Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 199: "am i worthy..."

Chapter 199: "am i worthy..."

"Yes... He is a kid."

She replied.

"Well...This is kind of complicated but, what's his age?"

"He should be thirteen by now."

"Fucking thirteen"

Nix rephrased.

It was unsurprising to him. Thinking back, In the early ages, there were several occasions where kids inherited the throne. And this can be acceptable but, he was conflicted. His vengeful mindset was utterly destroyed.

"Come on Nix... I promised her mother who was my friend that I will protect that kid."

"Well...What should can I say? We will see once I meet him alright?"

He said with a dissatisfied face. 

"Look at your face now... You do hold on to some ethics don't you?"

Rebecca said with a smile.

"Ethics My ass. I am fucking annoyed right now. Why the hell is a city governed by a thirteen-year-old kid?"

Nix replied rising from the bed and sat close to her.

"Her mother in the sense queen?"


"How did she die?"

"She and the king were about to get assassinated by the devils. They killed the devils but were cursed. Well, you can guess what happened after that."

"To think they infiltrated the city... They should have been really strong huh?"

"Yeah... It happened about five years ago. Things that happen from time to time."

She shrugged and rose from the bed.

"Gonna take a look around your home?"

He asked as she approached the door.


"I shall join you then."

He said after wearing the Cerberus fur jacket which he got tailored from Vlarion. 

"Okay," she uttered as she slammed open the door.

And the duo began walking out of the verandah.

"Remember back when you were about to escort me out of the city?"

"Yeah what so?"

"We exchanged some mockery and you said we'll do something when I get back here and here I am."

He said with a smirk, stretching his arms out.

"I don't remember anything?"

She said with a naughty smile biting her lower lip.

"Knight Rebecca you are such a flirt."

"Haha as though you are one to talk."

She laughed.

Their dynamic was certainly in perfect sync and it was at that moment And they were caught by Camila and Cinzia, In a far distance was Yeril.

"Hmm... Seems like you two are going somewhere and I want to come along too Oppa!"

Camila said with her cute smile as her eyes turned into the shave of a crescent moon.

"I don't mind, I am just actually going to scout someone I promised to." He replied indifferently and drifted his eyes towards Cinzia who was looking at him menacingly.

"Ohh ok cool...I just hope it isn't a woman."

Cinzia said looking at him with her usual fiery gaze.

"That's going to be a problem..."

He said scratching his head with a wry smile.

"Tch, Bastard... You just keep on adding women in our clan."

Cinzia scowled blocking his path.

"Come on now? Aren't Tarok and Reegan someone I scouted?"

"Hah, Sure sure. The ratio between men and women is a mess though." She replied in a mocking tone.


Camila nodded her head.

"I owe her. She once saved my life while someone here threatened me and scarred me to death."

Nix explained after giving a glance at Rebecca.

His perception of her changed several times. When they first met in Ranrak and her actions during the siege. Her battle craving mentality and everything else seems to be a mirage now. In fact, she was still the same, she was very humane. She feared the Nightmare that was supposed to be a god, agitated by the blood rain which was described as great calamity and wrath of a god.

It was Nix whose perception changed. He saw them as a challenge and it would be a lie if he said didn't feel frightened. He just went past his existence at least he was made to go to such extent. Rebecca was a strong human and a knight who possessed limitations and knew her own potential. In simple words, she knew when to back away.

She could indeed challenge and behave prude but, Nix had shown his true potential and had saved her. More than that he also swore that he'd protect her. His behavior towards her changed her attitude towards him. Apart from all that she was a good woman who was pawned by the gods.


She sighed and gave him wry smile.

"Alright, I won't bring that up from now on okay?"

He said looking at her since she seemed uncomfortable.

"Such a gentleman isn't he?"

Camila uttered pinching his cheeks.

"An absolute Gentleman"

Rebecca said with a smile agreeing with her.

"Ladies, This is embarrassing."

He uttered and began walking.

To be true he was very much embarrassed but, didn't show it in his face.

"Tch, look at you... You do get embarrassed huh?"

Cinzia said standing in her place with her hands crossed.

"Well, it is what it is. But do you want to come along? I just gonna roam. We might go to war the very next day so why not spend some time freely?"

He said turning back to her.

'A date' She smiled inwardly and nodded her head. "Sure Sure..."

she acted as though she wasn't interested.

As they walked through the alley they stopped before Yeril.

"Yeril, we'll be going out. Do you want to come?"

Rebecca asked.

"No... I have to wait goddess Heredia wants me to be the envoy for Lord Nix. As such, I need to stay put and if a call may arise I will contact."


Rebecca replied.

Nix knew damn well that she wasn't into that sort of thing and still have yet to open up her emotions since she terribly lacked the ability to show them. It might have been her past experiences or trauma. he did not want to kindle her feelings.

Soon they four walked out of the guest house. As they walked he received several envious gazes. If it was him back when he was transmigrated he'd have been uncomfortable and honestly, he wouldn't have been confident as well. But after being continuously made to lead people had increased his overall confidence.

"Nix..." Camila uttered and embraced his hand making her modest breasts drown his hand.

"Yeah?" He asked looking down at her. He wasn't embarrassed nor coy. His eyes brimmed with confidence. Unlike how the Isekai protagonists he'd have seen he didn;t wimp away and he was even in thoughts about how ironic such portrayal of a man was.

No man would ever shy away from a woman approaching him. One can be dense but not an extreme air head that he cannot grasp their signals. As such after experiencing first hand he believed that such portrayal was unrealistic.

Yet, he felt harem is unrealistic as well. Not that he did not want one. It was extremely unrealistic if he thinks with the customs on earth. Well, it is acceptable considering that women do possess harem in this world. 

Women didn't readily fall for him. If one goes back to cave men's lifestyle women would obviously like the strong men there are certainly many factors associated beyond all he had the potential to become stronger and was a protector. He also respected them. Rather than looks one's prospects should be confident, strength and character. 

"Can we go to some tattoo shop?" She said while fidgeting with her blue hair.

"Tattoo shop?" Cinzia asked.

"Yes... I want to get a tattoo."

"Okay" Nix replied indifferently.

"You'll be paying though..."


"Won't even refuse? Now that I think about you never really care about money do you," Camila said with her head up and her index finger on her chin as though she was in thought.

"Money is a result of the work you pour it can be anything. If you do it right you can earn. Bandit, assassin, thieve, a janitor, a watchman... there is a way to earn. Empyrean's case, it's not too hard to earn. If I need to earn I can earn. Simple as that."

"My- My, Now you are Philosophical huh?" Rebecca asked with a smirk.

"Just stated a fact. At the end of the day, everyone works to put food on their plates." He shrugged. 

"Oi, there's one Tatoo shop!"

Cinzia said and pointed to the distance. 

The group entered cheerfully and saw a bearded old man engraving a tattoo on Lady's upper chest with intricate designs.

"Welcome and please wait until I finish this work"

The man said without drifting his head from the middle-aged lady's bosom while using his needle.

The group sat on the couch and peered at the various designs that were hung on the walls for a while and waited until he finished up.

"Do you know that Tattoos can increase your mana efficiency?" Rebecca uttered while staring at one of the tattoo designs hung on the wall.

"Really?" Nix asked with a surprised face.

If what she said is true he might be able to come up to use it in a more efficient way than his bombardment using mana. He has certainly been having trouble using still now.

If he ever truly grasp the usage and efficiency he can use the mana conservatively and last longer in fights.

"Yeah, but they are special and one needs a very high dexterity and skills in a  pressure point and mana nervous system. It's pretty rare to find such an expert in this age. Heard the techniques been passed down."

Soon the old man finished the engraving and walked towards the group. His body was certainly trembling that they were in doubts about his handy work.

"Ohh My knight Rebecca is here praise the gods!"

The old man said with a surprise and drifted his head towards Nix who was seated in the middle along with the woman wearing a gruff expression on his face.

"Haha, seems like you are having the best life? Did the ladies compel you to get their names tattooed on you? Can't disagree. It's really worth it"

"Nah, Oldtimer. This bluey here wanted one."

He said looking at him while pointing Camila's head with his index finger.

The old man nodded his head and turned towards her while smoothening his beard using his hand as though he was in thought.

"What's do you want to be tattooed, young lady?"

"Hmm... Wait"

She uttered and turned towards Nix.

"Remove your jacket."

"Why?" Nix asked annoyedly.

"Just remove it." She nagged and placed her hand on Nix's jacket.

"Hah, okay"

He sighed and removed his jacket and looked at her with a dumbfounded expression.

"Turn around..."

As she directed he turned around portraying the Outlaw branding, a tattoo of a skull with horns.

The old man was agitated yet, calmly waited for Camila to speak.

"I want a tattoo similar to that but with the wing symbol of the regulars."

She said pointing at the wing tattoo that was placed on the display

"Just large as him or small?"

Nix's one was enormously large. So it would be unsightly for a woman and he really regretted branding Rebecca upon seeing the past. So he slightly looked at Rebecca who didn't care about it in the slightest.

"I want it smaller on my nape."

It was the Nix remembered that Camila wasn't branded. She was in the faction of Outlaws but did not have the branding. When he looked at her information it clearly said she was an outlaw but she wasn't branded one. As such he turned a blind eye to the fact.

"Okay...Take a seat on the chair."

He directed her to the seat that was inside the next room. And she followed his direction as well. Within a few minutes, he came back wearing a cheerful smile.

"Doesn't this look cool?"

She said pulling Nix's hand who was already in his sleep lying on Cinzia's shoulder.

"Hmm, yes really nice." He said drowsily after peering at her with his slightly opened eyelids. 

"You bastard!" She lightly slapped him to wake him up and that's when he noticed that there was a very small difference in the Tattoo.

Under the winged skull was a small name which was very minute that one would need to use a magnifying glass. It was a tattoo that possessed his and her name with a heart in the middle.

"Why did you even tattoo it?"

"I asked if it is nice or not?"

She said pouting.

"Really nice but..."

"Hehe, thanks!"

She said locking her hand with him.

Unlike Nix's expectation, Cinzia just smiled at her. Camila was an affectionate woman. They already discussed their relationship in a clear manner. Apart from all such things, she was a good friend she knew long ago. They weren't close but, she could say they weren't hostile as well. The same goes for Dae seok. Those two and Gunther volunteered to join her in Dracton when she raised a clan.

Nix was yet, to know about the trio's past. Regardless of all these Nix was baffled and touched. He believed that he wasn't anywhere comparable to the affection Camila showed. The same goes for his attitude towards Cinzia.

'I am really worthy of their love?'

That was the question that came into his mind. But it was the women that chose him and according to a woman's psychology. He was a man with a good personality, Charisma, strength, leadership a woman would like. He was also a gentleman, not a simp nor a dense motherfucker or a douche bag.

"Let's leave somewhere else."

Rebecca suggested.

Then they all went for shopping some clothes and roamed around for a while and ended up in a restaurant precisely located in the slum opposite the crooked lane where he begged helplessly.

"Why are you glancing at that lane?"

Camila asked with interest.

The restaurant was very cheap suiting the locality since it was the streets where the poor citizens dwell.

"That's where the girl I mentioned lives in"

"Not going to see her?"

"If it's okay I'll be back in a minute..."

He said after raising from his seat seeking permission.


All the three of them replied in unison.

He nodded his head and slowly opened the wooden door and walked towards the lane...


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