around. It was Deputy Chief of Investigation Park Seunggil who followed Hyeon-soo.

Yes, Deputy Chief-nim. Do you have anything you want to say?

Hyunsoo put on a light smile and looked at Deputy Chief Park Seunggil.

Deputy Chief Park Seunggil.

He was the right-hand man of Commissioner Kim Taek, and rumor had it that he had been appointed as the successor to the position of the next Commissioner of Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency.

Unlike Commissioner Kim Taek, who looked amiable, his eyes were slanted and his force overflowing with ferocity.

He slowly approached and opened his mouth.

What's the reason for doing this?

What are you talking about?

Im talking about Commissioner Kim Taek-nim, Commissioner Go Junhwan is a person who even collects slush funds, so you can go crazy and catch him.

Deputy Chief Park Seunggil, who stopped walking, let out a small voice that only Hyunsoo could hear.

Therefore, there's no need to associate Commissioner Kim Taek-nim with Congressman Cha, right?

His expression and tone were all suspicious of Hyunsoo.

His expression was curious as to why the man who had run amok when he saw criminals had suddenly become the faithful hound of Commissioner Kim Taek.

I think I said it clearly. That's the only way to get a warrant for Commissioner Go Junhwan's land. And.


Just like Deputy Chief Park, the higher Commissioner Kim Taek-nim goes up, the better.


Because that's my line.


Well, I've been playing the role of a righteous police a little over the top, but aren't all civil servants the same?

Hyunsoo raised one corner of his mouth. Like a corrupt police officer who said he could do anything to get a promotion.

The higher and faster he goes, the better. Well, for me, who had no personal connections or anything, building a track record quickly was the only way to go. But now I don't have to.


Commissioner Kim Taek-nim is there.

* * *

At that time.

Conference room on the 1st floor of Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency.

Detective Kang Jiseok, the subordinate of Commissioner Go Junhwan, was applying ointment to the wound on his face.

Oh, you took a lot of pictures secretly.

These were the words of Senior Inspector Shin Miye, who was looking at Kang Jiseok's cell phone, which contained photos of slush funds buried in the ground.

You should've done it earlier if you're going to betray him like this anyway.

That's what I was holding on to as well.


Knock knock-

It's me.

The door opened and Hyunsoo came in.

Uh, did you finish talking to Commissioner-nim?

Yes. He said yes, and he'll probably do it as planned.

After sneaking a look at Detective Kang Jiseok, Hyunsoo sat a little far away from him. Then he let out a small sigh.

Deputy Chief Park Seunggil.

Unlike Commissioner Kim Taek, he was a suspicious person. He seemed to not easily trust Hyunsoo, who hinted and expressed his greed for promotion..


Senior Inspector Shin Miye approached and touched Hyunsoo.

Inspector Lee.


But how did you know? That that detective will betray him.

Senior Inspector Shin Miye quietly made a chin gesture toward Detective Kang Jiseok.

No, how did you know that he was about to collapse in blood there and told me to wait?

The incident that passed through Hyunsoo's mind. The scene where Commissioner Go Junhwan's subordinate collapsed after being assaulted.

Of course, he couldn't tell the truth to Senior Inspector Shin Miye.

It's a hunch. A detective's hunch.

What hunch are you talking about, yah, how many years have I been a detective.

Senior Inspector Shin Miye narrowed her eyes toward Hyunsoo, who was waving his hands.


Its not that kind of hunch. It's all luck. Its hit or miss, you can't just rely on things like that because you're lucky, you know?


Hyunsoo smiled and changed the subject.

By the way, is the reporter who agreed to do the interview trustworthy?

The confession made by Commissioner Go Junhwan's subordinate detective. The slush funds and ledgers of Commissioner Go were buried in the ground.

Hyunsoo planned to leak this confession to the media as well.

It was to make it easier for Congressman Cha Hyunchang to betray Commissioner Go Junhwan by putting Commissioner Go in jeopardy on a grand scale.

I'm sure Commissioner Go will try to control the media. That person should be a reporter who won't collapse under external pressure.

Don't worry, shes a reliable reporter.

It was then.

The door crept open with a knock.

Oh, looks like shes here

And a woman with a familiar face came in.

Huh? Reporter Seo Gaeun-nim?

She was Seo Gaeun, a reporter from TN Broadcasting, who came to Hyunsoo's house a few days ago.

Hyunsoo was not the only one surprised.

Reporter Seo Gaeun, whose eyes were round, alternately looked at Hyunsoo and Senior Inspector Shin Miye.

Senior Inspector Shin, the detective you were working with is Detective Lee Hyunsoo-nim?

Is that her? The reporter who was going to do the interview?

* * *

After a while.

In front of the Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency.

Several cars were lined up, and Hyunsoo, Senior Inspector Shin Miye, and the Metropolitan Crime Investigation Unit were waiting inside.

We have to collect the evidence as soon as the warrant comes out, so send the rest of the people there.

Senior Inspector Shin Miye nodded at Hyunsoo's words. Then, except for Hyunsoo's car, the rest of the cars began to leave the Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency.

At that time, Hyunsoo's phone in his pocket vibrated. The caller was Commissioner Kim Taek.

-I'm done talking with Congressman Cha, the warrant should be out soon.

I understand.

Hyunsoo put down his phone and nodded towards Senior Inspector Shin Miye. Soon after, her cell phone rang.

The warrant is out, it is passed on to the other team, and Go Junhwan is arrested now.

As the car door opened, the Metropolitan Crime Investigation Units detectives, except Hyunsoo, rushed out.

At the same time, the figure of Commissioner Go Junhwan coming out of the Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency came into view.

What, what is this!

Detectives of the Metropolitan Crime Investigation Unit surrounded him in an instant.

We are from the Metropolitan Crime Investigation Unit. Commissioner Go Junhwan-nim, you should come with us.

What nonsense is that! Why are people from the Metropolitan Crime Investigation Unit taking me?

Senior Inspector Shin Miye trudged toward Commissioner Go Junhwan, who was taken aback.

A search warrant has been issued for the land in the name of your wife in Sanpo District, Seoul.

What, what?! How can there be a warrant.

I heard that the slush funds accumulated there are enormous, and it is said that the ledgers for making the slush funds are also included?


Commissioner Go Junhwan's face instantly hardened at her words.

How can they.

Commissioner Go Junhwan's face turned pale.

When Senior Inspector Shin Miye nodded her head while looking at him, detectives of the Metropolitan Crime Investigation Unit grabbed Go Junhwan's arms.

Let's go.

I, I don't know! I don't know that! It's not made by me! De, Detective Kang Where is Detective Kang! Kang Jiseok!!

At Go Junhwan's words, Senior Inspector Shin Miye stopped walking.

Kang Jiseok?

Th, thats right! He did it! That guy made slush funds and everything!

Seeing Commissioner Go Junhwan talking nonsense like that, Senior Inspector Shin Miye burst into laughter.

Yeah, I know.

You know? What?

Detective Kang Jiseok confessed everything. Slush funds and ledgers are all buried under the ground.


In addition to the corruption you did, it's a sin.

Commissioner Go Junhwan's face slowly crumbled.

The fact that a search warrant was issued for the land meant that Congressman Cha did not look after him anymore. That meant.

You tried to kill the dog after hunting was over*, but you got thrown away instead?

It was over now.

Out of mind, Commissioner Go Junhwan headed to the car with the detectives of the Metropolitan Crime Investigation Unit.

And behind a tree a little away from the car. Hyunsoo was watching from behind as Commissioner Go Junhwan was arrested.

In any case, I cleaned up one of the trash.


* () - Kill the dog after hunting is over: An expression used to indicate the situation of using something when necessary and throwing it away unsympathetically when not, from its literal meaning of "After a rabbit hunt is over, the now-useless hunting dog is boiled and eaten."


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