Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 407.A Drummer

"People say I might lose it all..."

"There will be a day I might lost..."

"But they don't even know my resolve..."

"I will take my chances and give it my all..."

In the car, Aiden was hearing a song 'Blessings' that was almost 25 years old but for some reason, it felt very relatable as it talked about a person coming out of nowhere and trying to do new things to rise. 

It was obviously written by 'The Boys'. 

Aiden had gone through every song last night and all of them offered something new to him. Each album had its own flavours and mixtures to them but there were a few central themes that were a constant. 

Theme of 'Starting from the bottom and rising to the top'. Themes of 'Struggle'. Themes of 'Depression'. 

All of these things were connected to each other and it was because all the members of the band had risen from poverty to become so big. They all related to those terms and other people did too. 

After all, these were universal themes. 

Struggle and poverty was everywhere in the world and it was never ending. It was one of the main reasons why the song 'The Boys' became such a massive sensation. 

'I mostly wrote only about love and heartbreak and those themes. Good chance to do something very different.'

He thought in his mind and it was then that Wade called him out, breaking him away from his thoughts.

"Aiden, we are here."

"Ah, okay."

"Try to be a bit respectful. Older year artists rarely have good things to say about new ones and it often leads to differences between them. 'The Boys' never had major scandals about them, at least not with the two we are going to meet today."

Aiden nodded his head. From what he had heard, most of the major scandals involved the vocalist of the band. He even was once involved in an orgy party with a bunch of celebs back in the 90s. 

'No wonder, he got STDs later in life after leaving the band.'

Aiden thought in his mind and got out of the car. He was going to meet the two members that had agreed to collaborate in a cafe. 

As he entered the cafe, Wade led him to the seat where they were supposed to meet. It was in the VIP section of the cafe. 

Apparently, it was a cafe used by celebrities often in New York. 

Soon, he saw two people who looked like they were a few years older than Uncle Sam. Both of them saw Aiden and Wade too and got up from their seats. 

'Eddie Filkins and Drew Fisher.'

His eyes first fell on Eddie. He had white hair and a moustache that made him look like an old action hero, especially with his body that hinted that he was a gym freak. Even though he was short, there was an atmosphere to him that was hard to ignore. 

He used to be the guitarist and the main lyricist of the group back in the day. 

Standing next to him was Drew. With dyed black hair and apparent wrinkles on his face, he gave the atmosphere of a bartender in a classy bar. 

He was the guy on the keyboard and although he was the least popular out of all them, he had a bright atmosphere about him. 

He was the first one to shake his hand. 

"It's nice to meet you. Actually, I was surprised when my manager suddenly texted me about a song. I have not been a part of a song for years." He said in a voice that was softer than what Aiden had perceived in his mind. 

"Yeah, he was talking about how he forgot how to play keys." Eddie said and Drew quickly retorted. 

"My fingers just need time to recall the feeling again."

Aiden turned towards Eddie after that. Unlike Drew who had retired, he was actually still a part of the industry, just as a songwriter. 

In the past, he had written songs that had featured as soundtracks in movies. 

"I was very surprised to know you wanted to collaborate with a washed up band." Eddie said as he faced Aiden. 

"I like your music. I doubt that's washed up." Aiden replied. "Moreover, you probably know the theme of my album."

"I heard." Eddie nodded. "It's a good idea but every album needs good songs. Otherwise, even if it gets a million streams, people won't come back to it."

"I plan to make an album like that."

Eddie smiled at the self confidence. He could see in Aiden, a similar fire like he used to exclude, just much brighter. He had achieved so much coming from nowhere too, just like him and his band. 

"Can you do that with old artists like us?"

"Like I said before, you might have retired from the band but your music never retired. I'm putting my trust in it."

Aiden said as a matter of fact. 


They sat down in the cafe after getting to know each other better and straight up started talking about the song they were going to make together. 

Eddie was going to work with Aiden on the song as even in the past, he mostly had the most contribution in the production of the band's albums. 

On the other hand, Drew just looked happy to be a part of it. Maybe, he was recalling the days of the past when he hadn't retired. 

"First of all, you are going to be the vocalist right?" Eddie asked and Aiden nodded his head. 


"Then, we already have most of the band here. From what I know, you can handle instruments but we need a drummer."

Eddie said and Drew asked quickly. 

"Can't we just go with a song that doesn't use a lot of drums? Maybe something more on the lines of electronic music."

"No, I already have a tune in mind." He said, looking at Aiden. "Me and Aiden could work on it slowly but a drummer is a necessity. Without him, the tune won't look the same as I'm planning a part where there will be a 30 second solo."

Eddie tapped on the table with his fingers and talked. Aiden was sure that he was thinking of the song in his mind. He would himself do it sometimes. 

He just observed him for now as according to his system, Eddie was a master in composing and lyrics. 

[Composing: Level 9]

[Lyric writing: Level 8]

He was at a level that was higher than Aiden and Aiden could see why he had been one of the top songwriters around. Even then, he was under utilised. 

"We can get a drummer. I can contact one. It won't be that hard to find."

Wade said, sipping on his coffee. 

"No, we need someone good. Not just any random one who works on a contract. I know a few but all of them are already involved in different bands and won't be able to come. Moreover, we need someone who can match our synergy."

Eddie looked at Aiden and Drew before continuing. 

"I listened to songs of you, Aiden. I feel like me and Drew would match well with you. There will be a synergy once we practise together a few times but we need a good drummer that could match us."

'A good drummer.'

Aiden closed his eyes and thought about it. 

He understood the importance of a good drummer especially in a band but it was very hard to find a good drummer. Though, there was one he knew. 

Probably the only drummer that he could trust. 

"I think I know someone."

He said, looking at Eddie. Aiden didn't know what the guy was doing these days but it looked like it was the time to find out. 


As Aiden was talking with Eddie and Drew, Rachel was in a meeting to discuss her upcoming album. It was already announced, so there was no going back on it. 

Her fans just didn't know when it would be released. 

"It seems like Aiden Silvereye is really going to release a new album. I tried to look for information about it and it seems like he's collaborating with old bands and singers for it."

Martha, her manager said as she looked at her. 

"Our album is already in production. Do you think he's going to release it this year too?"

"Probably. You know he's a genius when it comes to songs. He's a big competition even if he hasn't done anything for years. He's known as the one who completed Agnas's last song, so everyone in the industry is looking forward to seeing what he would do in his new album."

A lot of people in the industry were even looking at Aiden as someone with the talent of Agnas. Though, he was more of an actor and that disappointed a lot of people. 

Hearing that, Rachel was in thoughts for a while before making a decision. 

"Let's not worry about him and face him head on if it comes to be."


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