Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 131 – Has Jiang become stingy?

Chapter 131 – Has Jiang become stingy?

"Your red name is too severe. You should go to the Cleansing Lake to wash it off first," Jiang Luoyu said, looking at Lin Jichen, who was glowing red like a bride in a traditional Chinese wedding dress.

"But didn't we agree to clear the Secret Realm in Corpse King Valley first?" Lin Jichen replied.

"It's okay, we'll wait for you," Jiang Luoyu said.

Lin Jichen shook his head and refused, "No, I don't want everyone to wait for me. Besides, it will take four to five hours to wash off this red name. Let's clear the Secret Realm first, and then I'll deal with it."

"But your red name..." Jiang Luoyu was still worried.

"It's fine. A red name can't enter the city or log off, but it can enter the Secret Realm. Let's clear it first, and then I'll wash off the red name myself," Lin Jichen said nonchalantly.

Jiang Luoyu smiled wryly. Was she worried about that? She was afraid that Lin Jichen would be targeted by other guilds or studios.

If he died once with that red name, all his equipment might drop.

She wanted to persuade him further, but Lin Jichen had already started leading the way.

With his bright red appearance, Lin Jichen was the most noticeable person wherever he went. Indeed, some people had the idea of killing him for his equipment.

However, seeing the large group of Moon Shadow girls following Lin Jichen, and remembering his feat of taking on a thousand players alone, those thoughts quickly dissipated.

"This time, Li Fengwen must have planned for a long time to target you. He probably knew that Wanling and I were offline and that there weren't many Moon Shadow members online, so he chose to ambush you. You should be more careful in the future," Jiang Luoyu advised as she walked beside Lin Jichen.

She was afraid that after this killing spree, Lin Jichen would become arrogant and think that no one could threaten him.

Young people often have such prideful and complacent tendencies.

But to her surprise, Lin Jichen patted the back of his head, smiled awkwardly, and humbly accepted her advice.

"You're right. I was indeed a bit careless. I'll be more vigilant next time."

Although Lin Jichen had confidence and strength, he admitted that he had been too careless this time, which led to the ambush.

This time he could handle a thousand players, but what about next time? Ten thousand, or even a hundred thousand?

Or if someone hired a bunch of top players from Tale of Immortal to hunt him down, could he still remain unscathed?

Although he was strong now, his advantage was mainly in attributes.

Those top players also had great talent; they just grew slower.

Like Ren Lan's Immovable King, whose attributes would become stronger as her realm increased.

Moreover, as the game continued, many rare skills from various professions could weaken his defense, lower his attack, or even prevent him from recovering health.

The forbidden flight skill this time was a good example.

Blood Fiend had underestimated his strength.

He couldn't guarantee that he could handle every ambush in the future.

He had to play it safe!

Jiang Luoyu looked at him in surprise and joked, "I didn't expect you to be so mature."

Lin Jichen casually replied, "I've been through a lot, that's all."

"Brother, you're not that old. Stop pretending to be mature," Su Wanling teased.

Lin Jichen smiled awkwardly and didn't explain. He couldn't exactly say that he was already thirty and had been reborn.

The group arrived at the entrance to the Secret Realm in Corpse King Valley.

Jiang Luoyu still gave him the position of team leader.

Lin Jichen hesitated and asked, "How about we clear all five modes today?"

Jiang Luoyu smiled and said, "That would be great. If you're willing to help my guild clear the Secret Realm and increase our cultivation, why would I refuse?"

"And about the equipment..." Lin Jichen hesitated.

Jiang Luoyu smiled and whispered, "Don't worry, it's all yours."

Lin Jichen felt relieved, "Thank you so much. I won't be polite then."

He turned around and started arranging the formation.

"Guild Leader, you're too good to this guy. You're giving him all the equipment from five Secret Realm clears?" Su Wanling said, feeling a bit heartbroken.

Jiang Luoyu explained, "He's helped us so many times. It's only right for us to help him with this small favor."

"That's true, but we should save some equipment for ourselves. This time, you've brought the entire guild to support him. We should at least give everyone some equipment as a reward. Many girls gave up their sect tasks and sleep to come here," Su Wanling said, not as generous.

No guild leader would be this generous.

Jiang Luoyu had almost called the entire Moon Shadow Guild. It was expected that clearing the Secret Realm once would yield at least a thousand pieces of equipment.

Five modes would mean thousands of pieces of equipment.

No guild leader could resist taking some for themselves.

Everyone knew how low the drop rate for equipment in Tale of Immortal was.

However, Jiang Luoyu showed no intention of going back on her word. Instead, she comforted Su Wanling, "Come on, he helped us get the first clear twice, and I said I'd give him all the equipment, but he didn't take it. Now his shop needs equipment, and we can't just watch him go bankrupt. Try to understand."

"Okay, but what if he wants to clear it every day?" Su Wanling asked, still worried.

Jiang Luoyu replied without hesitation, "Then we'll clear it. Aren't you happy to get free cultivation? This way, our guild members' average realm will far surpass other guilds. Isn't that enough to make you happy?"

Su Wanling was speechless. What had gotten into the guild leader? Being generous was one thing, but this was too much...

Lin Jichen, as before, organized the team and assigned tasks.

He hadn't expected Jiang Luoyu to bring over ten thousand people to clear the Secret Realm with him.

The more people there were, the more zombies there would be in Corpse King Valley, and the higher the equipment drop rate.

Lin Jichen knew that Jiang Luoyu had called so many people to help him get more equipment.

He felt a bit guilty but also touched.

After organizing the formation, Lin Jichen led the team into Corpse King Valley again.

This time, although there were more people, there were also many more monsters.

But with the experience from the last clear, the Moon Shadow Guild members performed even better.

They smoothly cleared wave after wave of corpse tides.

Finally, they faced the Corpse King boss and dozens of corpse generals.

Lin Jichen, as usual, soloed the Corpse King. It was much easier than last time, and he quickly defeated the Corpse King and returned to support the team.

There was no difficulty, and they cleared it again.

After the battle, they tallied the loot. Because there were nearly twice as many people as last time, the loot was abundant.

Two pieces of Mysterious Grade equipment, over two hundred pieces of Spirit Grade equipment, and a thousand pieces of Ordinary Grade equipment.

Then Lin Jichen led the team to clear the other four modes of Corpse King Valley, from evening until early the next morning.

Many girl players without gaming pods, relying only on gaming rings, were exhausted, but they persevered under Jiang Luoyu's encouragement and overtime pay.

After clearing all five modes, Lin Jichen's total haul was two pieces of Mysterious Grade equipment, over five hundred pieces of Spirit Grade equipment, and nearly five thousand pieces of Ordinary Grade equipment.

This massive haul filled over a thousand Storage Rings.

He handed all the rings to Jiang Luoyu.

Many female members, eyeing the equipment they liked, pleaded with the guild leader for a piece or two.

They were secretly delighted, thinking that with Jiang Luoyu's generosity, she would surely give them the equipment.

Even if it was placed in the guild warehouse for exchange with guild contribution points, it would be fine.

But to their surprise, Jiang Luoyu was stingy this time and didn't give them a single piece...


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