Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 382. A Big Controversy (2)

Katherine mused on the offer. It was an interesting one and she didn't find any reason to reject it. Aiden had not given a lot of interviews even after becoming an A-lister, so an exclusive one would be great for her. 

Especially in the current scenario. 

She might even get a bonus from her company. Though, she was apprehensive about what Aiden might ask of her in return. 

"I accept but I don't have any major scandals on Philips Fraser. He's an old player in the industry but he's mostly low key, blends well so people hardly talk about him outside a few circles."

She said and it looked like Aiden already expected that. 

"I don't need any scandals. Just tell me who are the people who are close with him, people who used to be close with him and even a small rumour related to the association or Philips."

"What are you going to do with that?"

Katherine asked with genuine curiosity. 

"It's simple. When one crack appears, there's a chance of the whole object breaking. Do you really think someone like Philips Fraser and the press association had everything clean about them? Or the thing with Dustin is his first attempt?"

Aiden recalled the story told by Dustin. 

From what he narrated, Philips Fraser looked like he was already used to doing these types of things. There was no doubt in Aiden's mind that there were more victims and silent ones at that. 

Moreover, he had looked into press association major member's history before. A lot of it looked good on paper but when someone tries to introspect a bit more, they will find a lot of shady things dismissed as rumours. 

It was not a surprise that a molester like Philips was the president of the press association. There was no way other members had no clue about how he was. 

The viable reason here was that they knew and they didn't care enough because no one was completely clean in the whole association. 

"I know they are not clean but even if you know the people who were once close with him and just didn't speak out due to obvious reasons, how will you convince them to speak out now?"

Katherine asked and Aiden just smiled. 

"Humans are weird. A lot of them don't do anything until someone else shows them how to do it. It's rare for someone to take the path less travelled as it's just easier to do something that a lot had already done. I'm pretty sure a lot of people are contemplating speaking out against Philips and the association right now."

"So, you want to push them a bit more?"

"Yup. If there are a lot of people accusing him and the association, then they can't just come after me. It's clear that the problem is them then."

Aiden said and at that moment, his phone suddenly rang. He took it out and saw that it was Wade. 

'I hope it's good news.'

He had sent Wade to do something very important. Something that he felt would be very essential against Philips Fraser. 

"Wade, did you find her?"

"Yeah, I found her. She's ready to talk."

Hearing that, Aiden had a wide smile on his face. 


Aiden had read a quote once. "You can win any battle if you know yourself and your enemy," It was a quote from a very famous Chinese general that had actually become a victim of internet's creativity in recent years. 

But the quote had a profound meaning. 

Following it, Aiden had looked a bit into Philip's past and one thing he noticed was that he was divorced. Moreover, from what he heard, his wife seemed to be too bitter about him. 

It wasn't the ordinary kind of bitterness a person will feel after a failed relationship. She almost seemed to loathe him and had refused to be associated with him no matter what. 

In the past, she herself was an actress. Never got the fame but was a very strong actress. 

After the divorce, she had left acting and was now just living her life in an ordinary residential area in New York City. 

Aiden had asked Wade to find her as he felt like she could give them a lot against Philips Fraser. And he didn't disappoint him. 

"You talked to her?" 

Aiden said, getting out of the car. He was wearing a cap and mask, so no one recognised him. The night was also helping him stay hidden. 

It was almost midnight and the night was really passing slowly. 

"Yeah, she seemed to understand everything when I said I'm your agent. Told me that she will talk to you only. One more thing I noticed was that she hates Philips."

"How do you know that?"

"Her eyes were full of hatred when I mentioned him. I won't be surprised if she prays for his death every night." Wade said, then shook his head. "How did it go with Katherine?"

Aiden smiled, "It went well. She agreed to help. I already sent Tom with her."

Every member of his team was up at this moment. A lot of people were trying to attack the press association and Philips Fraser and his team were just fueling the fire. 

Sasha was leading the charge as his social media manager and was also handling the media that was trying their best to reach Aiden. 

On the other hand, Dustin was also in the middle of giving out interviews about what had happened, putting more pressure on the American press association. 

"Anyway, here goes nothing."

Aiden said and he rang the doorbell. A minute later, a woman appeared. There were white strands in her hair and wrinkles were all over her face, displaying her age. 

Seeing Aiden, she smiled. 

"You are fast. I thought you would take more time."

"I didn't wanted to make you wait. Things are pretty tight as you could see."

"I know. I'm keeping an eye out."

Aiden entered her house and Wade decided to wait outside. It was a fairly simple house, hinting at the fact that the woman didn't really lived lavishly. 

A simple life felt like her thing. 

She introduced herself as June Williams, the woman who was once known as June Fraser. 

"You know I was surprised when I got calls about what happened in the Golden Globes. A friend informed me and I thought he was joking until I looked it up. What actually gave you so much strength to pull off something like this?"

"It was for a friend."

June laughed hearing that. 

"That might be one of the reasons but there is more to it, right? I could see that with you."

She looked right into Aiden's eyes but he clicked his tongue. 

"I'm not here to talk about, you know."

"I know." She sighed and came to the real topic. "You want my help against my former husband. You want me to speak against him and reveal things about him that no one knows."

Aiden didn't knew how to answer that. If he was being honest, he was just here to find some secrets on Philips. He didn't really cared about June speaking up against him. 

Before he could say anything, June sighed again. 

"You don't have to offer me anything. I will do it since I liked your guts. No one had ever spoke against my husband like that."

For a second, Aiden noticed flashes of a past that was better left undiscovered. He blinked his eyes, thinking that the whole interaction had been easy.

Too easy that he felt like there was something wrong with it. 

"Have you already decided to speak against your ex husband before I contacted you?"

"No, I was going to take all that with me to afterlife but it was suffocating to see my former husband live the same life as before like he never did anything wrong. I was excited when I heard your speech and felt like I should speak out now. Otherwise, I won't be able to ever."

June was a very straightforward individual. It didn't even look like she had contemplated the decision for a long time. 

Like Aiden had thought, seeing one person act against Philips, others have also gotten strength. 

"You will be okay, right? Like I don't know what he will do with you? Like you know, he's a powerful person."

"Ah, he can't do anything even if he wants to. That man is scum of the highest tier. He may look good on the surface but he's a devil incarnate. He's already lucky that I didn't say anything even during our divorce. He even tried to force me to sign a document to never speak about him once."

Listening to that, Aiden grew curious, wondering just what had happened between June and Philips. 

June also noticed his rising curiousity and opened her mouth. 

"Do you want to hear that story between me and my ex husband?"


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