Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 368.Timmy Button

"Be a part of the game."

Those were some words that Aiden wanted to tell his uncle for a long while but he waited until the demo was out. 

If he was being honest, one of the major reasons behind him investing and writing the story of the game was his uncle. 

It was true that Cory's vision for a game that could rival movies in storytelling was something that had attracted him. 

But he also wanted to do it for his uncle. 

When he first came to America, his uncle was the only one to help him out. He had told him to leave everything to him. A few times, he had even paid up his rent. 

Aiden had tried to pay him back a few times after getting money. But he wouldn't take the money. 

That's why, Aiden had decided to do something that his uncle would like — That was video games. 

When Cory had heard this, he had told Aiden that they should get his uncle to play a part in the game and Aiden had really liked the idea. 

It was the best gift for his uncle. 

Seeing himself as a video game character. When Uncle Sam heard that, he didn't believe it for a second. 

"Aiden, what are you saying?"

"I'm asking you to be a part of the game. I wrote one of the characters just for you. Even Cory agreed."

He blinked his eyes and asked again. 

"You are not joking."

"I won't joke about it."

Uncle Sam wasn't able to reply right away and it was at that moment, the host announced the game that had won 'Game of the Year' award. Cheers went up suddenly and whatever Uncle Sam said was crushed under the noise. 

He just hugged Aiden for a minute. 

That was the warmest hug of Aiden's life. 


After the announcement of the game at the Game awards, a lot of articles and lists came out about the games that were revealed during the show. 

Even mainstream media featured it because of its popularity and as there were also other celebs aside from Aiden there, the coverage was guaranteed. 

Quite a few of them listed <God's World> as one of the most anticipated games. 

<A total of 24 games were revealed at the Game awards this year. Out of them, games like <Grand Auto Racing 6> and <God's World> got the highest cheer out of them.

-Variety Gaming.> 

<The reveal of <God's World> showed that the future of games is truly in the hands of indie companies that have less money but way more passion. Director Cory Daniels spoke to us about his upcoming game and his partnership with Aiden Silvereye after the event.


<Hollywood meets video game as <God's World> promises a story inspired by mythology and powered by strong gameplay mechanics that would surely make you want to try it.


Aside from the news articles, a lot of gamers also reacted extremely positively to the game. 

The reveal announcement video got more than 2 million views in two days on MeTube and it looked like there was genuine excitement among the fans. 

Cory's reputation worked as a charm here. A lot of people even felt like it was one of the worst decisions by his previous company to sideline him like that. He still had it in him to make great games. 

Though there were still some reservations as the demo video focused more on the graphics and the world background than the combat. Although it looked beautiful, many people wondered how the final outcome would be. 

Some people also felt like the main character felt too weak compared to the gods and that the background won't be a big thing in the story due to budget constraints. 

That was obviously just rumours and speculations and Cory or anyone from the team didn't try to do anything about them. 

They didn't have more footage to show, so they wanted to work more on the game and then, talk. 

Cory just said one thing and it was that the demo didn't even show 1 percent of what they were planning. And it was not just a random bluff. 

They were very motivated to work harder after the positive response. 

And with that, the end of the year was finally here. Aiden had yet another successful year. 

Though, one thing was still left in it. And that was signing the projects for the next year. 


Aiden leaned against the hard surface of the lift as it went up. Wade was next to him and today, they have an important appointment. 

"Timmy Button is known to be more of an innovator than anything else. He had a lot of titles under him but his eyes for good scripts and projects to invest in are unmatchable. He hadn't produced a lot of movies till date. 9 in 20 years but each of them had been something that had changed the industry in some way."

Wade said as he looked at Aiden. He was telling him all that, so he could have more idea of the person they were going to meet. 

Though Aiden already knew a lot of it. 

"His last movie was 5 years ago, right? Time went by very fast."

Aiden asked and Wade replied. 

"6 years ago technically. It was called <Amrit> and Timmy invested in underwater technology for the director to be able to shoot a few scenes. Those technologies are now being used in different types of sectors."

"I hope he doesn't invest in developing some kind of dream technology due to this movie."

"Let's hope so."

This meeting was about 'Project Dream'. Red Ant were glad that Aiden wanted to work with them and getting an A-lister had made their project seem more powerful at least on paper. 

Timmy Button, a renowned producer, was overseeing the project and working with Red Ant studios. Normally, Red Ant studio won't think twice before signing a Timmy Button's project. 

But times were such that any kind of rom com was an utter failure. So, they wanted to make it a streaming movie but as Timmy only wanted it for the big screen, the plans changed and now Aiden was going to be at the center of it. 

Until Timmy really hated him. 

"We are finally here."

Wade said as they got out of the lift. They were now in the main office of Timmy Button. They walked up to the receptionist and told her about their appointment. 

The receptionist told them to go straight in. While walking, Aiden noticed that there were a few faces that he recognised in the office. 

Timmy Button was an associate producer on a lot of projects, so it was understandable. 

A lot of people also noticed Aiden and started whispering. 

"It seems like the rumors were really true."

"Yeah, Aiden Silvereye is going to be in Timmy Button's next. He really made a strong decision straight after reaching the top."

"Nah, he's just playing safe. One flop and people are going to doubt if he's really an A-lister. He's scared."

Aiden heard a few of these whispers but just ignored it. He reached the main door and 'Timmy Button' was written in the center of it. 

After a knock, they went in and Aiden saw Timmy Button for the first time in his life.

The first thought that came to Aiden's mind was that he looked messy.

'He's pretty much like I thought he would be. Just I expected him to look a bit more formal.'

Aiden thought in his mind. Timmy looked like he hadn't cut his hair in a year. Weirdly, he had a completely shaved face, giving him the look of a musician who would often be on substance for some inspiration. 

Aside from his look, everything was neat and clean and it looked like his office was very well taken care of. 

"Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have been meaning to see you for a long time but who knew we would meet straight on a project."

"I guess this is the right time."

"I believe so."

Timmy looked pretty happy to see Aiden and after the initial greetings, Wade and him sat down with Timmy. 

"You know when the project first got greenlit, I was pretty sure that I would have to do it with a newbie actor and try to fill the cast with known faces for supporting roles as it's easier to get people to agree on a supporting role than a lead role these days depending on how much you giving them." 

He said, making fun of the so called lead actors of Hollywood who have became scared of taking risks in his viewpoint. 

"That's why, I was extremely curious about you. We did sent you the script but we never expected to get a positive response as the premise is bizzare. I wanted to know what made you go for it anyway?"

Timmy squinted his eyes a bit as he asked. 


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