Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 136 – The atmosphere is not right

Chapter 136 – The atmosphere is not right

"Wow! Little Lin, who is this stunning beauty? She's absolutely gorgeous!"

Ren Lan exclaimed in awe the moment she saw Jiang Luoyu.

Lin Jichen had no choice but to introduce her, "This is Jiang Luoyu, a good friend I met in the game. She's the president of the Moon Shadow Guild."

Before Lin Jichen could introduce Jiang Luoyu further, Ren Lan eagerly stepped forward to greet her, "Hello, hello! I'm Ren Lan. Are you a celebrity?"

Jiang Luoyu smiled gently, "Hello, I'm not a celebrity. Actually, you're very pretty too. Are you Little Chen's... friend?"

Upon hearing the name 'Little Chen,' Ren Lan's expression turned a bit odd but quickly returned to normal.

"Oh, I'm his college best friend and roommate, hehe."

Now it was Jiang Luoyu's turn to have a subtle look in her eyes, but it was only for a fleeting moment.

"I see, nice to meet you."

"No, meeting you is my pleasure."

The two exchanged smiles and then fell silent.

Lin Jichen suddenly felt the atmosphere became a bit strange, a chill creeping into his heart.

It was as if two top experts were competing in cultivation and mental strength, making the surrounding air feel solidified.

No, no, it feels like something big is about to happen.

Just as Lin Jichen was wondering where this strange pressure was coming from, it suddenly dissolved, and the atmosphere returned to normal.

"Little Chen, Miss Ren, my guild is still waiting for me. I'll go register first, and we can chat later," Jiang Luoyu said proactively.

Ren Lan immediately responded, "Okay, beautiful sister~"

Lin Jichen could only awkwardly smile at Jiang Luoyu, "Jiang... oh no, Luoyu... you go ahead."

Jiang Luoyu seemed very pleased with this address, her face beaming with a smile, "Okay, I'll go now. See you later."

"See you later."

After Jiang Luoyu left, Ren Lan looked at Lin Jichen with a mischievous grin.

"Little Lin, where did you find such a beautiful woman?"

Lin Jichen quickly explained, "You misunderstood, we're just friends."

"Friends? No way, you two are so close. Did you secretly get a new girlfriend?"

Lin Jichen shook his head repeatedly, "You're overthinking it. We haven't known each other for long, just met a few times while clearing Secret Realms together. She's helped me a lot."

"Why are you so nervous? I didn't say you couldn't find a new girlfriend."

Ren Lan's tone was noticeably off when she said this.

She emphasized, "I'm just worried you'll end up with another girlfriend like Guo Jie and get deceived again."

Lin Jichen smiled wryly, "Am I that dumb to find someone like Guo Jie again?"

"That's not certain. I can't guarantee your taste and standards for choosing a partner. Moreover, this is in the game. Can you take an online girlfriend seriously? You misjudged in real life, let alone in online dating."

"Cough, cough... okay, I get it. I promise I'll be more careful."

Lin Jichen didn't dare argue further on this topic.

"But if you could really date her online, I'd actually admire you. She's a hundred times prettier than Guo Jie, which means your taste has improved."

Ren Lan continued to chatter, but Lin Jichen was at a loss for words.

"I told you, you're overthinking it. I'm not in a relationship. After the lesson with Guo Jie, how could I not be more cautious?"

Ren Lan suddenly patted Lin Jichen's shoulder earnestly, "I actually hope you can find a girlfriend."

"???" Lin Jichen was confused, "What do you mean?"

"So you won't shift your sexual orientation to the second dimension."

Ren Lan sighed and looked at Lin Jichen with some sympathy.

"Little Lin, I saw that photo today. I didn't expect you to be so devastated after being hurt by Guo Jie that you shifted your attention to game NPCs. It's my fault for not guiding you well, letting you stray further into the otaku path and lose interest in real girls."

Lin Jichen: "...."

"You misunderstood, I..."

"No need to explain. Everyone has different ways of dealing with heartbreak. Focusing on virtual characters is better than becoming a pervert. Don't worry, I'm your good buddy; I won't laugh at you."

"I really..."

"Alright, no more talking. Let's go register. Some things are better left unsaid."

Ren Lan didn't give Lin Jichen a chance to explain and dragged him to the registration point.

Lin Jichen felt a bitter frustration, almost to the point of internal injury and spitting blood.

In the end, he didn't know how to explain, so he let her think what she wanted.

He couldn't possibly explain that these weren't virtual characters but real people who would appear in the future.

Otherwise, Ren Lan would probably think he had delusions and sent him to the hospital...

The two arrived at the registration point.

Registration was simple, just a matter of signing up.

They smoothly became temporary soldiers, ready to fight the Demon Sect.

At that moment, the surrounding crowd became noisy.

"Wow! Look! Who is that?"

"Dressed like Jay Chou's golden armor, is that... Jarvan IV?"

"This guy is so handsome!"

"Look at the girl beside him, she's so beautiful!"

"I'm in love, I'm in love!"


A group of people emerging, surrounded by guards.

Among them, a young man in golden armor sat on the back of a giant beast, looking majestic and imposing.

The beast was enormous, like a lion, exuding an intimidating aura.

Some players who had brought pets saw the giant lion beast and their pets cowered behind them in fear.

Beside him, a girl in tight clothing and a leather armor cape also sat on another lion's back.

The girl was stunningly beautiful, with an elegant and noble demeanor, captivating millions of male players the moment she appeared.

All the guards and soldiers saluted simultaneously upon seeing the two, shouting in unison, "Greetings, Third Prince! Greetings, Princess!"

The Third Prince nodded solemnly, about to speak, when the Princess suddenly looked at a figure in the crowd of players and exclaimed in surprise.

"Young Master Lin! I didn't expect to see you here again!"

The Third Prince paused, then followed her gaze, his expression turning joyful.

He even dismounted from the lion and quickly walked towards the figure in the crowd.

"Brother Lin, long time no see. Do you still remember me?"

The Princess also arrived, her eyes still filled with admiration.

"Young Master Lin, I owe you my life. I wanted to invite you to the palace to meet my father, but you declined. I'm glad to see you again today."

With the Third Prince and the Princess each saying a sentence, the jaws of all the players around them dropped.

Even Ren Lan, standing next to Lin Jichen, was gaping in surprise.


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