Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 134 – Future Alchemy Grandmaster

Chapter 134 – Future Alchemy Grandmaster

After clearing his red name status, Lin Jichen and Jiang Luoyu tore up the teleportation talisman together and returned to Fengqu City.

He stored all his equipment in the shop and set a daily limit of three thousand items for sale.

Moreover, he increased the prices of Ordinary Grade items by 20% and Spirit Grade items by 50%.

These were all suggestions from Jiang Luoyu.

Jiang Luoyu told him that he now owned the first private equipment store in Tale of Immortal, and there was no need to sell items so cheaply.

This was called the "first effect." It was a seller's market now, with plenty of buyers, so there was no need to worry about sales.

After finishing up, Lin Jichen returned all the storage rings to Jiang Luoyu.

These rings were temporarily borrowed from Moon Shadow Guild members; otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to store so much equipment.

"Thanks a lot this time, Guild Master Jiang... oh no, Little Jiang."

Lin Jichen quickly corrected himself, almost calling her the wrong name again.

Jiang Luoyu found the name "Little Jiang" awkward and said, "Forget it, just call me Luoyu. 'Little Jiang' sounds like a boy's name."

"Alright, then can I go back to being 'Big Lin'?" Lin Jichen asked.

"No, but you can be 'Little Chen'," Jiang Luoyu said with a light laugh.

Lin Jichen sighed. Was he destined to be associated with the word "little" his whole life?

"Alright, I need to head back to my sect to complete some tasks. See you next time."

Jiang Luoyu was about to leave but suddenly turned back and asked, "Are you going to farm Corpse King Valley today?"

"Huh? Can we? Of course, I'd love to, but I didn't want to trouble you," Lin Jichen said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Many guilds wish they had the chance to farm with you. It's a good way to boost our guild's overall cultivation. Let's stick to the usual time tonight?"

Lin Jichen thought for a moment and said, "How about we change it to tomorrow during the day? That way, your members won't have to stay up late, and you won't have to pay overtime."

Jiang Luoyu smiled and nodded, "Alright, let's do it during the day then."

"And next time we farm a Secret Realm, we should split the equipment evenly. I have enough to solve my immediate needs. It's not fair for a big guild like yours to always be short on equipment. Agreed?"

Lin Jichen didn't want people working for free all the time. There were many ways to boost cultivation, but farming Secret Realms was mostly for the equipment. It wouldn't be fair for them to always leave empty-handed.

"Then I won't be polite. Agreed, see you," Jiang Luoyu said straightforwardly before leaving.

Lin Jichen checked the time. It was getting late, so he quickly logged off.

He didn't expect it to be raining heavily outside, so he thought he could skip his run.

But Ren Lan told him that exercise must be consistent. If it was raining, he should work out at home.

She then made Lin Jichen do over an hour of planks and burpees.

Once again, Lin Jichen was exhausted.

He lay on the yoga mat for a while before getting up, taking a shower, and having breakfast to recover his energy.

Ren Lan had already logged into the game, so he returned to his gaming pod.

Before entering the game, Lin Jichen habitually checked the surveillance footage of the house he bought. After confirming everything was fine, he opened the forum for a browse.

He didn't expect to see a hot new topic on the Tale of Immortal forum.

Li Fengwen from the Blood Fiend Guild had rallied ten thousand people to file a real-name report against Lin Jichen, accusing him of exploiting game bugs and using unfair cheats.

Li Fengwen had even brought in several guild leaders to support his claim, which led to a surge of players joining the wave of reports against Lin Jichen.

This time, it was much more intense than before.

Clearly, Li Fengwen couldn't swallow the loss he suffered from Lin Jichen yesterday and was determined to bring him down.

Li Fengwen even stated that even if Lin Jichen wasn't cheating and was relying on talent, his talent was too abnormal and unfair.

He strongly demanded that the game officials urgently nerf Lin Jichen.

This demand gained a lot of support.

After all, Lin Jichen was indeed ridiculously strong. It was still early in the game, yet he could take on a thousand players alone.

Even those who had no personal grudge against Lin Jichen felt it was unfair. They were all new to the game, so why was he so powerful?

Many players were already unhappy with the talent system in Tale of Immortal, feeling that talents should be fair and everyone should start on equal footing.

But Nuwa ignored them, and now Lin Jichen had become the scapegoat.

In just one night, millions joined the reporting army, demanding punishment for Lin Jichen.

And the situation was escalating.

Seeing this news, Lin Jichen sneered. These people were challenging Nuwa's authority and the game's mechanics.

It was a futile effort; Tale of Immortal would never make any adjustments because of them.

In his previous life, there had been many similar large-scale protests, but Tale of Immortal had never changed any game mechanics because of them.

Play it or leave it.

Because this wasn't just a game!

It was connected to another real world.

How could they change that?

So Lin Jichen wasn't worried at all about these protests. He knew that at most, the officials would issue a statement and that would be it.

Skipping over that news, Lin Jichen opened his alternate account to check the recruitment information he had posted on the forum.

His recruitment for Alchemy Masters and Equipment Masters had received many responses, with people leaving their game IDs and screenshots of their alchemy grades.

Most of them were first-grade Alchemy Masters and Equipment Masters, which was expected given that everyone was new to the profession.

Lin Jichen didn't mind; they could all grow.

As long as they signed a good contract and were well-trained, they could become high-grade Alchemy Masters working for him in the future.

Currently, NPC Alchemy Masters in the game were indeed stronger and of higher grades than player Alchemy Masters.

But the problem was that he could only recruit up to fourth-grade Alchemy Masters and Equipment Masters from the game.

Higher-grade masters were highly sought after and extremely difficult to recruit.

Lin Jichen planned to train some good prospects in advance and sign long-term contracts. Even if they were poached, the breach of contract fees alone would be a big profit.

As he flipped through the pages, on the fourth page, Lin Jichen's eyes widened when he saw a familiar game ID: Bai Ge.

He was shocked because this person was a future renowned eighth-grade Alchemy Master!

Almost reaching the level of a ninth-grade grandmaster.

She was recognized as the top player Alchemy Master!

After the initial shock, Lin Jichen was ecstatic. He hadn't expected to recruit such a talent.

Lin Jichen knew a lot about this person. Bai Ge's real name was Zhao Baige, and her family had been traditional Chinese medicine practitioners for three generations. She also studied Chinese medicine.

Due to the decline of traditional Chinese medicine, her family's clinic had no business, so she bought a gaming ring out of boredom.

In the game, she was a newbie with no interest in cultivation or fighting monsters.

But she became fascinated with alchemy and started to immerse herself in it.

Initially, the herbs needed for alchemy were too expensive for her to afford, so she sought employment as a full-time Alchemy Master with various guilds and studios.

But due to her low cultivation realm, her early success rate in alchemy was pitifully low.

She faced rejection everywhere she went, and eventually, no one wanted to hire her.


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