Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 9 – Two wealthy bidders competing

Chapter 9 – Two wealthy bidders competing

Greenhorns often find themselves at a disadvantage.

Lin Jichen gave Wang Jinghao a slight smile, feigning politeness.

"Thanks, buddy. My name is Lin Jichen."

Seeing this, Wang Jinghao felt a smug sense of control, but he maintained a courteous facade.

Just as he was about to engage in further pleasantries and then start his recruitment scheme.

Lin Jichen hurriedly interjected, "I'm in a rush, gotta go. We'll chat another time."

With that, he vanished from sight.

Leaving Wang Jinghao with his mouth agape, his prepared pleasantries turning into a lump in his throat, swallowed back down.

"Young Master, that man is too disrespectful!" his subordinate exclaimed.

Wang Jinghao's face alternated between shades of green and white, but soon he chuckled.

"Perhaps he really was busy. His attitude wasn't bad, and he's clearly a master. It's normal for masters to have a temper. Let's start with a good deed; no rush, we'll take it slow. Sooner or later, he'll work for me."


Lin Jichen immediately returned to the village and the weapon shop.

Handing over the mission item, Lin Jichen received a letter.

Yes, this was the letter he wanted, the essential item for joining a sect, the opportunity mentioned by the weapon shop owner.

However, obtaining this letter required wit, not just idle chatter.

The type of sect letter you received depended on the weapon you chose earlier.

If Lin Jichen had chosen a saber, it would certainly have been a letter from the Saber Sect.

He had asked the weapon shop owner, and so far, he was the only one to have received the letter mission.

Others were still clueless, wandering around looking for tasks from tailors, village chiefs, butchers... even cats and dogs.

Their tasks were merely mundane, at best increasing their cultivation a bit and earning some spare change.

They never questioned why, in a game of immortals, they were stuck doing a multitude of mundane tasks.

It would take days for most people to figure it out.

Lin Jichen had no desire to stay here; he was set on pursuing the path of immortality!

With the letter in hand, he prepared to leave the village.

But before leaving, Lin Jichen had one more thing to do.

He went to the busiest part of the village.

"Step right up, have a look! Tearful fire-sale! Want to get stronger? Need equipment? The server's first Green Bamboo Snake Bow up for auction, highest bidder wins! Step right up, have a look..."

In the village center, Lin Jichen showcased the Green Bamboo Snake Bow, shouting loudly.

The game had just started, and few players had equipment to sell, let alone the willingness to part with it.

So when Lin Jichen shouted, a large crowd of players gathered around, curious about the bow's attributes.

Lin Jichen generously displayed the attributes of the Green Bamboo Snake Bow, along with the poison arrow's effects.

Everyone's eyes nearly popped out at the sight; this equipment was incredibly powerful!

A strength boost of +2 was one thing, but the poison arrows could cause continuous bleeding, even stacking.

What monster in the starting village could withstand such damage? Wouldn't this make grinding for experience a breeze?

"Brother, name your price!"

"No price, bid as you like," Lin Jichen responded.

"I don't have any copper coins, can we trade with cash?"

"Yes, I only accept cash, no copper coins."

Lin Jichen nodded, feigning regret.

"I'll offer five hundred!"

"I'll give a thousand!"

"One thousand five!"

"One thousand eight!"


Soon, the price soared over five thousand.

But Lin Jichen remained indifferent, even sitting down leisurely to listen to the bidding.

The noise from the auction grew louder, attracting even more onlookers.

Among them, a group of female players approached, all stunning beauties.

The leader, a short-haired woman, was particularly striking with her elegant eyebrows, phoenix eyes, clear complexion, ear-length hair, graceful figure, and distinguished aura.

This group of female players captured the attention of all the men present.

Such a scene of beauties was the stuff of men's dreams.

Now, with the chance to see it with their own eyes, they couldn't help but stare.

The women approached Lin Jichen, and the short-haired leader spoke softly.

"Fifty thousand."

As soon as the bid of fifty thousand was called, the previously enthusiastic bidders fell silent.

Lin Jichen's eyes lit up; the price was right.

Just as he was about to close the deal, another group approached, led by none other than Wang Jinghao, the president of the Eternal Guild.

"I'll offer sixty thousand."

The crowd gasped.

It was just a piece of starter equipment; was it really worth that much?

After Wang Jinghao made his bid, he cheerfully said to Lin Jichen, "Brother Lin, what a coincidence to meet again."

Lin Jichen returned a forced smile, which Wang Jinghao failed to see through, still brimming with enthusiasm.

"I only wish to sell my equipment, and I hope Brother Wang can understand."

"Understood, understood. Brother Lin has principles, and I, Wang Jinghao, admire such a person the most. This bow is just what my guild members want, so I won't hold back."

Wang Jinghao spoke as if the bow was already his.

The short-haired woman initially worried that Lin Jichen might sell Wang Jinghao a favor, but after hearing Lin Jichen's response, she was reassured and continued to bid without giving Wang Jinghao any chance for a favor.

"Seventy thousand."

"One hundred thousand," Wang Jinghao retorted without hesitation.

"Two hundred thousand."

The short-haired woman seemed to be no ordinary individual, seemingly intent on outbidding Wang Jinghao.

Wang Jinghao's expression changed slightly; it wasn't that he minded the money.

He just wanted to understand the reason behind her persistence.

"Two hundred fifty thousand."

After stating his price, Wang Jinghao immediately smiled at the short-haired woman and asked:

"May I know which guild this beautiful lady is from? I am Wang Jinghao, president of the Eternal Guild."

His words caused a stir among the players present.

The Eternal Guild was well-known in the gaming world, a prominent gaming guild.

The Eternal Corporation, the guild's backer, was among the top twenty conglomerates in Asia.

The short-haired woman, seemingly unfazed by the revelation, calmly spoke to Lin Jichen:

"Could you give me two minutes? I need to call my boss."

Why turn down money that's being offered?

Lin Jichen readily nodded, ignoring Wang Jinghao's changing expression.

The short-haired woman immediately logged off on the spot, but her subordinates waited.

Sure enough, in less than two minutes, she returned, not conceding but raising the bid even higher.

"Five hundred thousand."

The crowd erupted in astonishment!

Good heavens, selling a piece of starter equipment for five hundred thousand? Had they lost their minds?

Wang Jinghao finally lost his composure; no amount of pretense could hide his shock now.


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