Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 13 – Go to the sect

Chapter 13 – Go to the sect

Confronted with these three pieces of equipment, the short-haired woman pondered briefly before speaking.

"I'll offer you fifty thousand for both the Iron Fist Gauntlets and the Bronze Head Saber. How does that sound?"

Lin Jichen nodded in agreement.

Not every piece of equipment could fetch the price of five hundred thousand like the Green Bamboo Snake Bow.

Firstly, the bow was the first auctioned item, and with its poison arrows, it was considered top-tier for novice gear.

Its price had soared to five hundred thousand thanks to the short-haired woman's deliberate bidding.

If Lin Jichen really thought any ordinary novice gear could sell for five hundred thousand, he would be wildly optimistic.

The true value of the Green Bamboo Snake Bow would be lucky to reach fifty thousand.

Besides, the Iron Fist Gauntlets and the Bronze Head Saber couldn't compare to the bow equipped with poison arrows; the difference was too great.

Getting fifty thousand for each was already a generous offer, and Lin Jichen had no complaints.

"As for this Spirit Grade equipment, to be honest, it's our guild's first piece of Spirit Grade gear, and its attributes are excellent. How about this—I'll give you another five hundred thousand, making it a total of six hundred thousand. What do you think?"

After speaking, the short-haired woman looked at Lin Jichen nervously, ready to increase her offer if he showed any dissatisfaction.

She wasn't just buying the equipment; she also wanted to recruit this expert for her boss.

A man who could solo the Wild Boar King was nothing short of an expert—a top-notch one at that!

While they couldn't recruit him, since the Moon Shadow Guild only admitted girls, that didn't stop them from befriending Lin Jichen and building a good relationship. They could always ask for his help with tough bosses in the future.

The short-haired woman was prepared to raise her offer, but Lin Jichen quickly agreed without any sign of dissatisfaction.

"Alright, six hundred thousand it is. Hurry up and transfer the money; I've got things to do."

Lin Jichen wasn't opposed to asking for more, but time was of the essence as the heavenly tribulation was imminent.

Besides, he disliked hassle and was content as long as he had enough cash.

Seeing Lin Jichen's agreement, the short-haired woman promptly transferred six hundred thousand.

After confirming the transaction, Lin Jichen handed over the equipment and ran off without looking back.


"What now?" Lin Jichen asked impatiently.

The short-haired woman was speechless. Normally, young men who met her couldn't move an inch, clinging to her like flies, eager to speak more and win her favor.

Only Lin Jichen was like a block of wood, never initiating conversation and seemingly disdainful of her.

This was a first for the short-haired woman.

"Let's be friends. If you have any equipment in the future, you can sell it to our Moon Shadow Guild. We guarantee fair prices."

She sent a friend request to Lin Jichen, who nodded and accepted, officially becoming friends.

After adding each other, the short-haired woman glanced at his name.

Lin Jichen? It sounded nice, probably not his real name.

Lin Jichen also checked her name, Su Wanling.

With the friend request settled, Lin Jichen truly took off, disappearing into the Wild Boar Forest without looking back.

Su Wanling found Lin Jichen to be an odd character.

It was as if he found staying with a group of beautiful women for even a second unbearable.

Could he be gay...

After leaving the Wild Boar Forest, Lin Jichen sprinted towards the outskirts of the village, with the dark clouds above following him.

With his current abilities, facing the heavenly tribulation was like an ant shaking a tree—a sure path to death.

So Lin Jichen had to run!

Of course, he couldn't outrun lightning.

His destination was the teleportation array!

The weapon shop owner's letter from the Sword Sect had marked the location of the teleportation array.

Thanks to his Qi Refining Realm attributes and the boost from his iron-soled shoes, Lin Jichen's speed had reached 23 points, while others were still at 1.

The gap was as if others were walking while he was riding a horse, whipping it to go faster.

Players around could only see a shadow whizzing past them.

If this were reality, even Usain Bolt would retire in tears.

With three minutes left before the tribulation, Lin Jichen finally found the teleportation array near the village.

An old man with white hair sat beside it, smoking dried tobacco.

"Young man, want to use the teleportation array? It's been out of repair for years and unusable, unless you can provide ten Spirit Stones to fix it. As a reward, you'll be exempt from future teleportation fees from this village. How about it?"

Normally, Lin Jichen wouldn't play the good Samaritan, providing Spirit Stones for others' benefit.

Even with free future teleportation, it wasn't worth it—who would bother traveling to the novice village every day?

He could simply walk out if he didn't want to use the teleportation array.

But he was in a rush and had to flee immediately.

Reluctantly, he handed over the ten Spirit Stones he had just obtained from the Wild Boar King.

The old man joyfully fixed the teleportation array on the spot.

[Ding! By selflessly repairing the village's teleportation array and benefiting others, you are rewarded with +20 reputation points.]

Reputation points as well? That was more like it—a decent reward.

"The teleportation array is fixed, young man. Where would you like to go?"

"Tianyan Sword Sect."

"No problem. The Tianyan Sword Sect is a fine place for those seeking the path of cultivation. Elder Qingsong is the most patient teacher there; becoming his disciple would be greatly beneficial."

Lin Jichen hadn't expected the old man to give him such a good recommendation, an extra perk for fixing the teleportation array.

"Thank you."

He decided to take Elder Qingsong as his master, as he was new to being a Sword Cultivator and didn't know which NPC from the Sword Sect was more powerful.

Standing on the teleportation array, a column of light rose, and Lin Jichen vanished from the novice village.

Lin Jichen's true journey of cultivation had officially begun.

The Tianyan Sword Sect was located in the Taiyin Mountain Range of Mu Xian Province.

As the largest Sword Sect in Mu Xian Province, it was the dream destination for many Sword Cultivator players to learn their craft.

Lin Jichen now stood outside the gates of the Tianyan Sword Sect, facing a massive diamond stone.

Carved on the stone were the bold, wild characters 'Tianyan Sword Sect.'

The characters didn't seem carved but rather written with a sharp and vigorous brushstroke, each stroke naturally perfect.

Considering the hardness of the diamond stone, ordinary carving couldn't achieve such an effect—it must have been a Sword Cultivator who inscribed it with a sword.

Especially when looking closely at each character, it felt as if sharp, unparalleled Sword Qi was slashing towards him!

Lin Jichen's mind was immersed in the characters, nearly forgetting the threat of the heavenly tribulation above.

"Comprehending the Tianyan Sword Intent, Swordsmanship aptitude +5%."

Returning to his senses, Lin Jichen realized that just by looking at these characters, he had comprehended Sword Intent.

Swordsmanship aptitude, unlike innate talent, made it easier for those with higher aptitude to improve their proficiency in sword skills.

Just a glance at these characters had brought such a benefit, the advantage of having full comprehension.

Before his rebirth, he had visited the Tianyan Sword Sect and seen this stone tablet many times, but never gained anything from it.

When he had the time, he would explore the entire Sword Sect—who knows what else he might comprehend.



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